I want to take an empty 4D array and fill it with 1s and 0s based on certain conditions being met in another array. The way I have coded it is:
da_fuzz = xr.zeros_like(S).expand_dims({'tree_depth':2**tree_depth}).assign_coords({'tree_depth':np.arange(0,2**tree_depth)})
## da_fuzz is an empty array with shape (16, 540, 300, 360)
for i in range(540):
for j in range(16):
da_fuzz[j,i] = xr.where((S.isel(time=i)>partitions[i,j,0])&\
1, 0)
## where S and T are sea surface salinity and temperature (shape = [540x300x360]) and partitions is a set of criteria of shape [540x16x4]
This loop takes 5.5 minutes on gadi, but surely there’s a more pythonic way to do this that’s faster and avoids loops? I am hoping to scale up to a mask da_fuzz of size [128x540x300x360], so would ideally want to optimise this loop. Thanks in advance for any help!
Hi @taimoorsohail. If you make partitions an xarray object (maybe it already is), you should be able to do this in a single line. This should be much faster.
# I don't know appropriate dimension names or coordinate
# values for the 1st and 2nd axes, so I've made some up
partitions_da = xr.DataArray(
"time": S["time"],
"dim_j": range(16),
"dim_thresh": range(4)
da_fuzz = xr.where(
(S > partitions_da.isel(dim_thresh=0)) &
(S <= partitions_da.isel(dim_thresh=1)) &
(T > partitions_da.isel(dim_thresh=2)) &
(T <= partitions_da.isel(dim_thresh=3)),
For readability, you could use four xarray DataArrays for the partitions rather than having the dim_thresh dimension, e.g.
As a general rule, try and avoid pre-defining empty xarray objects and assigning into them. This is not a good pattern for xarray and the vast majority of the time there’s an easier/better approach. If you really do need this type of pattern, it’s better to work on unlabelled arrays (e.g. numpy arrays) and then pack everything into an xarray DataArray/set at the end. Or, better still, use xarray.apply_ufunc to make your code that works on unlabelled arrays compatible with xarray.
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(Aidan Heerdegen, ACCESS-NRI Release Team Lead)
I agree. Could also do what Taimoor has done, but have a labelled coordinate that also provides more information, e,g.