Announce: Atmosphere Working Group

Joint meeting: Atmosphere WG and Aus2200

For a calendar invite, simply click on the relevant calendar link below


  1. Admin: Volunteer for taking today’s meeting minutes to post here on the Forum.

  2. Science talks (20+5mins)

    • Investigating sea breeze climatology and characteristics using the ACCESS model by Dr. Andrew Brown
      Understanding sea breeze characteristics and climatology is important for several applications, including coastal wind resource assessments. However, due to the sparseness of wind observations near the surface and in the boundary layer, there are gaps in regional sea breeze understanding for Australia. Regional and kilometre-scale atmospheric models provide an opportunity to address some of these gaps by simulating sea breeze processes across large regions and over long periods. Andrew will present work towards using the ACCESS-based BARRA reanalysis to construct an Australia-wide climatology of sea breezes. He will also present progress and plans towards applying a km-scale regional nested configuration of the ACCESS atmosphere-land model, intended for investigating sea breeze processes in some targeted domains relevant for coastal wind resources.

    • !–Cancelled–! Objectively Assessing Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective Organization in an Operational Convection-Permitting Model by Dr. Ewan Short
      Tracking algorithms provide a way to systematically assess the realism of convective systems in convection permitting models. A storm tracking/analysis algorithm was applied to observed radar reflectivity and radar reflectivity was simulated from the operational ACCESS-C convection-permitting forecast domain over northern Australia between October 2020 and May 2022. Simulated systems were approximately twice as likely to be oriented parallel to the ambient wind and ambient wind shear than those observed by radar, indicating a bias toward the “training line” systems typically associated with more extreme rainfall. Currently, these methods are being extended to work with radar composites to assess the structure of larger convective systems.

  3. Aus2200: past, present and future direction (15-20mins)

    • Aus2200 journey: Yi Huang
    • ACCESS-NRI supported configuration of the RNS: Chermelle Engel
    • Discussion: What kind of experiments would you like to do with a high-resolution regional model?
  4. ACCESS-NRI Atmosphere team 2024/25 Workplan: Heidi Nettelbeck (5-10mins)

  5. Compute/storage resources - Atmosphere WG: Heidi Nettelbeck
    Experiment proposals for Q4/2024 → 873 kSU remaining
    Read how you can apply for Atmosphere WG Resources

  6. Next Atmosphere WG meeting:
    Early February 2025