Atmosphere Working Group Announce 2023 (Archived)

Atmosphere Working Group Kick-off Meeting

Atmosphere Working Group Kick-off Meeting: 17th May at 10am

(The date above is a link that you can click on to add to your calendar)

VC details:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 5179 7600
Password: 408139

Proposed Agenda:

• Round table introductions from participants including research area, experience, etc
• Brief Introduction to ACCESS-Hive and the Forum
• Introduce the Atmosphere Working Group, it’s purpose and how it operates
• Discuss draft Terms of Reference
• Decide on format and frequency of the meeting

If you have things you’d like to discuss in working group meetings reply in this topic:

Hi everyone,

At our Atmosphere Working Group kick-off meeting on the 17th of May, we plan to have a round of Introductions to give everyone the chance to briefly introduce themselves.

Could you please fill out the attached slide template and send it to before the 15th of May so that they can be compiled before the meeting.

AtmosWG_slide_template.pptx (473.8 KB)

Next Atmosphere Working Group Meeting 22.06.2023

Our next Atmosphere Working Group Meeting is 2023-06-22T01:00:00Z.
(The date above is a link that you can click on to add to your calendar)

Following our kickoff meeting, it was decided to have monthly meetings, and that the general format would be two short 10 minute science presentations (+ 5 mins questions) followed by other discussions around shared goals and priorities as required.

If you would like to volunteer to do a short science presentation, or want to suggest a topic for the agenda of the next meeting, please reply to the “Ideas for topics and discussions” on the forum.

There will be a reminder sent prior to the meeting, with an agenda of who will present and what else will be discussed.

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Reminder: Atmosphere Working Group Meeting 22.06.2023

This is a reminder the next working group meeting is 2023-06-22T01:00:00Z.


  1. Admin: Volunteer for taking today’s meeting minutes to post on the forum;
    volunteers for science talks.
    Reiterate how to watch announce topic (see videos on how to use the Forum).
  2. Science talks:
    a) ACCESS-A: Development of the Australian domain convective-scale numerical weather prediction model by Shaun Cooper, Belinda Roux, Mat Lipson.
    b) Atmospheric modelling over the Southern Ocean by Sonya Fiddes.
  3. WG Training needs: Discuss our WG’s training needs to feed ideas into the planning for the ACCESS-NRI workshop in September.
    !! Homework before our meeting​: Recall when you first started setting up/ running the ACCESS model, what did you have trouble with? What things do you wish there was more training and information about?
  4. Documentation: What needs to be documented about setting up and running the UM? (e.g. adding new output fields, etc.)
  5. UM research activities: Discuss our WG’s list of national atmospheric modelling research activities using the UM. Please add to this table.
  6. ACCESS-NRI Workshop (5-8 Sept ): Report from program committee meeting (Yi Huang). Need to decide: 1 or 2-day Atmosphere Working Group meeting?
  7. ACCESS-NRI resources: Decision required on allocating available time. To propose an idea, see this forum post.

Connection details

11am 22/6/2023 ::: Microsoft Teams: Launch meeting

For this meeting we are using Microsoft Teams (instead of Zoom) as number of people from the Bureau had difficulty connecting last meeting.

Additional information

Meeting notes

Notes from previous meeting available on the forum in this topic.
We need volunteers for taking future meeting minutes please!

Compute resources

The guidelines for accessing working group compute resources outline a process for deciding who gets what.

Research activities using the UM

We are collating a summary atmospheric modelling research activities with the UM within the Atmosphere Working Group. Please add in the table any research activities that you wish to share with the wider ACCESS community.

Using the ACCESS Hive-forum

There are three short videos on the forum about using the forum:

  1. How to navigate the forum
  2. How to watch a topic to get updates
  3. How to create a topic

As well there are a number of other knowledge-base articles about using the forum.

Next Atmosphere Working Group Meeting 25.07.2023

Our next Atmosphere Working Group Meeting is 2023-07-25T04:00:00Z
Note: → The date above is a link that you can click on to add to your calendar


Subscribe to the Atmosphere Working Group calendar in your favourite calendaring app:

  1. Atmosphere Working Group Meeting Calendar feed (right click on the link and copy the URL)
  2. Subscribe to the calendar in your calendar application


If you would like to volunteer to do a short science presentation, or want to suggest a topic for the agenda of the next meeting, please reply to the “Ideas for topics and discussions” on the forum.

There will be a reminder sent prior to the meeting, with an agenda of who will present and what else will be discussed.

Reminder: Atmosphere Working Group Meeting 25.07.2023

This is a reminder the next working group meeting is 2023-07-25T04:00:00Z.


To receive a calendar invite to our Atmosphere team meetings, please subscribe to the Atmosphere Working Group calendar in your favourite calendaring app:

  1. Atmosphere Working Group Meeting Calendar feed → right click on the link and copy the URL!
  2. Subscribe to the calendar in your calendar application (e.g. outlook, gmail, etc.)


  1. Admin:
    Volunteer for taking today’s meeting minutes to post here on the Forum
    Volunteers for science talks.

  2. Science talk: (AUS2200) Dynamics and processes of surface drying conditions during the Black Summer bushfires in Australia: insights from high-resolution simulations by Dr. Hooman Ayat from Melbourne University.

  3. UM research activities: Discuss our WG’s list of national atmospheric modelling research activities using the UM. Please add to this table.

  4. Combined Working Group meeting with Forecasting and Prediction on the Single Column Model?

  5. ACCESS-NRI Workshop (Sep 4-7):

  • Workshop Program (Sep 5-6) (Yi Huang): Draft program; Suggestions for breakout session?
  • Training day (Sep 4) (Heidi Nettelbeck): Draft training program - TBA
  • Atmosphere WG Meeting day (Sep 7) (Charmaine Franklin): Decide on meeting content; AUS2200 training?
  1. Poll - ACCESS-NRI Workshop attendance: Please fill out these polls to plan for the upcoming ACCESS-NRI workshop and Atmosphere WG day.

  2. Next meeting:
    2-3pm on 15.08.2023 (Tuesday)

Connection details

Zoom: Launch meeting

Additional information

Meeting notes

Notes from previous meeting available on the forum in this topic.

Research activities using the UM

Please add to the table summarising atmospheric modelling research activities with the UM to share with the wider ACCESS community.

Compute resources

Guidelines for accessing working group compute resources.
Experiments run in 2023 q2:

Using the ACCESS Hive-forum

There are three short videos on the forum about using the forum:

  1. How to navigate the forum
  2. How to watch a topic to get updates
  3. How to create a topic

As well there are a number of other knowledge-base articles about using the forum.

Reminder: Atmosphere Working Group Meeting 15.08.2023

This is a reminder the next working group meeting is 2023-08-15T04:00:00Z.

Want a Calendar Invite?

To receive a calendar invite to our Atmosphere team meetings, please subscribe to the Atmosphere Working Group calendar in your favourite calendar app by:

  1. Atmosphere Working Group Meeting Calendar feed → right click on link and copy the URL!
  2. Subscribe to the calendar in your calendar application (e.g. outlook, gmail, etc.)


  1. Admin:
  • Volunteer for taking today’s meeting minutes to post here on the Forum.
  • Volunteers for upcoming science talks.
  • List of national atmospheric modelling research activities using the UM: Please add to this table.
  1. Today’s Science talk: Assessing changes to hail hazard across Australia by Dr. Tim Raupach from UNSW.

  2. ACCESS-NRI Workshop (Sep 4-7):
    !! Registrations close on 20.08.2023

  1. Atmosphere WG Meeting - decide on content (morning session); AUS2200 training (afternoon)

  2. Poll - ACCESS-NRI Workshop attendance: Please fill out these polls to plan for the upcoming ACCESS-NRI workshop and Atmosphere WG day.

  3. Next meeting:
    9:00am-5pm on 07.09.2023: Virtual/in-person at the ACCESS-NRI Workshop

Connection details

Zoom: Launch meeting

Additional information

Meeting notes

Notes from previous meeting available on the forum in this topic.

Research activities using the UM

Please add to the table summarising atmospheric modelling research activities with the UM to share with the wider ACCESS community.

Using the ACCESS Hive-forum

There are three short videos on the forum about using the forum:

  1. How to navigate the forum
  2. How to watch a topic to get updates
  3. How to create a topic

There are also a number of other knowledge-based articles about using the forum.

Compute resources

Guidelines for accessing working group compute resources.
Experiments run in 2023 q2:

Reminder: Atmosphere Working Group Meeting 07.09.2023

This is a reminder the next working group meeting will be held during the ACCESS-NRI Workshop 2023-09-07T09:00:00Z.

Virtual participants - Connection details

Zoom: Launch meeting


  1. Admin:
  • Welcome / Acknowledgement of Country
  • Volunteer for taking today’s meeting minutes to post here on the Forum.
  1. Lightning talks:
  • All attendees to present 1-3 slides (2-3 mins) on their current and/or future work relevant to the WG.
  1. Science talks:
  • Marty Singh: Developing process understanding using model hierarchies: examples from convection permitting modelling
  • Matt Woodhouse: Overview of ACCESS composition-climate modelling capabilities
  • Christian Jakob: Atmospheric Modelling for 21st Century Weather - Plans and Dreams
  1. Breakout session:
    Discussions on various topics (TBC) regarding documentation, training, common evaluation tools and data sets, as well as future infrastructure needs.

  2. AUS2200 Training (13:30-17:00)
    AUS2200 covers the Australian continent with a grid spacing of approx. 2200m, using RAL3 science settings. This training will focus on a subset of the domain for the 2020 Canberra hailstorm case.

  3. Next Atmosphere WG meeting:
    11am on 19.10.2023 (Thursday)

Additional information

Want a Calendar Invite?

To receive a calendar invite subscribe to the Atmosphere Working Group calendar in your favourite calendar app by:

Step 1: right click on this link and copy the URL: Atmosphere Working Group Meeting Calendar feed

  • Note: Do not download the .ics file as this is a static snapshot of the calendar rather than subscribing to one that allows updates.

Step 2. Follow the steps in this post: Subscribe to the calendar in your calendar application to set up a new calendar for your preferred calendar app (e.g. outlook, gmail, iOS calendar etc.)

Hints for Outlook users:

  • Add from your Outlook Web email (not the Outlook app on your local device), click ‘add calendar’ on the left hand panel.
  • Paste the .ics link that you copied in Step 1 above.
  • If in your Outlook app the new calendar (for Atmosphere WG) appears separate from your personal one, select ‘view’ (from above menu) and ‘overlay’ to overlay the calendar with your personal one.

Meeting notes

Notes from previous meeting available on the forum in this topic.

Research activities using the UM

Please add to the table summarising atmospheric modelling research activities with the UM to share with the wider ACCESS community.

Using the ACCESS Hive-forum

There are three short videos on the forum about using the forum:

  1. How to navigate the forum
  2. How to watch a topic to get updates
  3. How to create a topic

There are also a number of other knowledge-based articles about using the forum.

Compute resources

Guidelines for accessing working group compute resources.

Reminder: Atmosphere Working Group Meeting 19.10.2023

This is a reminder the next working group meeting will be held on 19.10.2023 at 11am 2023-10-19T00:00:00Z.

Connection details

Zoom: Launch meeting

Want a Calendar Invite?

See Calendar Invite instructions below in Additional information.


  1. Admin:
    Volunteer for taking today’s meeting minutes to post here on the Forum.

  2. Science talk:
    Chun-Hsu Su “Bureau of Meteorology Atmospheric high-resolution Regional Reanalysis for Australia (BARRA)” (20 + 5 min questions)

  3. Datasets:
    Discuss Datasets that our Atmosphere WG wants the ACCESS-NRI to support (region, resolution, time period) (20 min)

    • Realistic expectations about data volume that we can expect (Andy Hogg/ Heidi)
    • Datasets for driving the model e.g. ERA5, BARRA, ACCESS-G
    • Datasets for evaluating the simulations e.g. GPM, AGCD, radar, AWS station data, ERA5, BARRA
    • Consensus - what to put forward as our WG dataset priorities (10 min)

    —> Please add your dataset suggestions to this Forum post.

  4. Compute available for Qt. 4 for Atmosphere WG (875 kSU).
    Add your proposed experiment as a new post here on the Forum.

  5. Next Atmosphere WG meeting:
    30.11.2023 at 11:30 (Thursday)
    Interest in a talk by Martin Dix on the Single Column Model (SCM) or combined meeting with Forecasting and Prediction WG?

Additional information

Want a Calendar Invite?

To receive a calendar invite subscribe to the Atmosphere Working Group calendar in your favourite calendar app by:

  • Step 1: right click on this link and copy the URL: Atmosphere Working Group Meeting Calendar feed
    Do not download the .ics file as this is a static snapshot of the calendar rather than subscribing to one that allows updates.

  • Step 2. Follow the steps in this post to set up a new calendar for your preferred calendar app (e.g. outlook, gmail, iOS calendar etc.)

    Hints for Outlook users:

    • Add from your Outlook Web email (not the Outlook app on your local device), click ‘add calendar’ on the left hand panel.
    • Paste the .ics link that you copied in Step 1 above.
    • If in your Outlook app the new calendar (for Atmosphere WG) appears separate from your personal one, select ‘view’ (from above menu) and ‘overlay’ to overlay the calendar with your personal one.

Using the ACCESS Hive-forum

There are three short videos on the forum about using the forum:

  1. How to navigate the forum

  2. How to watch a topic to get updates

  3. How to create a topic

    There are also a number of other knowledge-based articles about using the forum.

Compute resources

See Guidelines for accessing working group compute resources.

Reminder: Atmosphere Working Group Meeting 30.11.2023

This is a reminder the next working group meeting will be held on 30.11.2023 at 11:30am 2023-11-30T00:30:00Z.

Connection details

Zoom: Launch meeting


  1. Admin:
    Volunteer for taking today’s meeting minutes to post here on the Forum.

  2. Compute and Storage: Overview (Claire Carouge) + discussion/questions.

  3. Aus2200: Update on ACCESS-NRI support (Andy Hogg)

  4. Science talk - AUS2200:
    Hooman Ayat “Comparing the fire weather dynamics during the high-impact bushfire events in Australia using high-resolution regional simulations” (15 + 5 mins)

  5. Working Group feedback Want more out of your ACCESS Working Group? (Heidi)

  6. Next Atmosphere WG meeting:
    Date TBC (early Feb 2024)

Additional information

Want a Calendar Invite?

To receive a calendar invite subscribe to the Atmosphere Working Group calendar in your favourite calendar app by:

  • Step 1: right click on this link and copy the URL: Atmosphere Working Group Meeting Calendar feed
    Do not download the .ics file as this is a static snapshot of the calendar rather than subscribing to one that allows updates.

  • Step 2. Follow the steps in this post to set up a new calendar for your preferred calendar app (e.g. outlook, gmail, iOS calendar etc.)

    Hints for Outlook users:

    • Add from your Outlook Web email (not the Outlook app on your local device), click ‘add calendar’ on the left hand panel.
    • Paste the .ics link that you copied in Step 1 above.
    • If in your Outlook app the new calendar (for Atmosphere WG) appears separate from your personal one, select ‘view’ (from above menu) and ‘overlay’ to overlay the calendar with your personal one.

Using the ACCESS Hive-forum

There are three short videos on the forum about using the forum:

  1. How to navigate the forum

  2. How to watch a topic to get updates

  3. How to create a topic

    There are also a number of other knowledge-based articles on using the forum.