Encountering error while running simulations

Hi Himadri,
I had a quick look at the run dir. I think this commit runlog thing is just a warning, it’s not the fatal error that crashed the run.
If you check the access.err file, the first error message (I search for the first instance of forrtl) shows the following information:

forrtl: error (75): floating point exception
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source
mom5xx             0000000001D17464  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
libpthread-2.28.s  000014A41223AD10  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
mom5xx             0000000000E13E84  ocean_tempsalt_mo         725  ocean_tempsalt.F90
mom5xx             0000000000E0BF68  ocean_tempsalt_mo         939  ocean_tempsalt.F90
mom5xx             0000000000B70BD0  ocean_tracer_mod_        2466  ocean_tracer.F90
mom5xx             00000000005313C8  ocean_model_mod_m        1865  ocean_model.F90
mom5xx             0000000000F52425  MAIN__                    433  ocean_solo.F90
mom5xx             000000000040F162  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
libc-2.28.so       000014A411E8C7E5  __libc_start_main     Unknown  Unknown
mom5xx             000000000040F06E  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

So it looks like the ocean temperature-salinity is going unstable somewhere.

I also checked the file work/atmosphere/atm.fort6.pe0 and searched for Timestep and it looks like the atmosphere crashed after 72 timesteps. This suggests that the atmosphere initiated ok, but then something went unstable.