This category is where you can start a topic to describe an experiment you wish to share with the wider community. In most cases this would be an experiment you have run yourself, or done in collaboration with others.
It is also a requirement when using Working Group resources for an experiment to first create a post in this category describing the experiment you intend to run.
Why here?
As more topics are posted in the main category older posts will naturally slip down the list of topics, but shared experiments have a longer “shelf life” and remain of interest for a long time. So it makes it easier to discover shared experiments if they are in their own separate sub-category.
Why you should share?
Sharing fosters a better community, and others may share work that you will benefit from. It will make the work more widely used and introduce potential collaborators, increasing the impact of your science. It may also save others from repeating work.
Above all this is work that is potentially of critical societal importance. The right thing to do is share it as widely as possible.
What you need to share
Any new topic created in this sub-category will automatically populate the topic with a template to assist with including the important information that others will require to effectively use your experiment.
You should include the following information (at a minimum):
- Title
- Short description of the experiment
- Model configuration used. Preferably version numbers, even better a GitHub repository and commit hash or tag
- Initial conditions and forcing datasets (if appropriate)
- Run description (how long, number of ensembles, start date)
Ideally, it would also be good share:
- Scientific justification, model design and summary of how the experiment met those goals
- Location of output data and instructions to use index/catalogue to access data if applicable
- Location of any restart files if available
- Information about the resources required for the run