Tuesday 17/12/2024 standup
Chair: @cbull
Present: @cbull, @spencerwong, @RachelLaw, @ben, @harshula, @pearseb, @Jhan, @matthew.chamberlain, @tammasloughran
Not present: @dhb599, @Arnold_Sullivan, @clairecarouge
First draft of minutes: @cbull
@Chris/Pearse. ESM1.6 with CICE/wombatlite built yesterday! Yes, we had some group permissions issues that were approved for Matt last night.
@Jhan. Asked for an update on the build for ESM1.6?
@Harshula. From his side, he recently did UM7 to the dev-access-1.6 branch (spelling?) which is the the version that @jhan has been using. The PR that Jhan should be using is ‘update cable3 #10’ here.
@chris. More broadly recently there have been 3 main strands of effort for esm1.6:
- 1
- 2
- 3
Which address update to cable (no generic tracers), update to wombat (wombatlite) using generic tracers, update to wombat and cice.
@Jhan has been using ESM1.5’s versions of MOM5 with no-generic tracers but will start testing the other versions in the next few days.
@pearseb / @spencerwong. There’s a few files pearse would like to add to wombatlite.
@Chris/@pearseb/@harshula. Friday’s wombat PR was using wombatlite-sinking
but the new one PR uses the development
branch. Chris asked Pearse if this was ok? @harshula suggested that they’ve been merging Pearse development-branches (e.g. wombatlite-sinking) into development
periodically behind the scenes. @pearseb, yes that workflow is okay but if I made a change to wombatlite-sinking yesterday what do I do? @harshula, let us know and we’ll merge it in.
@Rachel. Purpose of the hackathon at 11.30 today is to pull these changes together.
@Rachel still outstanding, has been asking @Arnold_Sullivan for the CMT change in the convection part of atmosphere code UM (it’s a small change). @Jhan said he’d follow up with @Arnold_Sullivan, hopefully we can get change before hackathon.
@RachelLaw / @ben. A little confusion on which branch of the access nri cable fork we should all be working off (@chris claire wrote a protocol doc on branch management [@clairecarouge please insert link]). @ben update from claire on what everyone should be using is here, namely
See Claire’s comment re coupled/esm1.6 directory (which is now coupled/esm16 because we don’t want to type full stops all the time)
In CABLE repository, changes for ESM1.6 to be added to coupled/ESM1.6/ directory (directory being created now).
In UM7 repository, changes for ESM1.6 to be pushed to the main branch.
Another update from @ben:
dev-access-esm1.6 branch here https://github.com/ACCESS-NRI/UM7
@RachelLaw. Any thoughts on how we can look at model output?
@tammasloughran. Did have a tool but because of the um2nc tool it doesn’t work with that output (due to the file name change). @spencerwong there is planned update to um2nc which will fix/help this issue.