ACCESS-NRI Annual Work Plan FY2024-2025


ACCESS-NRI have released their draft work plan for the next 12 months and are seeking feedback. I’ve attached the full work plan as pdf below. The most relevant parts for COSIMA are:

1. Ocean / sea ice model development:

  • Release beta version of performant ACCESS-OM3 MOM6-CICE6 RYF and IAF configurations at 0.25 deg.
  • Port latest WOMBAT science developments into new generic codebase and make available in ACCESS-OM3 and ACCESS-OM2.
  • Through consultation with the research community and with other modelling centres, continue to improve/develop configurations involving WW3 and their associated coupling with the ocean and sea-ice.

2. Model releases:

  • No formal planned release of ACCESS-OM3 in the next year (but see previous point on beta release).

3. Software / Data:

  • Support for ACCESS-OM3 COSIMA Recipes.

ACCESS-NRI Work Plan FY2024-25 (DRAFT).pdf (171.4 KB)

Please comment on whether you think this is a good plan or have suggestions for different priorities. We can also discuss at the start of the COSIMA meeting on Thursday.


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Thanks for sharing @adele157. Just to clarify regarding


A “beta” release is a still a formal release of ACCESS-OM3 through the ACCESS-NRI release infrastructure. The “beta” signifies that we believe the software to be complete, but it still requires some real-world testing.

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Oh, right, thanks for pointing that out Dougie! I will edit the above to clarify.