Applying for ESM Working Group Resources


ACCESS-NRI allocates compute and storage resources to the Working Groups to use to support their activities.

Currently those resources consist of computational resources (KSUs) and storage (/g/data allocations) on NCI HPC systems. These are allocated through the lg87 project, so you must join it to be able to access them.

The process for allocating resources amongst working groups is given by the ACCESS-NRI Merit Allocation Guidelines:

Proposal for distributing resources

The ESM Working Group needs a process to allocate these resources amongst the ESM Working Group community that prioritises the needs of the community, is fair and not onerous.


Create a topic with a brief outline of the proposed experiment (see example). Other members of the community who want to collaborate, or use the results of the experiment, or otherwise think it worth prioritising should reply indicating their support. The topic is where discussions should occur around how the experiment is configured, how it might be shared etc.

Requirements for anyone who is allocated working group resources for an experiment:

  1. Engage in good-faith collaboration to align with community requirements, e.g. save output diagnostics required by others
  2. Report back to the community: update their experiment topic with results including sufficient meta-data to enable others in the community to use their results, and communicate this at the next appropriate WG meeting
  3. Make data from experiments available to other members of the community (this could be facilitated by ACCESS-NRI if shared storage is not available)

More detail is available in the ACCESS-NRI Merit Allocation Guidelines


If you want to use some of the ESM Working Group allocation join lg87 and create a topic outlining your experiment. Share your proposal widely in the ESM Working Group community, engage with questions and convince your fellow group members of the merits of your experiment and urge them to reply to the topic indicating their support.

At the WG meeting today @LaurieM noted that no-one had made any proposals to use the compute resources ACCESS-NRI has made available to the ESM Working Group. As there is so little time left @LaurieM suggested we should ask members of the group who are currently running simulations if they could make use of this time.

Specifically @tiloz is running a number of ensembles that he would like to make available to the community to use.

Also @ars599 is working on CM2 ensemble runs, and @ShayneM has made contact to see if they are short on resources for the remaining quarter.

I am running large ensembles for DAMIP/LESFMIP and I have almost completed 10 ensemble members for 6 different single-forcing set-ups (GHGs, aerosols, solar, volcanic, natural and land use). I started total Ozone simulations and I have completed 4 ensemble members so far for this experiment and if it is okay with this group then I could set-up another 6 ensemble members for total Ozone which would use about 1 MSU. This is not urgent and I am happy for others to use available compute and I can scale back accordingly.

Hi all - almost two weeks later, and I have yet to put any experiment details here…

I am involved in the Southern Ocean Freshwater Input from Antarctica (SOFIA) Initiative (described in Swart et al. 2023) and plan to run Tier 2 runs at some point (listed in Table A1 of the paper). These runs are super cool! The first subset of runs over the historical period would require about 560 kSU, and of course would be available to everyone.

But this being said, I am time poor at the moment, and I also have access to other projects for compute time, so I think my runs should be a low priority.

@gpontes your experiments last meeting also sounded really cool - could you use more time? Anyone else?

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Hi @ariaan - I’ll try to run a few more members of my experiments (at least for the historical period) and could use some of the computing time available .