ACCESS-ESM1.5 ssp585 with meltwater

Experiment title:
ACCESS-ESM1.5 ssp585 with meltwater forcing in the North Atlantic

Run the ssp585 scenario with freshwater addition around the Southern tip of Greenland to mimic potential freshwater discharge from melting ice sheet and shelves, as well as iceberg calving.

Scientific motivation:
The Atlantic Overturning Circulation is the main driver of the northward oceanic heat transport today, affecting the global climate. CMIP6 models, including ACCESS-ESM1.5, fail to capture observed AMOC trends since the mid-20th century, which could be related to the fact that the current generation of Coupled and Earth System models do not include dynamic ice sheet melt. One way of overwhelming this issue is by artificially adding freshwater in the model.

Experiment Name: ssp585-45-grm

People: Gabriel Pontes and Laurie Menviel

Model: ACCESS-ESM1.5

Configuration: [to do]

Initial conditions: ssp585 runs will be restarted from a 4-member ensemble of historical runs that include meltwater discharge and are able to capture past observed trends of the AMOC.

Run plan: to run two 4-member ensembles of the ssp585 scenario with meltwater. One ensemble with low meltwater forcing and another one with high meltwater forcing

Simulation details:
Total KSUs required: ~95 KSU per member. Ideally, at least 4 members of each ensemble. Total: 95 x 8 = ~750 KSU

Total storage required: ~6TB



Related articles:
McCarthy, G. D., & Caesar, L. (2023). Can we trust projections of AMOC weakening based on climate models that cannot reproduce the past? Philosophical Transactions. Series A, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences, 381(2262), 20220193.



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