It was good to catchup the other day – thanks @anton and @ashjbarnes for coming along to help us out. I am just putting us a few helpful links that came out of the meeting for our reference.
A list of the changed needed to turn a global CESM into a regional CESM
Make a CESM workflow · Issue #1 · CROCODILE-CESM/regional-mom6 · GitHub -
NCAR’s “wrapper” for regional mom6, which implements the above checklist to automate the global → regional model conversion.
GitHub - CROCODILE-CESM/regional-casegen at 300fbc1c87d022389ef11c67a8a54a5c9183da10 -
Github repository of regional mom6. This will create a system-agnostic input files to run a regional mom-6 configuration, but extra files will be needed to run with nuopcy
GitHub - COSIMA/regional-mom6: Automatic generation of regional configurations of the Modular Ocean Model 6 (MOM6) in Python -
COSIMA recipe for setting up a regional mom6 configuration using om2 model outputs. This is currently not with the nuopc coupler, but when we have something working on nuopc then we could modify this
cosima-recipes/Recipes/regional-mom6-forced-by-access-om2.ipynb at main · COSIMA/cosima-recipes · GitHub -
Anton has built ACCESS-OM3 with mom-only and symmetric (something @ashjbarnes flagged that we needed to do)
test a MOM6 only build of OM3 by anton-seaice · Pull Request #30 · ACCESS-NRI/ACCESS-OM3 · GitHub -
A description of the input files:
Configurations · COSIMA/access-om3 Wiki · GitHub