Preset output profiles for ESM1.5

Spin-up preset - Atmosphere

Monthly - 3D variables on pressure levels

Output variable name long_name time processing units
fld_s30i201 U COMPNT OF WIND ON P LEV/UV GRID time: mean m s-1
fld_s30i202 V COMPNT OF WIND ON P LEV/UV GRID time: mean m s-1
fld_s30i203 W COMPNT OF WIND ON P LEV/UV GRID time: mean m s-1
fld_s30i204 TEMPERATURE ON P LEV/UV GRID time: mean K
fld_s30i205 SPECIFIC HUMIDITY ON P LEV/UV GRID time: mean 1
fld_s30i206 RELATIVE HUMIDITY ON P LEV/UV GRID time: mean %
fld_s30i207 GEOPOTENTIAL HEIGHT ON P LEV/UV GRID time: mean m
fld_s30i301 Heavyside function on pressure levels time: mean 1

Monthly - 2D surface variables

Output variable name long_name time processing units
fld_s00i033 OROGRAPHY (/STRAT LOWER BC) time: mean m
fld_s00i030 LAND MASK (No halo) (LAND=TRUE) time: mean 1
fld_s03i395 FRACTION OF LAND time: mean 1
fld_s03i236 TEMPERATURE AT 1.5M time: mean K
fld_s03i237 SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT 1.5M time: mean 1
fld_s03i245 RELATIVE HUMIDITY AT 1.5M time: mean %
fld_s16i222 PRESSURE AT MEAN SEA LEVEL time: mean Pa
fld_s03i225 10 METRE WIND U-COMP B GRID time: mean m s-1
fld_s03i226 10 METRE WIND V-COMP B GRID time: mean m s-1
fld_s03i209 10 METRE WIND U-COMP time: mean m s-1
fld_s03i210 10 METRE WIND V-COMP time: mean m s-1
fld_s03i227 10 METRE WIND SPEED ON B GRID time: mean m s-1
fld_s03i230 10 METRE WIND SPEED ON C GRID time: mean m s-1
fld_s03i461 Y-COMP SURFACE BL STRESS time: mean Pa
fld_s03i460 X-COMP SURFACE BL STRESS time: mean Pa
fld_s03i223 SURFACE TOTAL MOISTURE FLUX KG/M2/S time: mean kg m-2 s-1
fld_s03i296 Evaporation from soil surface time: mean kg m-2 s-1
fld_s03i297 Evaporation from canopy time: mean kg m-2 s-1
fld_s08i208 SOIL MOISTURE CONTENT time: mean kg m-2
fld_s08i234 SURFACE RUNOFF RATE KG/M2/S time: mean kg m-2 s-1
fld_s08i235 SUB-SURFACE RUNOFF RATE KG/M2/S time: mean kg m-2 s-1
fld_s01i201 NET DOWN SURFACE SW FLUX: SW TS ONLY time: mean W m-2
fld_s01i210 CLEAR-SKY (II) DOWN SURFACE SW FLUX time: mean W m-2
fld_s01i211 CLEAR-SKY (II) UP SURFACE SW FLUX time: mean W m-2
fld_s01i235 TOTAL DOWNWARD SURFACE SW FLUX time: mean W m-2
fld_s02i201 NET DOWN SURFACE LW RAD FLUX time: mean W m-2
fld_s02i203 NET DN LW RAD FLUX:OPEN SEA:SEA MEAN time: mean W m-2
fld_s02i207 DOWNWARD LW RAD FLUX: SURFACE time: mean W m-2
fld_s02i208 CLEAR-SKY (II) DOWN SURFACE LW FLUX time: mean W m-2
fld_s03i217 SURFACE SENSIBLE HEAT FLUX W/M2 time: mean W m-2
fld_s03i234 SURFACE LATENT HEAT FLUX W/M2 time: mean W m-2
fld_s08i023 SNOW MASS AFTER HYDROLOGY KG/M2 time: mean kg m-2
fld_s00i023 SNOW AMOUNT OVER LAND AFT TSTP KG/M2 time: mean kg m-2
fld_s00i031 FRAC OF SEA ICE IN SEA AFTER TSTEP time: mean 1
fld_s00i032 SEA ICE DEPTH (MEAN OVER ICE) M time: mean m
fld_s00i509 product_of_sea_ice_albedo_and_sunlit_binary_mask time: mean 1
fld_s03i261 GROSS PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY KG C/M2/S time: mean kg m-2 s-1
fld_s03i262 NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY KG C/M2/S time: mean kg m-2 s-1
fld_s03i263 PLANT RESPIRATION KG/M2/S time: mean kg m-2 s-1
fld_s03i293 SOIL RESPIRATION KG C/M2/S time: mean kg m-2 s-1

Monthly -2D non-surface

Output variable name long_name time processing units
fld_s01i207 INCOMING SW RAD FLUX (TOA): ALL TSS time: mean W m-2
fld_s01i208 OUTGOING SW RAD FLUX (TOA) time: mean W m-2
fld_s01i209 CLEAR-SKY (II) UPWARD SW FLUX (TOA) time: mean W m-2
fld_s02i205 OUTGOING LW RAD FLUX (TOA) time: mean W m-2
fld_s02i206 CLEAR-SKY (II) UPWARD LW FLUX (TOA) time: mean W m-2
fld_s03i332 TOA OUTGOING LW RAD AFTER B.LAYER time: mean W m-2
fld_s02i204 TOTAL CLOUD AMOUNT IN LW RADIATION time: mean 1
fld_s03i100 FLUX OF TRACER 1 IN BL time: mean
fld_s03i101 FLUX OF TRACER 2 IN BL time: mean

Monthly - variables on soil levels

Output variable name long_name time processing units
fld_s08i223 SOIL MOISTURE CONTENT IN A LAYER time: mean kg m-2

Monthly - variables on tiles - CNP cycles

Output variable name long_name time processing units
fld_s03i289 GROSS PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY ON PFTS time: mean kg m-2 s-1
fld_s03i291 NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY ON PFTS time: mean kg m-2 s-1
fld_s03i292 PLANT RESPIRATION ON PFTS KG C/M2/S time: mean kg m-2 s-1

Monthly - variables on tiles - other

Output variable name long_name time processing units
fld_s03i287 CANOPY EVAPORATION ON TILES time: mean kg m-2 s-1
fld_s03i288 TRANSPIRATION+SOIL EVP ON TILES time: mean kg m-2 s-1
fld_s03i317 SURFACE TILE FRACTIONS time: mean 1
fld_s03i893 LEAF AREA INDEX (CASA-CNP GLAI) time: mean
fld_s03i318 LEAF AREA INDICES ON PFTS time: mean 1

Spin-up preset - Ocean

Static 2D data

Name long_name Time processing units
area_t tracer cell area time: point m^2
area_u velocity cell area time: point m^3
geolat_c uv latitud time: point degrees_N
geolat_t tracer latitude time: point degrees_N
geolon_c uv longitude time: point degrees_E
geolon_t tracer longitude time: point degrees_E
ht ocean depth on t-cells time: point m
hu ocean depth on u-cells time: point m
kmt number of depth levels on t-grid time: point dimensionless
kmu number of depth levels on u-grid time: point dimensionless
pbot0 reference bottom pressure t-cells time: point dbar
tide_speed_wave tide speed from tide model for breaking internal wave mixing scheme time: point m/s
roughness_length roughness length for breaking internal wave mixing scheme time: point metre
roughness_amp roughness amplitude for breaking internal wave mixing scheme time: point metre
visc_crit_bih critical viscosity time: point m^4/sec
tide_speed_drag tide speed from tide model for barotropic drag mixing scheme time: point m/s
tide_speed_mask mask based on tide_speed_drag for barotropic drag mixing time: point dimensionless

Yearly - 3D ocean fields

Name long_name Time processing units
tx_trans_rho T-cell i-mass transport on pot_rho time: mean kg/s
tx_trans_rho_gm T-cell i-mass transport from GM on pot_rho time: mean kg/s
tx_trans_gm T-cell mass i-transport from GM time: mean kg/s
tx_trans T-cell i-mass transport time: mean kg/s
tz_trans T-cell k-mass transport time: mean kg/s
tx_trans_submeso T-cell mass i-transport from submesoscale param time: mean kg/s
ty_trans_submeso T-cell mass j-transport from submesoscale param time: mean kg/s
neutral_rho potential density estimate of neutral density time: mean kg/m^3
ty_trans_rho T-cell j-mass transport on pot_rho time: mean kg/s
ty_trans_rho_gm T-cell j-mass transport from GM on pot_rho time: mean kg/s
ty_trans_gm T-cell mass j-transport from GM time: mean kg/s
ty_trans T-cell j-mass transport time: mean kg/s
rho in situ density time: mean kg/m^3
dzt t-cell thickness time: mean m
age_global Age (global) time: mean yr
temp_vdiffuse_impl implicit vert diffusion of heat time: mean Watts/m^2
salt_vdiffuse_impl implicit vert diffusion of Practical Salinity time: mean kg/(sec*m^2)
u i-current time: mean m/sec
v j-current time: mean m/sec

Yearly - 3D BGC fields

Name long_name Time processing units
no3 no3 time: mean mmol/m^3
phy phyn time: mean mmol/m^3
o2 o2 time: mean mmol/m^3
det det time: mean mmol/m^3
zoo zoo time: mean mmol/m^3
caco3 caco3 time: mean mmol/m^3
dic dic time: mean mmol/m^3
alk alk time: mean mmol/m^3
adic adic time: mean mmol/m^3
fe fe time: mean mmol/m^4
pprod_gross Gross PHY production time: mean mmolN/m^3/s

Yearly - 2D ocean fields

Name long_name Time processing units
sea_level effective sea level (eta_t + patm/(rho0*g)) on T cells time: mean meter
lprec liquid precip (including ice melt/form) into ocean (>0 enters ocean) time: mean (kg/m^3)*(m/sec)
fprec snow falling onto ocean (>0 enters ocean) time: mean (kg/m^3)*(m/sec)
evap mass flux from evaporation/condensation (>0 enters ocean) time: mean (kg/m^3)*(m/sec)
runoff mass flux of liquid river runoff entering ocean time: mean (kg/m^3)*(m/sec)
lw_heat longwave flux into ocean (<0 cools ocean) time: mean W/m^2
evap_heat latent heat flux into ocean (<0 cools ocean) time: mean W/m^2
sens_heat sensible heat into ocean (<0 cools ocean) time: mean W/m^2
swflx shortwave flux into ocean (>0 heats ocean) time: mean W/m^2
pme net (precip-evap)(kg/(m2*sec) into ocean, divided by 1035kg/m3 time: mean m/sec
pme_sbc precip-evap via sbc (liquid, frozen, evaporation) time: mean (kg/m^3)*(m/sec)
river mass flux of river (runoff + calving) entering ocean time: mean (kg/m^3)*(m/sec)
sfc_hflux_pme heat flux (relative to 0C) from pme transfer of water across ocean surface time: mean Watts/m^2
eta_t surface height on T cells [Boussinesq (volume conserving) model] time: mean meter
bottom_temp Conservative temperature time: mean deg_C
bottom_salt Practical Salinity time: mean psu
bottom_age_global Age (global) time: mean yr
psiu quasi-barotropic strmfcn psiu (compatible with tx_trans) time: mean kg/s
ekman_we Ekman vertical velocity averaged to wt-point time: mean m/s
psiv quasi-barotropic strmfcn psiv (compatible with ty_trans) time: mean kg/s
tau_curl wind stress curl averaged to U-point time: mean N/m^3
eta_u surface height on U cells time: mean meter
urhod depth and density weighted u time: mean (kg/m^3)*m^2/s
vrhod depth and density weighted v time: mean (kg/m^3)*m^2/s
ubott i-bottom current time: mean m/sec
vbott j-bottom current time: mean m/sec

Yearly - 2D BGC fields

Name long_name Time processing units
stf03 Flux into ocean - oxygen time: mean mmol/m^2/s
stf07 Flux into ocean - DIC, PI time: mean mmol/m^2/s
stf09 Flux into ocean - DIC, inc. anth time: mean mmol/m^2/s
stf10 Flux into ocean - iron time: mean mmol/m^2/s
pco2 pCO2 time: mean
paco2 pCO2 inc. anthropogenic time: mean
pprod_gross_2d Vertically integrated Gross PHY production time: mean mmolN/m^2/s
atm_co2 Atmospheric CO2 content time: mean ppm
wnd Wind speed time: mean m/s
det_sediment Accumulated DET in sediment at base of water column time: mean mmolN/m^2
caco3_sediment Accumulated CaCO3 in sediment at base of water column time: mean mmolN/m^2
surface_no3 no3 time: mean mmol/m^3
surface_phy phy time: mean mmol/m^3
surface_alk alk time: mean mmol/m^3
surface_dic dic time: mean mmol/m^3
surface_adic adic time: mean mmol/m^3
surface_o2 o2 time: mean mmol/m^3

Monthly - 3D ocean fields

Name long_name Time processing units
temp Conservative temperature time: mean deg_C
pot_temp Potential temperature time: mean degrees K
salt Practical Salinity time: mean psu

Monthly - 2D ocean fields

Name long_name Time processing units
surface_temp Conservative temperature time: mean deg_C
surface_salt Practical Salinity time: mean psu
mld mixed layer depth determined by density criteria time: mean m
tau_x i-directed wind stress forcing u-velocity time: mean N/m^2
tau_y j-directed wind stress forcing v-velocity time: mean N/m^2
usurf i-surface current time: mean m/sec
vsurf j-surface current time: mean m/sec

Monthly - 1D ocean fields

Name long_name Time processing units
temp_merid_flux_advect_global Global integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts
temp_merid_flux_over_global overturn contribution to global integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts
temp_merid_flux_gyre_global gyre contribution to global integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts
salt_merid_flux_advect_global Global integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec
salt_merid_flux_over_global overturn contribution to global integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec
salt_merid_flux_gyre_global gyre contribution to global integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec
temp_merid_flux_advect_southern ACC integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts
temp_merid_flux_over_southern overturn contribution to ACC integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts
temp_merid_flux_gyre_southern gyre contribution to ACC integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts
salt_merid_flux_advect_southern ACC integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec
salt_merid_flux_over_southern overturn contribution to ACC integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec
salt_merid_flux_gyre_southern gyre contribution to ACC integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec
temp_merid_flux_advect_atlantic Atlantic integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts
temp_merid_flux_over_atlantic overturn contribution to Atlantic integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts
temp_merid_flux_gyre_atlantic gyre contribution to Atlantic integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts
salt_merid_flux_advect_atlantic Atlantic integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec
salt_merid_flux_over_atlantic overturn contribution to Atlantic integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec
salt_merid_flux_gyre_atlantic gyre contribution to Atlantic integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec
temp_merid_flux_advect_pacific Pacific integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts
temp_merid_flux_over_pacific overturn contribution to Pacific integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts
temp_merid_flux_gyre_pacific gyre contribution to Pacific integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts
salt_merid_flux_advect_pacific Pacific integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec
salt_merid_flux_over_pacific overturn contribution to Pacific integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec
salt_merid_flux_gyre_pacific gyre contribution to Pacific integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec
temp_merid_flux_advect_arctic Arctic integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts
temp_merid_flux_over_arctic overturn contribution to Arctic integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts
temp_merid_flux_gyre_arctic gyre contribution to Arctic integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts
salt_merid_flux_advect_arctic Arctic integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec
salt_merid_flux_over_arctic overturn contribution to Arctic integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec
salt_merid_flux_gyre_arctic gyre contribution to Arctic integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec
temp_merid_flux_advect_indian Indian integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts
temp_merid_flux_over_indian overturn contribution to Indian integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts
temp_merid_flux_gyre_indian gyre contribution to Indian integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts
salt_merid_flux_advect_indian Indian integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec
salt_merid_flux_over_indian overturn contribution to Indian integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec
salt_merid_flux_gyre_indian gyre contribution to Indian integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec

Monthly - scalar ocean fields

Name long_name Time processing units
total_mass_seawater total mass of liquid seawater time: mean kg
total_volume_seawater total volume of liquid seawater time: mean m^3
eta_global global ave eta_t plus patm_t/(g*rho0) time: mean meter
eta_adjust global eta adjustment to include steric effect in Boussinesq fluid time: mean m
pbot_adjust pbot adjustment to counteract spurious mass source in Boussinesq fluid time: mean dbar
temp_global_ave Global mean temp in liquid seawater time: mean deg_C
salt_global_ave Global mean salt in liquid seawater time: mean psu
total_ocean_pme_river total ocean precip-evap+river via sbc (liquid, frozen, evaporation) time: mean (kg/sec)/1e15
total_ocean_river total liquid river water and calving ice entering ocean time: mean kg/sec/1e15
total_ocean_evap total evaporative ocean mass flux (>0 enters ocean) time: mean (kg/sec)/1e15
total_ocean_pme_sbc total ocean precip-evap via sbc (liquid, frozen, evaporation) time: mean kg/sec/1e15
total_ocean_fprec total snow falling onto ocean (>0 enters ocean) time: mean (kg/sec)/1e15
total_ocean_lprec total liquid precip into ocean (>0 enters ocean) time: mean (kg/sec)/1e15
total_ocean_runoff total liquid river runoff (>0 water enters ocean) time: mean (kg/sec)/1e15
total_ocean_salt total mass of salt in liquid seawater time: mean kg/1e18
total_ocean_heat Total heat in the liquid ocean referenced to 0degC time: mean Joule/1e25
total_ocean_hflux_pme total ocean heat flux from pme transferring water across surface time: mean Watts/1e15
total_ocean_swflx total shortwave flux into ocean (>0 heats ocean) time: mean Watts/1e15
total_ocean_swflx_vis total visible shortwave into ocean (>0 heats ocean) time: mean Watts/1e15
total_ocean_evap_heat total latent heat flux into ocean (<0 cools ocean) time: mean Watts/1e15
total_ocean_lw_heat total longwave flux into ocean (<0 cools ocean) time: mean Watts/1e15
total_ocean_sens_heat total sensible heat into ocean (<0 cools ocean) time: mean Watts/1e15
total_ocean_fprec_melt_heat total heat flux to melt frozen precip (<0 cools ocean) time: mean Watts/1e15
total_ocean_runoff_heat total ocean heat flux from liquid river runoff time: mean Watts/1e15
ke_tot Globally integrated ocean kinetic energy time: mean 10^15 Joules
pe_tot Globally integrated ocean potential energy time: mean 10^15 Joules
temp_surface_ave Global mass weighted mean surface temp in liquid seawater time: mean deg_C
salt_surface_ave Global mass weighted mean surface salt in liquid seawater time: mean psu

Monthly - scalar BGC fields

Name long_name Time processing units
total_co2_flux Total surface flux of inorganic C (natural) into ocean time: mean Pg/yr
total_aco2_flux Total surface flux of inorganic C (natural + anthropogenic) into ocean time: mean Pg/yr

Spin-up preset - Ice

Static fields

name long_name cell_measures cell_methods units time_rep
NCAT category maximum thickness m
tmask ocean grid mask
tarea area of T grid cells m^2
uarea area of U grid cells m^2
ANGLE angle grid makes with latitude line on U grid radians
ANGLET angle grid makes with latitude line on T grid radians

Monthly fields

name long_name cell_measures cell_methods units time_rep
hi grid cell mean ice thickness area: tarea time: mean m averaged
aice ice area (aggregate) area: tarea time: mean 1 averaged
uvel ice velocity (x) area: uarea time: mean m/s averaged
vvel ice velocity (y) area: uarea time: mean m/s averaged