Analysing CMIP6 models in gadi using Python?

Hi Will,

The short answer is there’s no plan post-CLEX to maintain clef and the intake catalogues as they are don’t make comparison with the remote colelction.

The long answer is, it might be possible to adapt clef to use intake catalogues.
However, we use file checksums for the remote query in clef.
This is because especially for CMIP5 data this was the only reliable way to make sure what was available locally was identical to the remote version.
Intake catalogues don’t record checksums, it could be possible but it would require NCI to have a special workflow for the CMIP data.
It might be that this is less of an issue with CMIP7 if they are using tracking-ids more consistently and if these tracking-ids are available in the intake catalogues.
If that’s the case, it would be relatively easy for someone to update clef to use them instead of the postgres database.
I was considering having a go at this update but I’m running out of time. I might still have a go if there’s enough interest.