Announce: Atmosphere Working Group

Atmosphere Working Group Meeting 12.06.2024

Our next working group meeting will be held at 14:00 on 12.06.2024.

For a calendar invite, simply click on the relevant calendar link below


  1. Admin: Volunteer for taking today’s meeting minutes to post here on the Forum.

  2. Simulating aerosol in the Regional Nesting Suite: presentation by Matt Woodhouse (15 + 10mins)
    Matt will provide an overview of an aerosol-enabled configuration of the Regional Nesting Suite. The configuration uses the GLOMAP-mode microphysical aerosol scheme coupled to the CASIM cloud scheme. I’ll talk about the boundary conditions (and the Regional Ancillary Suite), and how the suite has been configured to address our scientific questions. Matt would appreciate feedback on the configuration of the domains!

  3. Tech talk: a short tutorial on Ancillaries and ANTS by Martin Dix (10 + 5 mins)

  4. Storage and Compute resources for Atmosphere WG

  5. ACCESS Community Workshop 2024: 2-5 September, 2024. Canberra/online.
    ** Save the date! **

  6. Annual Atmosphere WG meeting: 5th September, 2024. Canberra (Heidi)

    • Interest to combine WG meeting (half-day) and training on RNS (half-day)?
  7. Joint R&D Workshop & Momentum Convective Scale Workshop: 9-13 September, 2024. Bureau of Meteorology (Charmaine)