This is a space for discussion during our Atmosphere WG meeting at the 2023 ACCESS workshop.
Meeting link Launch Meeting - Zoom
AUS2200 training material: Introduction — Aus2200 Training
@Scott - did you say there was a specific BoM project needed for the eval suite? Can you tell me which one it is? And are the bureau open to others accessing it?
Also just want to say your intro looks awesome! Thanks so much Scott for getting all this together! (I’ve got to head off zoom but will keep an eye on the chat!)
The project for the RES observations is dp9 - the data is from the Met Office I will need to check what the licensing conditions are
We will have the morning of Thursday September 7th to meet as a working group. This will be a hybrid meting. Please add below your ideas, or your support for ideas, for what we could do during that 2-2.5 hours and how much time you think we should dedicate to science verses discussion.
Science ideas:
- Lightning presentations from anyone who wants to present and share what they are doing and their atmospheric modelling interests
- Longer 10 min science presentations from working group members
- Presentation from outside the group, e.g. Met Office modeller, model evaluation expert, …
Discussion topics:
- What documentation do we as atmospheric modellers need? e.g. how to get started running the UM on NCI, how to output new fields from your model runs, …
- What we think we’ll need as atmospheric modellers in the near-term and longer-term to inform decisions that the ACCESS-NRI make about what infrastructure to support?
- How we want to use our working group compute allocation?