ACCESS-Regional Nesting Suite software inventory

This is a software inventory for the ACCESS Regional Nesting Suite.


This inventory covers only the software used by the nci-gadi site. The LFRic LAM and all LFRic-related configuration and script files are out of scope for the initial release. For example, the scripts in app/generate_weights are LFRic-related, and therefore out of scope.

The ACCESS Regional Ancillary Suite u-dg767 is identical to the upstream Regional Auxiliary Suite as at u-bu503/trunk@289144 except for the Rose configuration. It is therefore also out of scope for the current audit.

Regional Nesting Suite u-dg768

Module directories used

Relevant module use statements appear in the following files:

  • /g/data/hh5/public/modules:
    • app/nci_*/rose-app.conf
  • /g/data/access/projects/access/modules:
    • site/nci-gadi/suite-adds.rc

Modules used

Modules are listed by their origin.

  • /apps/Modules/modulefiles

    • intel-compiler/2021.5.0
    • intel-mkl/2019.3.199
    • netcdf/4.7.1
    • openmpi/4.0.1, openmpi/4.0.2
    • python2/2.7.16
  • /g/data/hh5/public/modules

    • conda (loads: conda/analysis3-24.01)
    • conda/analysis3-23.01
  • /g/data/access/projects/access/modules

    • ants/0.11.0x (also loads: intel-compiler/2019.3.199)
    • drhook/1.1_ompi.4.0.2 (prerequisite: openmpi/4.0.2)
    • eccodes/2.8.0
    • fcm/2019.09.0
    • gcom/7.7_ompi.4.0.2 (prerequisite: openmpi/4.0.2)
    • pythonlib/mule (loads: pythonlib/mule/2022.05.1, also loads: python2/2.7.17)

Explicit PATH used

In site/nci-gadi/suite-adds.rc:

  • /g/data/du7/chs548/rmed/utils/moose-client-wrapper

Python scripting

Python scripts are listed by their origin within the u-dg768 file hierarchy.

  • Jinja2Filters

  • lib

    • python/
  • meta

    • lib/python/macros/
  • app (Python 2)

    • rose_ana_atm/bin/
    • rose_ana_atm/bin/
    • simim/file/
  • app (Python 3)

    • nci_era5grib/bin/
    • nci_era5grib_parallel/bin/
    • nci_era5grib_parallel/bin/
    • nci_hres_eccb/bin/
    • nci_hres_eccb/bin/
    • nci_hres_eccb/bin/
    • nci_hres_ic/bin/
    • nci_hres_ic/bin/
    • nci_hres_ic/bin/

Python packages imported

Python 2 packages imported

Python 2 packages are listed by their origin.

  • Built-in
    • imp
    • sys
  • /apps/python2/2.7.16/lib/python2.7
    • argparse
    • copy
    • os
    • re
    • subprocess
  • /apps/python2/2.7.16/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload
    • datetime
    • math
    • time
  • /apps/python2/2.7.16/lib/python2.7/site-packages
    • pytz
  • /g/data/hr22/apps/cylc7/cylc_7.9.9/lib
    • jinja2.filters
  • /g/data/hr22/apps/cylc7/rose_2019.01.8/lib/python/rose
    • rose.macro
  • /g/data/access/projects/access/apps/pythonlib/mule/2022.05.1
    • mule
    • um_utils.cumf
    • um_utils.trim
  • lib
    • vertical_levels

Python 3 packages imported

Python 3 packages are listed by their origin.

  • Built-in

    • sys
    • time
  • /g/data/hh5/public/apps/miniconda3/envs/analysis3-23.10/lib/python3.10

    • argparse
    • datetime
    • glob
    • multiprocessing
    • os
    • pathlib
    • random
    • shutil
  • /g/data/hh5/public/apps/miniconda3/envs/analysis3-23.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages

    • era5grib
    • iris
    • mule
    • numpy
    • pandas
    • xarray
  • app/nci_era5grib_parallel/bin

    • cdo_era5grib
  • app/nci_hres_ic/bin

    • replace_landsurface_with_BARRA2R_IC
    • replace_landsurface_with_ERA5land_IC
  • app/nci_hres_eccb/bin

    • replace_landsurface_with_BARRA2R_IC (duplicate)
    • replace_landsurface_with_ERA5land_IC (duplicate)

Programs called

Built-in rose commands

  • fcm_make, rose_arch, rose_bunch, rose_prune

The usual Gnu/POSIX utilities

  • cut, find, gunzip, head, ln, mkdir, mv, rev, sort, tar, xarg, etc.

Programs defined but not called

Python scripts defined as programs
  • bin/setup_metadata

Programs called by Cylc task Bash scripts

Python scripts defined as programs
  • bin/get_cycle_offset
  • bin/install_lbcdata
  • bin/install_startdata
Programs called via rose-app.conf [command]

By Rose app config file.

  • ./app/check_hall/rose-app.conf: select_hall
    ./app/glm_um/rose-app.conf: um-atmos
    ./app/poller/rose-app.conf: true
    ./app/surf_ostia2nwp/rose-app.conf: SurfScr_OSTIA2NWP
    ./app/surf_smc/rose-app.conf: SurfScr_SoilMoistureAnalysis
    ./app/um_createbc/rose-app.conf: um-createbc.exe
    ./app/um/rose-app.conf: um-atmos

Programs called by Python 2 scripts

Programs called via os.system
  • Called from bin/install_lbcdata
    • /bin/tar
    • /g/data/du7/chs548/rmed/utils/moose-client-wrapper/moo
      • (restricted read access.)
Programs called via subprocess
  • Called from bin/install_lbcdata and bin/install_startdata
    • /opt/nci/bin/mdss
    • /g/data/du7/chs548/rmed/utils/moose-client-wrapper/moo
      • (restricted read access.)
  • Called from bin/install_startdata
    • /bin/gunzip

Programs called by Python 3 scripts

Programs called via os.system
  • Called from app/nci_era5grib_parallel/bin/
    • /g/data/hh5/public/apps/miniconda3/envs/analysis3-23.10/bin/cdo
      • Uses hh5 conda/analysis3-23.01 module loaded by app/nci_era5grib_parallel/rose-app.conf
Programs called via subprocess

None. (The instances in app/generate_weights are LFRic-related and are out of scope.)

Programs and libraries built

fcm: source locations configured

By Rose and FCM configuration files.

  • app/fcm_make_createbc/rose-app.conf
    • config_root_path=fcm:um.xm_tr
  • app/fcm_make_um/rose-app.conf is the suite Rose configuration file used to build $ROSE_SUITE_DIR/share/fcm_make_um/build-atmos/bin/um-atmos.exe and $ROSE_SUITE_DIR/share/fcm_make_um/build-recon/bin/um-recon.exe. It contains:
    • COUPLER=none
      = fcm:um.xm/branches/dev/paulfield/vn13.0_casim_prec_frac@112741
      = fcm:um.xm/branches/dev/adrianlock/vn13.0_CoMA_cloud_inhom_regime@112431
      = fcm:um.xm/branches/dev/adrianlock/vn13.0_comorph_radius_q_dep@111985
  • app/fcm_make_um/file/fcm-make.cfg is the suite FCM configuration file used to build um-atmos.exe and um-recon.exe. It contains:
    • include = $config_root_path/fcm-make/$platform_config_dir/um-$config_type-$optimisation_level.cfg$config_revision
    • resolving to: fcm:um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/nci-x86-ifort/um-atmos-safe.cfg which contains:
      • include = um-atmos-common.cfg
      • resolving to: fcm:um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/um-atmos-common.cfg. This is the main FCM config file used to build um-atmos.exe and um-recon.exe. It contains::
        • $casim_project_location{?} = fcm:casim.xm
          $casim_base{?} = trunk
          $casim_rev{?} = head
          $jules_project_location{?} = fcm:jules.xm
          $jules_base{?} = trunk
          $jules_rev{?} = head
          $shumlib_project_location{?} = fcm:shumlib.xm
          $shumlib_base{?} = trunk
          $shumlib_rev{?} = head
          $socrates_project_location{?} = fcm:socrates.xm
          $socrates_base{?} = trunk
          $socrates_rev{?} = head
          $ukca_project_location{?} = fcm:ukca.xm
          $ukca_base{?} = trunk
          $ukca_rev{?} = head
          $um_project_location{?} = fcm:um.xm
          $um_base{?} = trunk
          $um_rev{?} = head
          extract.location{primary}[casim] = $casim_project_location
          extract.location[casim] = $casim_base@$casim_rev
          extract.location{primary}[jules] = $jules_project_location
          extract.location[jules] = $jules_base@$jules_rev
          extract.location{primary}[shumlib] = $shumlib_project_location
          extract.location[shumlib] = $shumlib_base@$shumlib_rev
          extract.location{primary}[socrates] = $socrates_project_location
          extract.location[socrates] = $socrates_base@$socrates_rev
          extract.location{primary}[ukca] = $ukca_project_location
          extract.location[ukca] = $ukca_base@$ukca_rev
          extract.location{primary}[um] = $um_project_location
          extract.location[um] = $um_base@$um_rev\
        • resolving to:
        • extract.location{primary}[casim] = fcm:casim.xm
          extract.location[casim] = trunk@um13.0
          extract.location{primary}[jules] = fcm:jules.xm
          extract.location[jules] = trunk@um13.0
          extract.location{primary}[shumlib] = fcm:shumlib.xm
          extract.location[shumlib] = trunk@um13.0
          extract.location{primary}[socrates] = fcm:socrates.xm
          extract.location[socrates] = trunk@um13.0
          extract.location{primary}[ukca] = fcm:ukca.xm
          extract.location[ukca] = trunk@um13.0
          extract.location{primary}[um] = fcm:um.xm
          extract.location[um] = trunk@um13.0
        • fcm:um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/um-atmos-common.cfg also specifies that parts of each of the components casim, jules, shumlib, socrates, ukcaandum` are extracted, by specifying for each component:
          • extract.path-excl[component]
        • fcm:um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/um-atmos-common.cfg also contains:
          • $ATMOS_EXEC{?} = um-atmos.exe
            $RECON_EXEC{?} = um-recon.exe
            $COUPLER{?} = none # Coupler name
            $gwd_ussp_precision{?} = double
            $land_surface_model{?} = jules # land surface model
            $ls_precipitation_precision{?} = double
            $mpp_version{?} = 1C # C96
            $portio_version{?} = 2A # C95
            $stash_version{?} = 1A # C84
            $timer_version{?} = 3A # C97
            $recon_mpi{?} = parallel # Parallel/serial reconfiguration
            include = ${recon_mpi}.cfg
          • resolving to fcm:um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/nci-x86-ifort/inc/parallel.cfg which contains:
            • $ccflags_omp_on{?} = -qopenmp
              $fcflags_omp_on{?} = -qopenmp
              $ldflags_drhook_on{?} = -ldrhook -qopenmp
              $ldflags_eccodes_on{?} = -leccodes_f90 -leccodes
              $ldflags_netcdf_on{?} = -lnetcdff -lnetcdf
              $ldflags_omp_on{?} = -qopenmp
              $ldgcom_omp{?} = -qopenmp
              include = options/common.cfg
            • resolving to fcm:um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/options/common.cfg which contains:
              • $COUPLER{?} = none # Coupler name
                $DR_HOOK{?} = false # Dr Hook library
                $eccodes{?} = false # ECCodes GRIB support
                $gwd_ussp_precision{?} = double
                $land_surface_model{?} = jules # land surface model
                $ls_precipitation_precision{?} = double
                $mkl{?} = false # Intel Math Kernel Library
                $mpp_version{?} = 1C # C96
                $netcdf{?} = false # NetCDF support
                $openmp{?} = false # OpenMP
                $platagnostic{?} = false # Platform agnostic builds
                $portio_version{?} = 2A # C95
                $recon_mpi{?} = parallel # Parallel/serial reconfiguration
                $stash_version{?} = 1A # C84
                $thread_utils{?} = false # Thread Utils Module (from SHUMlib)
                $timer_version{?} = 3A # C97
                include = $HERE/coupler/${COUPLER}.cfg
                include = $HERE/drhook/${DR_HOOK}.cfg
                include = $HERE/eccodes/${eccodes}.cfg
                include = $HERE/ussp/${gwd_ussp_precision}.cfg
                include = $HERE/land_surface/${land_surface_model}.cfg
                include = $HERE/ls_precip/${ls_precipitation_precision}.cfg
                include = $HERE/mkl/${mkl}.cfg
                include = $HERE/mpp/${mpp_version}.cfg
                include = $HERE/netcdf/${netcdf}.cfg
                include = $HERE/openmp/${openmp}.cfg
                include = $HERE/platagnostic/${platagnostic}.cfg
                include = $HERE/portio/${portio_version}.cfg
                include = $HERE/recon_mpi/${recon_mpi}.cfg
                include = $HERE/stash/${stash_version}.cfg
                include = $HERE/thread_utils/${thread_utils}.cfg
                include = $HERE/timer/${timer_version}.cfg
              • resolving to:
              • include = fcm:um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/options/coupler/none.cfg
                include = um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/options/drhook/false.cfg
                include = um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/options/eccodes/true.cfg
                include = um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/options/ussp/double.cfg
                include = um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/options/land_surface/jules.cfg
                include = um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/options/ls_precip/double.cfg
                include = um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/options/mkl/false.cfg
                include = um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/options/mpp/1C.cfg
                include = um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/options/netcdf/true.cfg
                include = um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/options/openmp/true.cfg
                include = um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/options/platagnostic/false.cfg
                include = um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/options/portio/2A.cfg
                include = um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/options/recon_mpi/parallel.cfg
                include = um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/options/stash/1A.cfg
                include = um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/options/thread_utils/false.cfg
                include = um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/options/timer/3A.cfg
              • Including these files results in setting these variables:
                • $cppflags_eccodes{?} = GRIB_AVAILABLE=grib_available
                  $cppflags_land_surface{?} = UM_JULES=um_jules
                  $cppflags_mpp{?} = C96_1C=c96_1c
                  $cppflags_netcdf{?} = NETCDF_AVAILABLE=netcdf_available
                  $cppflags_portio{?} = C95_2A=c95_2a
                  $cppflags_stash{?} = C84_1A=c84_1a
                  $cppflags_thread_utils{?} =
                  $cppflags_timer{?} = C97_3A=c97_3a
                  $fcflags_eccodes{?} =
                  $fcflags_netcdf{?} =
                  $fcflags_omp{?} = -qopenmp
                  $fppflags_platagnostic{?} =
                  $ldflags_eccodes{?} = -leccodes_f90 -leccodes
                  $ldflags_netcdf{?} = -lnetcdff -lnetcdf
                  $ldflags_omp{?} = -qopenmp
                  $nodep_options = $nodep_options eccodes netcdf
                  $openmp_path = openmp
          • fcm:um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/nci-x86-ifort/inc/parallel.cfg also contains:
          • $ldflags_overrides_prefix{?} =
            $ldflags_overrides_suffix{?} =
            $ldflags{?} = $ldflags_overrides_prefix \
            \ -lgcom $ldgcom_omp $ldflags_netcdf $ldflags_eccodes \
            \ $ldflags_omp $ldflags_drhook \
            \ -mcmodel=medium -shared-intel \
            \ $ldflags_overrides_suffix
          • resulting in
          • $ldflags{?} = -lgcom -qopenmp -lnetcdff -lnetcdf \
            \ -leccodes_f90 -leccodes \
            \ -qopenmp -mcmodel=medium -shared-intel
        • fcm:um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile/fcm-make/inc/um-atmos-common.cfg also specifies the source files, compiler flags and linker flags used for each of the executables um-atmos.exe and um-recon.exe. The header and Fortran module file locations are assumed to be specified via CPATH and FPATH. The library locations are assumed to be specified by LIBRARY_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. These are set in the environment via (e.g.) environment modules.
  • app/fcm_make_um/file/fcm-make.cfg also contains:
    • extract.location{diff}[casim] = $casim_sources
      extract.location{diff}[jules] = $jules_sources
      extract.location{diff}[shumlib] = $shumlib_sources
      extract.location{diff}[socrates] = $socrates_sources
      extract.location{diff}[ukca] = $ukca_sources
      extract.location{diff}[um] = $um_sources
    • resolving to:
    • extract.location{diff}[casim] = casim.xm/branches/dev/paulfield/um13.0_um13_casim_vn1.0_aggcfl@9955
      extract.location{diff}[jules] =
      extract.location{diff}[shumlib] =
      extract.location{diff}[socrates] =
      extract.location{diff}[ukca] =
      extract.location{diff}[um] =
    • FCM uses these diff locations to modify the extracted files for each component.

Programs installed

Program directories installed by install_cold

Configured by app/install_cold/opt/rose-app-nci-gadi.conf.

  • $ROSE_SUITE_DIR/share/fcm_make_um_utils
    • source=/projects/access/umdir/vn13.0/linux/utilities
      • This directory does not exist, it probably should be
        • source=/projects/access/umdir/vn13.0/gadi/utilities
  • $ROSE_SUITE_DIR/share/fcm_make_surf
    • source=/projects/access/NWP_SHARE/surf-2020.01.0/1.0.0/intel1903-ompi401
      • Built from
        • /scratch/dp9/sjr548/cylc-run/surf-2020.01.0/work/1/fcm_make_surf_x86_64_ifort_opt_mirror

Amazing job @paulleopardi!
Is this list comprehensive of both Regiona Ancillary Suite u-dg767 and Regional Nesting Suite u-dg768?

There a two Jinja2Filters python scripts in u-dg767 that are not included in your list:


I still haven’t finished the list. I will do my best today, but am also working on access-esm1.5 Spack.

1 Like

To directly answer your question, I haven’t started on u-dg767 yet.

1 Like

Also, u-dg767 is identical to the upstream Regional Auxiliary Suite as at u-bu503/trunk@289144 except for the Rose configuration. I will update the scope to exclude it from the current audit.

Relevant FCM configuration trees in um.xm-br/dev/simonwilson/vn13.0_archer2_compile

$ tree fcm-make/nci-x86-ifort
β”œβ”€β”€ inc
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ libs.cfg
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ parallel.cfg
β”‚   └── serial.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-atmos-debug.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-atmos-high.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-atmos-rigorous.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-atmos-safe.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-createbc-debug.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-createbc-high.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-createbc-safe.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-libs-high.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-scm-debug.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-scm-high.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-scm-rigorous.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-scm-safe.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-utils-serial-debug.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-utils-serial-high.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-utils-serial-rigorous.cfg
└── um-utils-serial-safe.cfg

1 directory, 19 files
$ tree fcm-make/inc
β”œβ”€β”€ options
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ common.cfg
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ coupler
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ none.cfg
β”‚   β”‚   └── oasis3_mct.cfg
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ drhook
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ false.cfg
β”‚   β”‚   └── true.cfg
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ eccodes
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ false.cfg
β”‚   β”‚   └── true.cfg
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ land_surface
β”‚   β”‚   └── jules.cfg
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ ls_precip
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ double.cfg
β”‚   β”‚   └── single.cfg
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ mkl
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ false.cfg
β”‚   β”‚   └── true.cfg
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ mpp
β”‚   β”‚   └── 1C.cfg
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ netcdf
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ false.cfg
β”‚   β”‚   └── true.cfg
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ openmp
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ c_only.cfg
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ false.cfg
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ fortran_only.cfg
β”‚   β”‚   └── true.cfg
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ platagnostic
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ false.cfg
β”‚   β”‚   └── true.cfg
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ portio
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ 2A.cfg
β”‚   β”‚   └── 2B.cfg
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ recon_mpi
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ parallel.cfg
β”‚   β”‚   └── serial.cfg
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ stash
β”‚   β”‚   └── 1A.cfg
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ thread_utils
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ false.cfg
β”‚   β”‚   └── true.cfg
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ timer
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ 1A.cfg
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ 3A.cfg
β”‚   β”‚   └── 4A.cfg
β”‚   └── ussp
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ double.cfg
β”‚       └── single.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-atmos-common.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-createbc-common.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-libs-common.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-scm-common.cfg
β”œβ”€β”€ um-utils-mpp-common.cfg
└── um-utils-serial-common.cfg

17 directories, 39 files

Shell scripts in u-dg768 (including LFRic):


Shell scripts in u-dg768 but not in u-by395@292921: none.

Python scripts in u-dg768:


Python scripts in u-dg768 but not in u-by395@292921:
