ACCESS-ESM1.5: Release Information

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:rocket: Release: 1.0

This is the first ACCESS-NRI supported release of ACCESS-ESM1.5, a coupled global earth system model that includes atmosphere, land, ocean, sea ice, ocean biogeochemistry and land biogeochemistry components. This means it can simulate both the physical climate and global biogeochemical cycles, in particular the carbon cycle.

There are two global model configurations being released:

  • pre-industrial forcings
  • time varying historical (1850-2014) forcings

Both configurations are nominal 1 degree resolution and are running in CO2 concentration driven mode.

Care has been taken to ensure the model produces bitwise reproducible output with existing ACCESS-ESM1.5 binaries with exactly the same configuration. This includes equivalent ACCESS-ESM1.5 experiments submitted to CMIP6 where possible.

Getting started


:white_check_mark: Earth System Model with carbon cycling
:white_check_mark: Performance: 16 model years / day, 1KSU / model year
:white_check_mark: Multiple diagnostic profiles with easy switching
:white_check_mark: Disk usage: 6-12G / model year (depending on profile choices)
:white_check_mark: Well characterised, studied and cited CMIP6 model
:white_check_mark: Configurations bitwise reproducible with ESM1.5 CMIP6 experiments
:white_check_mark: Versioned model releases via ACCESS-NRI deployment pipeline
:white_check_mark: Released models available as loadable modules in vk83 project on gadi
:white_check_mark: Automated experiment provenance
:white_check_mark: Automated post-processing to netCDF formatted output
:white_check_mark: Built-in support for syncing experiment output to non-temporary storage


:stop_sign: Maximum model run-time of 1 year per queue submission
:stop_sign: Not directly compatible with equivalent CLEX payu configurations

Known Issues

:warning: Ice diagnostics measuring a rate are incorrect
:warning: Occasional extreme sea-ice thickness in isolated grid cells
:warning: Excessive logging from CICE model
:warning: The historical forcing configuration does not reproduce CMIP6 r20 due to an error in the ancillaries for that experiment


:star: ACCESS-ESM1.5 was developed by CSIRO (Ziehn T, Chamberlain MA, Law RM, Lenton A, Bodman RW, Dix M, Stevens L, Wang YP, Srbinovsky J, 2020: The Australian Earth System Model: ACCESS-ESM1.5. Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science 70 , 193–214,
:star: payu configurations were adapted from work by The Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes (CLEX)
:star: Model build infrastructure @paulleopardi @harshula
:star: Configuration development and testing @spencerwong @paulleopardi @MartinDix @anton @minghangli @dougiesquire @Aidan
:star: Related payu development @jo-basevi @spencerwong @anton
:star: Model post-processing @bend @spencerwong @MartinDix @atteggiani
:star: Testing and deployment infrastructure @TommyGatti @jo-basevi @Aidan
:star: Documentation @spencerwong @atteggiani @Aidan @jasmeen_kaur


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If you have questions about access-esm create a topic in Earth System and tag it with access-esm. If you require assistance follow the guidelines for requesting help.




:rocket: Release: 1.1

Getting started


:white_check_mark: Update ocean diagnostic profiles #75, #76
:white_check_mark: Update MOM5 executables and remove unused inputs #79, #80
:white_check_mark: Update atmosphere diagnostic profiles #81, #82
:white_check_mark: Increase requested jobbfs memory #84, #85


Changes to diagnostic profiles:

  • A bug in 1D MOM5 output was identified when saving one variable per file. 1D variables are now saved together in a single file alongside geolat_c as a workaround.

  • BGC outputs are saved with an oceanbgc prefix for compatibility with ACCESS-OM2 outputs and ease of use.

  • All ocean scalar variables are now saved together in a single file for compatibility with ACCESS-OM2 outputs and ease of use.

  • Unavailable MOM5 variables rhobarz and temp_runoffmix were removed from the ocean diagnostic profiles.

  • Atmosphere variable fld_s03i229 : EVAP FROM SOIL SURF -AMOUNT KG/M2/TS has been removed from both profiles, as it is a rescaled version of fld_s03i296: Evaporation from soil surface.

  • The following 2D variables were added to the daily output for both profiles: fld_s03i217: SURFACE SENSIBLE HEAT FLUX, fld_s03i223: SURFACE TOTAL MOISTURE FLUX, fld_s03i234: SURFACE LATENT HEAT FLUX, fld_s08i234: SURFACE RUNOFF RATE, fld_s08i235: SUB-SURFACE RUNOFF RATE

Changes to required input files:

The ocean input files and were previously required for the model to run, however were not used by the model. Updates to the MOM5 executables has allowed these input files to be omitted from the configurations.


:stop_sign: Maximum model run-time of 1 year per queue submission
:stop_sign: Not directly compatible with equivalent CLEX payu configurations

Known Issues

:warning: Ice diagnostics measuring a rate are incorrect
:warning: Occasional extreme sea-ice thickness in isolated grid cells
:warning: Excessive logging from CICE model
:warning: The historical forcing configuration does not reproduce CMIP6 r20 due to an error in the ancillaries for that experiment
:warning: netCDF file naming will be updated to provide date and frequency information.


:star: ACCESS-ESM1.5 was developed by CSIRO (Ziehn T, Chamberlain MA, Law RM, Lenton A, Bodman RW, Dix M, Stevens L, Wang YP, Srbinovsky J, 2020: The Australian Earth System Model: ACCESS-ESM1.5. Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science 70 , 193–214, CSIRO PUBLISHING | Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science)
:star: payu configurations were adapted from work by The Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes (CLEX)
:star: Model build infrastructure @paulleopardi @harshula
:star: Configuration development and testing @spencerwong @paulleopardi @MartinDix @anton @minghangli @dougiesquire @Aidan
:star: Related payu development @jo-basevi @spencerwong @anton
:star: Model post-processing @bend @spencerwong @MartinDix @atteggiani
:star: Testing and deployment infrastructure @TommyGatti @jo-basevi @Aidan
:star: Documentation @spencerwong @atteggiani @Aidan @jasmeen_kaur


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If you have specific questions about this release follow the guidelines for requesting support from ACCESS-NRI .

If you have questions about access-esm create a topic in Earth System and tag it with access-esm. If you require assistance follow the guidelines for requesting help.




:rocket: Release: 1.2

Getting started


:white_check_mark: UM code update for controling orbital parameters at runtime #115, #116
:white_check_mark: Include reduced “spinup” diagnostic profiles suitable for long spin-up and paleoclimate simulations #105, #106
:white_check_mark: Include basin mask ocean input file for proper saving of basin specific diagnostics #101, #102
:white_check_mark: Change processor decomposition for better performance #109, #110
:white_check_mark: Fix incorrectly saved atmosphere variable 2,290 TOTAL DOWNWARD PAR FLUX AT SURFACE #107, #108
:white_check_mark: Compress large CICE log files #532
:white_check_mark: Prevent simulations from using incorrect sea ice restarts #539
:white_check_mark: Updated netCDF file names for converted atmosphere output #93
:white_check_mark: CASA-CNP variables are correctly named in the netCDF conversion #157


  • Orbital parameters can now be set at runtime in the UM namelist files. Instructions on controlling them are available here.
  • The new “spinup” diagnostic profiles produce a reduced amount of model output and are designed for long spin-up simulations. Please see this post for details on the variables saved.
  • Basin specific ocean diagnostics (such as temp_merid_flux_gyre_atlantic) are now correctly saved. Please see this topic for details on the previous issues.
  • Increasing the number of processors allocated to the atmosphere by 48 cores was found to reduce the typical runtime by 10% with a negligible cost in SU usage. Large variations in walltimes were observed due to potential system-wide issues, however under typical circumstances the updated processor decomposition
  • The new configurations use the updated um2nc version 1.1.0 for converting atmosphere outputs to netCDF. The new version produces netCDF filenames containing more information on dates and data frequencies. For example, aiihca.paa1jan and aiihca.pea1jan are now named and This change in behaviour can be disabled by loading the older payu/1.1.5 in the job script.


:stop_sign: Maximum model run-time of 1 year per queue submission
:stop_sign: Not directly compatible with equivalent CLEX payu configurations

Known Issues

:warning: Ice diagnostics measuring a rate are incorrect
:warning: Occasional extreme sea-ice thickness in isolated grid cells
:warning: The historical forcing configuration does not reproduce CMIP6 r20 due to an error in the ancillaries for that experiment
:warning: Model configurations do not reproduce equivalent CMIP6 simulations, possibly due to differences in model executables. Details on the impacts of this will be documented shortly.


:star: ACCESS-ESM1.5 was developed by CSIRO (Ziehn T, Chamberlain MA, Law RM, Lenton A, Bodman RW, Dix M, Stevens L, Wang YP, Srbinovsky J, 2020: The Australian Earth System Model: ACCESS-ESM1.5. Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science 70 , 193–214,
:star: payu configurations were adapted from work by The Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes (CLEX)
:star: Model build infrastructure @paulleopardi @harshula @TommyGatti
:star: Configuration development and testing @spencerwong @paulleopardi @MartinDix @anton @minghangli @dougiesquire @Aidan
:star: Related payu development @jo-basevi @spencerwong @anton
:star: Model post-processing @bend @spencerwong @MartinDix @atteggiani
:star: Testing and deployment infrastructure @TommyGatti @jo-basevi @Aidan
:star: Documentation @spencerwong @atteggiani @Aidan @jasmeen_kaur


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If you have specific questions about this release follow the guidelines for requesting support from ACCESS-NRI .

If you have questions about access-esm create a topic in Earth System and tag it with access-esm. If you require assistance follow the guidelines for requesting help.


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