Tuesday 15/10/2024 standup
Chair: @cbull
Attended: @sofarrell @RachelLaw @anton @Aidan @harshula @pearseb.
Minutes: @cbull
Pre-meeting agenda items:
- @sofarrell: Status of the github repository that ACCESS-NRI was going to set up based on the GSI8.1 sea ice code. @anton was going to link with @paulleopardi last I heard.
- @cbull: what does access-nri need to facilitate esm 1.6 release by Dec’? (See Aidan response below)
@RachelLaw: For ESM1.6 ocean work there are broadly 3 threads:
- wombat work (@pearseb)
- cice update ( @dhb599 / @sofarrell / @anton / @paulleopardi )
- pseudo iceberg work ( @dhb599 )
@pearseb: working towards a wombat lite generic tracers release in a few weeks.
@Aidan ACCESS-NRI need code on github on publicly available branch to facilitate release.
@RachelLaw: side point. Rachel would like to see a similar cable 3.1 discussion occurring. Presently, the code is in the atmosphere repo and it needs to be standalone. @Aidan: if useable as library can do CI compile correctness and other tests independently, and easily switch between CABLE versions.
@dhb599 update on current workflow. Currently using ESM1.5 with upgrades, would like to get them working before putting new components into esm1.6. Presently using run script infrastructure at CSIRO not payu, was imagining putting code on github aiming for the end of next month. @Aidan pointed out payu migration was not something @dhb599 would need to do. Can test with existing configs and tweak where necessary, and ACCESS-NRI could do this.
@anton (I think): in this instance, cice4–>cice5 the cm2 code using the oasis coupler is the best placed version. Need to chase @paulleopardi for the status of that.
@RachelLaw: OASIS updates to be compatible with UM7.3?
Time tendency diagnostics issue in CICE4 might be solved by moving to CICE5
@Aidan / @cbull. That timeline is too tight to facilitate the proposed release date. We’re happy to have still being developed-code as a starting point.
Action items:
- @cbull to follow up with Claire Carouge regarding a similar meeting for land work.
- @anton / @Aidan / @paulleopardi to get status update with cice code being available to csiro on github.
- @cbull to follow up with having an offline meeting with @dhb599 after his travel (next week), with the idea that the meeting results in @dhb599 ocean code being on github.
- @sofarrell and @dhb599 to have an in person meeting to discuss github workflows.
- @cbull will send out a reoccurring invite for the next meeting .
Forward plan:
No meeting 22/10/2024 but the next one on 29/10/2024.