Standard ocean outputs for ESM1.5

Hi everyone, we’re hoping to gather feedback on the ocean output from the standard ESM1.5 configurations.

The ESM1.5 release will include new default diagnostic requests for each model component, with one goal of removing frequently ignored variables. Ideally this will help save on disk space and manual output culling when running a standard configuration.

The ocean component currently produces about 5.8G of output per year in the pre-industrial configuration, and we’d be interested to know which variables in this output are important for your research and simulations, and whether there are other variables you tend to ignore and would be happy to see omitted.

Each of the dropdowns below lists out the variables currently saved in each output stream. The variables on the 3D model grids take up the most space, and so in particular it would be great to know whether any of them would be suitable to remove from the default output. ~4.7G/year

name long_name standard_name cell_methods units coordinates
tx_trans_rho T-cell i-mass transport on pot_rho time: mean kg/s (‘time’, ‘potrho’, ‘grid_yt_ocean’, ‘grid_xu_ocean’)
tx_trans_rho_gm T-cell i-mass transport from GM on pot_rho time: mean kg/s (‘time’, ‘potrho’, ‘grid_yt_ocean’, ‘grid_xu_ocean’)
ty_trans_rho T-cell j-mass transport on pot_rho time: mean kg/s (‘time’, ‘potrho’, ‘grid_yu_ocean’, ‘grid_xt_ocean’)
ty_trans_rho_gm T-cell j-mass transport from GM on pot_rho time: mean kg/s (‘time’, ‘potrho’, ‘grid_yu_ocean’, ‘grid_xt_ocean’)
rho in situ density time: mean kg/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
rho_dzt t-cell rho*thickness sea_water_mass_per_unit_area time: mean (kg/m^3)*m (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
dht t-cell thickness cell_thickness time: mean m (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
pot_temp Potential temperature sea_water_potential_temperature time: mean degrees K (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
salt Practical Salinity sea_water_salinity time: mean psu (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
pot_rho_0 potential density referenced to 0 dbar sea_water_potential_density time: mean kg/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
age_global Age (global) sea_water_age_since_surface_contact time: mean yr (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
sw_heat penetrative shortwave heating downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_sea_water time: mean W/m^2 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
sw_frac fraction of shortwave penetrating time: mean dimensionless (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
temp_runoffmix cprunoffmixrho_dzt*temp time: mean Watt/m^2 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
temp_rivermix cprivermixrho_dzt*temp time: mean Watt/m^2 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
temp_vdiffuse_impl implicit vert diffusion of heat time: mean Watts/m^2 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
salt_vdiffuse_impl implicit vert diffusion of Practical Salinity time: mean kg/(sec*m^2) (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
temp_tendency time tendency for tracer Conservative temperature time: mean Watts/m^2 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
salt_tendency time tendency for tracer Practical Salinity time: mean kg/(sec*m^2) (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
temp_tendency_expl explicit in time tendency for tracer Conservative temperature time: mean Watts/m^2 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
salt_tendency_expl explicit in time tendency for tracer Practical Salinity time: mean kg/(sec*m^2) (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
temp_submeso rhodztcp*submesoscale tendency (heating) time: mean Watts/m^2 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
salt_submeso rhodztsubmesoscale tendency for salt time: mean kg/(sec*m^2) (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
neutral_rho potential density estimate of neutral density time: mean kg/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
pot_rho_2 potential density referenced to 2000 dbar time: mean kg/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
press absolute pressure time: mean dbar (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
drhodtheta d(rho)/d(theta) time: mean kg/m^3/C (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
drhodsalinity d(rho)/d(salinity) time: mean kg/m^3/psu (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
cabbeling cabbeling parameter time: mean (1/degC)^2 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
thermobaricity thermobaricity parameter time: mean 1/(dbar*degC) (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
mixdownslope_temp cpmixdownsloperhodzttemp time: mean Watt/m^2 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
mixdownslope_salt mixdownsloperhodzt*tracer for salt time: mean kg/(sec*m^2) (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
bv_freq buoy freq at T-cell centre for use in neutral physics time: mean 1/s (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
diff_cbt_wave diffusivity from breaking internal wave dissipation time: mean m^2/sec (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
diff_cbt_drag diffusivity from drag of barotropic tides on bottom time: mean m^2/sec (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
mix_efficiency efficiency of internal wave dissipation going to mix tracer time: mean dimensionless (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
power_diss_wave power dissipation from internal wave induced mixing time: mean W/m^2 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
power_diss_drag power dissipation from barotropic tide drag time: mean W/m^2 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
diff_cbt_kpp_t vert diffusivity from kpp for temp time: mean m^2/sec (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
diff_cbt_kpp_s vert diffusivity from kpp for salt time: mean m^2/sec (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
tx_trans T-cell i-mass transport ocean_x_mass_transport time: mean kg/s (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
tx_trans_gm T-cell mass i-transport from GM time: mean kg/s (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
tx_trans_submeso T-cell mass i-transport from submesoscale param time: mean kg/s (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
temp_xflux_adv cprhodztdytu*temp time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
salt_xflux_adv rhodztdytutracer time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
ty_trans T-cell j-mass transport ocean_y_mass_transport time: mean kg/s (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
ty_trans_gm T-cell mass j-transport from GM time: mean kg/s (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
ty_trans_submeso T-cell mass j-transport from submesoscale param time: mean kg/s (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
temp_yflux_adv cprhodztdxtv*temp time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
salt_yflux_adv rhodztdxtvtracer time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
u i-current sea_water_x_velocity time: mean m/sec (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
v j-current sea_water_y_velocity time: mean m/sec (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
lap_fric_u Thick & rho wghtd horz lap frict on u-zonal time: mean (kg/m^3)*(m^2/s^2) (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
lap_fric_v Thick & rho wghtd horz lap frict on v-merid time: mean (kg/m^3)*(m^2/s^2) (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
tz_trans T-cell k-mass transport upward_ocean_mass_transport time: mean kg/s (‘time’, ‘sw_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
tz_trans_sq Square of T-cell k-mass transport (positive upwards) square_of_upward_ocean_mass_transport time: mean kg/s^2 (‘time’, ‘sw_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
temp_zflux_adv cprhodxtdytwt*temp time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘sw_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
salt_zflux_adv rhodxtdytwttracer time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘sw_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
wt dia-surface velocity T-points time: mean m/sec (‘time’, ‘sw_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
wrhot rho*dia-surface velocity T-points time: mean (kg/m^3)*m/sec (‘time’, ‘sw_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
pbot_t bottom pressure on T cells [Boussinesq (volume conserving) model] sea_water_pressure_at_sea_floor time: mean dbar (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
patm_t applied pressure on T cells sea_water_pressure_at_sea_water_surface time: mean Pa (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
sea_level effective sea level (eta_t + patm/(rho0*g)) on T cells sea_surface_height_above_geoid time: mean meter (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
sea_level_sq square of effective sea level (eta_t + patm/(rho0*g)) on T cells square_of_sea_surface_height_above_geoid time: mean m^2 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
sst Conservative temperature time: mean deg_C (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
sst_sq squared Conservative temperature time: mean squared deg_C (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
sss Practical Salinity sea_surface_salinity time: mean psu (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
mld mixed layer depth determined by density criteria ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_t time: mean m (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
mld_sq squared mixed layer depth determined by density criteria square_of_ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_t time: mean m^2 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
hblt_max T-cell boundary layer depth from KPP ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_mixing_scheme time: max m (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
lprec liquid precip (including ice melt/form) into ocean (>0 enters ocean) rainfall_flux time: mean (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
fprec snow falling onto ocean (>0 enters ocean) snowfall_flux time: mean (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
evap mass flux from evaporation/condensation (>0 enters ocean) water_evaporation_flux time: mean (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
runoff mass flux of liquid river runoff entering ocean water_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers time: mean (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
melt water flux transferred with sea ice form/melt (>0 enters ocean) water_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_sea_ice_thermodynamics time: mean (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
pme_river mass flux of precip-evap+river via sbc (liquid, frozen, evaporation) water_flux_into_sea_water time: mean (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
sfc_salt_flux_ice sfc_salt_flux_ice downward_sea_ice_basal_salt_flux time: mean kg/(m^2*sec) (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
sfc_salt_flux_runoff sfc_salt_flux_runoff salt_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers time: mean kg/(m^2*sec) (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
sfc_hflux_from_water_prec heat flux from precip transfer of water across ocean surface temperature_flux_due_to_rainfall_expressed_as_heat_flux_into_sea_water time: mean Watts/m^2 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
sfc_hflux_from_water_evap heat flux from evap transfer of water across ocean surface temperature_flux_due_to_evaporation_expressed_as_heat_flux_into_sea_water time: mean Watts/m^2 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
sfc_hflux_from_runoff heat flux (relative to 0C) from liquid river runoff temperature_flux_due_to_runoff_expressed_as_heat_flux_into_sea_water time: mean Watts/m^2 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
fprec_melt_heat heat flux to melt frozen precip (<0 cools ocean) heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_snow_thermodynamics time: mean W/m^2 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
lw_heat longwave flux into ocean (<0 cools ocean) surface_net_downward_longwave_flux time: mean W/m^2 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
evap_heat latent heat flux into ocean (<0 cools ocean) surface_downward_latent_heat_flux time: mean W/m^2 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
sens_heat sensible heat into ocean (<0 cools ocean) surface_downward_sensible_heat_flux time: mean W/m^2 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
swflx shortwave flux into ocean (>0 heats ocean) surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux time: mean W/m^2 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
agm GM diffusivity at surface ocean_tracer_bolus_laplacian_diffusivity time: mean m^2/sec (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
frazil_2d ocn frazil heat flux over time step time: mean W/m^2 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
pme net (precip-evap)(kg/(m2*sec) into ocean, divided by 1035kg/m3 time: mean m/sec (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
pme_mass precip-evap via sbc (liquid, frozen, evaporation) time: mean (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
river mass flux of river (runoff + calving) entering ocean time: mean (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
swflx_vis visible shortwave into ocean (>0 heats ocean) time: mean W/m^2 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
sfc_hflux_coupler surface heat flux coming through coupler time: mean Watts/m^2 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
sfc_hflux_pme heat flux (relative to 0C) from pme transfer of water across ocean surface time: mean Watts/m^2 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
temp_runoff temperature of liquid river runoff entering the ocean time: mean degC (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
wfimelt water into ocean due to ice melt (>0 enters ocean) icemelt_flux time: mean (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
wfiform water out of ocean due to ice form (>0 enters ocean) iceform_flux time: mean (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
anompb T-cell bottom pressure - rho0gravht time: mean dbar (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
eta_t surface height on T cells [Boussinesq (volume conserving) model] time: mean meter (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
rhobarz vertically averaged in-situ density time: mean kg/m^3 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
conv_rho_ud_t convergence rho*ud on T cells time: mean (kg/m^3)*(m/s) (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
bottom_temp Conservative temperature time: mean deg_C (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
bottom_salt Practical Salinity time: mean psu (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
bottom_age_global Age (global) time: mean yr (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
potrho_mix_base Potential density at mixed layer base time: mean kg/m^3 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
potrho_mix_depth Depth of potential density mixed layer time: mean m (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
temp_sigma Conservative temperature in sigma layer time: mean deg_C (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
eddy_depth mesoscale eddy penetration depth used in neutral physicsC time: mean m (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
agm_grid_scaling Scaling of AGM according to Delta(s)^2/(Delta(s)^2 + Rossby^2) time: mean dimensionless (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
rossby Rossby radius used in neutral physics time: mean m (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
rossby_radius Rossby radius computed without min/max bounds time: mean m (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
buoy_freq_ave_submeso Buoyancy frequency averaged over depth of mixed layer for submesoscale closure time: mean 1/sec (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
hblt_submeso Boundary layer depth used for submesoscale closure time: mean metre (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
bvfreq_bottom absolute Brunt-Vaisala freq at ocean bottom time: mean s^-1 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
power_waves power from barotropic tides to internal tides time: mean Watt (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
energy_flux energy flux out of barotropic tides for use w/ internal tide mixing time: mean W/m^2 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
langmuirfactor T-cell KPP mixing Langmuir enhancement factor ocean_vertical_mixing_langmuir_factor_for_KPP_scheme time: mean none (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
psiu quasi-barotropic strmfcn psiu (compatible with tx_trans) ocean_barotropic_mass_streamfunction time: mean kg/s (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
temp_xflux_ndiffuse_int_z z-integral cpndiffuse_xfluxdytrho_dzttemp time: mean Watt (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
temp_xflux_sigma vertical sum of cpsigma_diff_xfluxdytrho_dzttemp time: mean Watt (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
temp_xflux_submeso_int_z z-integral cpsubmeso_xfluxdytrho_dzttemp time: mean Watt (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
salt_xflux_ndiffuse_int_z z-integral ndiffuse_xfluxdytrho_dzt*tracer forsalt time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
temp_merid_flux_advect_global Global integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
temp_merid_flux_over_global overturn contribution to global integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
temp_merid_flux_gyre_global gyre contribution to global integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
salt_merid_flux_advect_global Global integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
salt_merid_flux_over_global overturn contribution to global integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
salt_merid_flux_gyre_global gyre contribution to global integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
temp_merid_flux_advect_southern ACC integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
temp_merid_flux_over_southern overturn contribution to ACC integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
temp_merid_flux_gyre_southern gyre contribution to ACC integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
salt_merid_flux_advect_southern ACC integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
salt_merid_flux_over_southern overturn contribution to ACC integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
salt_merid_flux_gyre_southern gyre contribution to ACC integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
temp_merid_flux_advect_atlantic Atlantic integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
temp_merid_flux_over_atlantic overturn contribution to Atlantic integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
temp_merid_flux_gyre_atlantic gyre contribution to Atlantic integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
salt_merid_flux_advect_atlantic Atlantic integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
salt_merid_flux_over_atlantic overturn contribution to Atlantic integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
salt_merid_flux_gyre_atlantic gyre contribution to Atlantic integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
temp_merid_flux_advect_pacific Pacific integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
temp_merid_flux_over_pacific overturn contribution to Pacific integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
temp_merid_flux_gyre_pacific gyre contribution to Pacific integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
salt_merid_flux_advect_pacific Pacific integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
salt_merid_flux_over_pacific overturn contribution to Pacific integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
salt_merid_flux_gyre_pacific gyre contribution to Pacific integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
temp_merid_flux_advect_arctic Arctic integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
temp_merid_flux_over_arctic overturn contribution to Arctic integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
temp_merid_flux_gyre_arctic gyre contribution to Arctic integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
salt_merid_flux_advect_arctic Arctic integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
salt_merid_flux_over_arctic overturn contribution to Arctic integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
salt_merid_flux_gyre_arctic gyre contribution to Arctic integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
temp_merid_flux_advect_indian Indian integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
temp_merid_flux_over_indian overturn contribution to Indian integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
temp_merid_flux_gyre_indian gyre contribution to Indian integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) time: mean Watts (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
salt_merid_flux_advect_indian Indian integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
salt_merid_flux_over_indian overturn contribution to Indian integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
salt_merid_flux_gyre_indian gyre contribution to Indian integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’)
temp_yflux_ndiffuse_int_z z-integral cpndiffuse_yfluxdxtrho_dzttemp time: mean Watt (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
temp_yflux_sigma vertical sum of cpsigma_diff_yfluxdxtrho_dzttemp time: mean Watt (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
temp_yflux_submeso_int_z z-integral cpsubmeso_yfluxdxtrho_dzttemp time: mean Watt (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
tau_curl wind stress curl averaged to U-point time: mean N/m^3 (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
ekman_we Ekman vertical velocity averaged to wt-point time: mean m/s (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
salt_yflux_ndiffuse_int_z z-integral ndiffuse_yfluxdxtrho_dzt*tracer forsalt time: mean kg/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
psiv quasi-barotropic strmfcn psiv (compatible with ty_trans) time: mean kg/s (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
tau_x i-directed wind stress forcing u-velocity surface_downward_x_stress time: mean N/m^2 (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
tau_y j-directed wind stress forcing v-velocity surface_downward_y_stress time: mean N/m^2 (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
eta_u surface height on U cells time: mean meter (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
urhod depth and density weighted u time: mean (kg/m^3)*m^2/s (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
vrhod depth and density weighted v time: mean (kg/m^3)*m^2/s (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
u_surf i-surface current time: mean m/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
v_surf j-surface current time: mean m/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
u_bott i-bottom current time: mean m/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
v_bott j-bottom current time: mean m/sec (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
viscosity_scaling Grid/Rossby radius scaling for the laplacian viscosity time: mean dimensionless (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
bmf_u Bottom u-stress via bottom drag time: mean N/m^2 (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
bmf_v Bottom v-stress via bottom drag time: mean N/m^2 (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
bottom_power_u Power dissipation to bottom drag in i-direction time: mean Watt (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
bottom_power_v Power dissipation to bottom drag in j-direction time: mean Watt (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
wind_power_u Power from wind stress in i-direction time: mean Watt (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
wind_power_v Power from wind stress in j-direction time: mean Watt (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
ht ocean depth on t-cells sea_floor_depth_below_geoid time: point m (‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
area_t tracer cell area time: point m^2 (‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
kmt number of depth levels on t-grid time: point dimensionless (‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
pbot0 reference bottom pressure t-cells time: point dbar (‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
tide_speed_wave tide speed from tide model for breaking internal wave mixing scheme time: point m/s (‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
roughness_length roughness length for breaking internal wave mixing scheme time: point metre (‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
roughness_amp roughness amplitude for breaking internal wave mixing scheme time: point metre (‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
hu ocean depth on u-cells time: point m (‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
area_u velocity cell area time: point m^2 (‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
kmu number of depth levels on u-grid time: point dimensionless (‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
visc_crit_bih critical viscosity time: point m^4/sec (‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
tide_speed_drag tide speed from tide model for barotropic drag mixing scheme time: point m/s (‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’)
tide_speed_mask mask based on tide_speed_drag for barotropic drag mixing time: point dimensionless (‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) ~1G/year

name long_name standard_name cell_methods units coordinates
stf03 Flux into ocean - oxygen time: mean mmol/m^2/s (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
stf07 Flux into ocean - DIC, PI time: mean mmol/m^2/s (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
stf09 Flux into ocean - DIC, inc. anth. time: mean mmol/m^2/s (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
stf10 Flux into ocean - iron time: mean mmol/m^2/s (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
pco2 pCO2 time: mean (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
paco2 pCO2 inc. anthropogenic time: mean (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
pprod_gross_2d Vertically integrated Gross PHY production time: mean mmolN/m^2/s (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
atm_co2 Atmospheric CO2 content atmospheric_co2 time: mean ppm (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
wnd Wind speed wind_speed time: mean m/s (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
det_sediment Accumulated DET in sediment at base of water column time: mean mmolN/m^2 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
caco3_sediment Accumulated CaCO3 in sediment at base of water column time: mean mmolN/m^2 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
no3 no3 time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
phy phy time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
o2 o2 time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
det det time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
zoo zoo time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
caco3 caco3 time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
dic dic time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
alk alk time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
adic adic time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
fe fe time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
pprod_gross Gross PHY production time: mean mmolN/m^3/s (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
total_co2_flux Total surface flux of inorganic C (natural) into ocean time: mean Pg/yr (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’)
total_aco2_flux Total surface flux of inorganic C (natural + anthropogenic) into ocean time: mean Pg/yr (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) ~29M/year

name long_name standard_name cell_methods units coordinates
no3os_raw no3 time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
phynos_raw phy time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
talkos_raw alk time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
dissicnatos_raw dic time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
dissicos_raw adic time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
o2os_raw o2 time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
intpp_raw Vertically integrated Gross PHY production time: mean mmolN/m^2/s (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
spco2nat_raw pCO2 time: mean (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
spco2_raw pCO2 inc. anthropogenic time: mean (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
fgco2nat_raw Flux into ocean - DIC, PI time: mean mmol/m^2/s (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
fgco2_raw Flux into ocean - DIC, inc. anth. time: mean mmol/m^2/s (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
fgo2_raw Flux into ocean - oxygen time: mean mmol/m^2/s (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) ~65M/year

name long_name standard_name cell_methods units coordinates
fgco2nat_raw Flux into ocean - DIC, PI time: mean mmol/m^2/s (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
fgco2_raw Flux into ocean - DIC, inc. anth. time: mean mmol/m^2/s (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
dissic_raw adic time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
dissicnat_raw dic time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
arag_raw caco3 time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
talk_raw alk time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
o2_raw o2 time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
no3_raw no3 time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
fe_raw fe time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
pon_raw det time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’)
phyn_raw phy time: mean mmol/m^3 (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) ~32K/year

name long_name standard_name cell_methods units coordinates Initial pre-industrial Initial historical
time_bounds time axis boundaries (‘time’, ‘nv’) Y Y
total_mass_seawater total mass of liquid seawater sea_water_mass time: mean kg (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
total_volume_seawater total volume of liquid seawater sea_water_volume time: mean m^3 (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
eta_global global ave eta_t plus patm_t/(g*rho0) time: mean meter (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
eta_adjust global eta adjustment to include steric effect in Boussinesq fluid time: mean m (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
pbot_adjust pbot adjustment to counteract spurious mass source in Boussinesq fluid time: mean dbar (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
temp_global_ave Global mean temp in liquid seawater sea_water_potential_temperature time: mean deg_C (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
salt_global_ave Global mean salt in liquid seawater sea_water_salinity time: mean psu (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
total_ocean_pme_river total ocean precip-evap+river via sbc (liquid, frozen, evaporation) time: mean (kg/sec)/1e15 (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
total_ocean_river total liquid river water and calving ice entering ocean time: mean kg/sec/1e15 (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
total_ocean_evap total evaporative ocean mass flux (>0 enters ocean) time: mean (kg/sec)/1e15 (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
total_ocean_pme_sbc total ocean precip-evap via sbc (liquid, frozen, evaporation) time: mean kg/sec/1e15 (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
total_ocean_fprec total snow falling onto ocean (>0 enters ocean) time: mean (kg/sec)/1e15 (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
total_ocean_lprec total liquid precip into ocean (>0 enters ocean) time: mean (kg/sec)/1e15 (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
total_ocean_runoff total liquid river runoff (>0 water enters ocean) time: mean (kg/sec)/1e15 (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
total_ocean_salt total mass of salt in liquid seawater time: mean kg/1e18 (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
total_ocean_heat Total heat in the liquid ocean referenced to 0degC time: mean Joule/1e25 (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
total_ocean_hflux_pme total ocean heat flux from pme transferring water across surface time: mean Watts/1e15 (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
total_ocean_swflx total shortwave flux into ocean (>0 heats ocean) time: mean Watts/1e15 (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
total_ocean_swflx_vis total visible shortwave into ocean (>0 heats ocean) time: mean Watts/1e15 (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
total_ocean_evap_heat total latent heat flux into ocean (<0 cools ocean) time: mean Watts/1e15 (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
total_ocean_lw_heat total longwave flux into ocean (<0 cools ocean) time: mean Watts/1e15 (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
total_ocean_sens_heat total sensible heat into ocean (<0 cools ocean) time: mean Watts/1e15 (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
total_ocean_fprec_melt_heat total heat flux to melt frozen precip (<0 cools ocean) time: mean Watts/1e15 (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
total_ocean_runoff_heat total ocean heat flux from liquid river runoff time: mean Watts/1e15 (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
ke_tot Globally integrated ocean kinetic energy time: mean 10^15 Joules (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
pe_tot Globally integrated ocean potential energy time: mean 10^15 Joules (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
temp_surface_ave Global mass weighted mean surface temp in liquid seawater time: mean deg_C (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y
salt_surface_ave Global mass weighted mean surface salt in liquid seawater time: mean psu (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) Y Y

As a side note, we’re looking at changing the output streams so that one variable is output per file to aid with model evaluation. Any feedback on this change would be welcome too!


@pearseb and @matthew.chamberlain, your perspectives from running ESM1.5 would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Spencer,
Thanks for having a look at this. Currently what I do for most 3D fields in the ocean is I only use annual outputs. For monthly outputs, I’m pretty much just thinking about the surface 2D fields which vary seasonally a lot, such as SST, SSS, MLD, wind stress (x and y components and curl terms), sea level.

For the 3D fields, I’m most interested in the basic tracers like:
temp, pot_temp, salt, age_global, press, rho, bv_freq

And the transport terms I use a lot, especially:

(You can make the meridional overturning streamfunction from those 4 above, hence I use them a lot.)

But even those 3D fields I’m really interested in, I would rarely go below annual frequency. So, one could design the outputs so you could only save 3D outputs at annual frequency, and 2D outputs at monthly frequency, which would help to shrink the runs down for long spinups etc.

At present, I have zero outputs for the BGC because it was causing the model to crash and I switched it off. But, that is not a solution that will work for most people.

In this initial release we’re planning on having a “full” and “standard” output profile, and would welcome any feedback on a good selection of diagnostics for a “standard” run. As we’re initially releasing just the preindustrial and historical configurations we’re targeting those use cases in the first instance.

Any thoughts @nicolamaher? @jemmajeffree? @aekiss? @ars599?

In general I agree with what Dave suggested.

2D surface fluxes on monthly timescales and water balance, e.g. runoff/evap/melp/prec terms, 3D U and V could also be useful.

It’s probably worth asking a BGC expert for the BGC terms.


I agree with Nicola and Dave. The fields I use or expect to use in the near future are:
sea surface temp, sea surface height, surface winds, surface air temp, precip, outgoing longwave radiation (or some other cloud proxy)

I’m currently happy with these at monthly resolution, but I could see myself using them at daily in some situations.

20th isotherm could be nice if we’re not saving 3D ocean temp at monthly resolution


Hi everyone, thanks for adding your suggestions. They’re really helpful for getting a better idea of what the output requests should look like!

I’m wondering what everyone would think about keeping monthly output for some of those key 3D variables @dkhutch and @nicolamaher have mentioned:

  • temp
  • pot_temp
  • salt
  • age_global
  • press
  • rho
  • bv_freq
  • U
  • V
  • ty_trans
  • ty_trans_gm
  • ty_trans_rho
  • ty_trans_rho_gm

but organise the diag_table file so that it’s easy to remove them all if they’re not needed in a specific simulation? Or would it be preferable to just have the yearly output for these as the default?

For some of the 3D ocean physics variables that might be a bit more niche like mix_efficiency or lap_fric_u, would it be useful to keep these but at annual frequency, or would it be preferable to skip them completely?

Making these decisions, across a community, on the priorities for storage hungry variables is always a big challenge. You tend to get lots of different use cases with different needs and it’s very hard to converge on consensus, in my experience.

I’m not sure how much my views matter but we (CSIRO Oceans folks) are very much using ACCESS-ESM1.5 3D monthly ocean variables like temperature, salinity, currents, and BGC variables like oxygen. In the use case where one cares about impact on ecosystems these are used for tasks like input to habitat models or other fisheries models. (NB: I’m NOT a fisheries person but collaborate with them).

If one was to toss out the 3D ocean variables that define structure & advection I’d suggest very much saving (or post-processing) 2D variables that might tell you something about upper ocean structure. Mixed layer depth, heat content, depths of isotherms, and SSH.

But again, if the justification for running and storing an ESM experiment doesn’t include supporting Australian efforts towards sustainable marine resources and ecosystems then that’s a decision for someone to make. I do know other stakeholders who seem to really care about 3D ocean data.

Given you are talking about setting “a standard” that could be changed maybe this matters less?

Thanks for the efforts.

1 Like

Hello Spencer, thanks for starting this discussion.

Regarding 3D variables I think we might want to add to this list some important variables for the computation of heat and salinity budgets. These are:

  • temp_tendency
  • salt_tendency
  • dht
  • salt_vdiffuse_impl
  • temp_vdiffuse_impl

If there are 3D fields for transports of horizontal diffusivity of temp and salt, I would also recommend to keep these. At the moment the standard output only includes their vertically integrated transports (i.e. salt_xflux_ndiffuse_int_z).

I think that at this moment you are not making any changes in the 2D variables. If you also intend to change the default 2D variables I would recommend to get some feedback from the community as well. In my view, there are many 2D variables that can be dropped out, too.

Lastly, in any case, it would be good if ACCESS-NRI could realise a quick tutorial of how to modify the variables (and frequency) to be saved. So that, each user can tailor their output based on their own needs.

Many thanks!

@pearseb and @matthew.chamberlain, pinging again in case you missed this. Also @dhb599.

Hi everyone, thanks again for your help with this!

I’ll summarise my understanding of the discussion so far here, and it would be great to know if there’s anything I might have missed or misunderstood!

It sounds like there are some key 2D variables that are important to retain at monthly frequency in the “standard” output profile, in particular:

  • SST
  • SSS
  • SSH
  • MLD
  • wind stresses (x and y components and curl terms)
  • sea level
  • Fields to do with surface fluxes and water balance

And that it would be helpful to keep some important 3D fields also at monthly frequency, such as

  • temp
  • pot_temp
  • salt
  • age_global
  • press
  • rho
  • bv_freq
  • ty_trans
  • ty_trans_gm
  • ty_trans_rho
  • ty_trans_rho_gm
  • U
  • V
  • BGC variables including o2
  • temp_tendency
  • salt_tendency
  • dht
  • salt_vdiffuse_impl
  • temp_vdiffuse_impl

and in particular, fields that help analyse the 3D ocean structure would be good to keep.

Based on this, I’m wondering what everyone would think about the following suggestions for the three output profiles (“detailed”, “standard”, and “reduced”):

Same as the existing output, but with 3D temp added in as it’s currently omitted.

Keep the following 3D variables at monthly frequency:

  • temp (to be added in)
  • pot_temp
  • salt
  • age_global
  • press
  • rho
  • bv_freq
  • ty_trans
  • ty_trans_gm
  • ty_trans_rho
  • ty_trans_rho_gm
  • U
  • V
  • temp_tendency
  • salt_tendency
  • dht
  • salt_vdiffuse_impl
  • temp_vdiffuse_impl
  • no3
  • phy
  • o2
  • det
  • zoo
  • caco3
  • dic
  • alk
  • adic
  • fe
  • pprod_gross

Move all other monthly 3D variables to yearly frequency. Specifically:

  • tx_trans_rho
  • tx_trans_rho_gm
  • tx_trans_gm
  • tx_trans
  • tz_trans
  • tx_trans_submeso
  • ty_trans_submeso
  • tz_trans_sq
  • rho_dzt
  • pot_rho_0
  • sw_heat
  • sw_frac
  • temp_runoffmix
  • temp_rivermix
  • temp_tendency_expl
  • salt_tendency_expl
  • temp_submeso
  • salt_submeso
  • neutral_rho
  • pot_rho_2
  • drhodtheta
  • drhodsalinity
  • cabbeling
  • thermobaricity
  • mixdownslope_temp
  • mixdownslope_salt
  • diff_cbt_wave
  • diff_cbt_drag
  • mix_efficiency
  • power_diss_wave
  • power_diss_drag
  • diff_cbt_kpp_t
  • diff_cbt_kpp_s
  • temp_xflux_adv
  • temp_yflux_adv
  • temp_zflux_adv
  • salt_xflux_adv
  • salt_yflux_adv
  • salt_zflux_adv
  • lap_fric_u
  • lap_fric_v
  • wt
  • wrhot

Some of these could probably be removed completely – if anyone has suggestions for removals, do comment!

Move all 3D fields from monthly to yearly frequency. Delete most of the more niche 2D and 3D fields (with further consultation to better understand which to remove).

It would be great to get feedback/suggestions on the above ideas, and to know whether any of the suggested profiles would be useful!

I have a couple of specific questions that it would be great to get some feedback on:

  1. Are there any 3D variables important for understanding the 3D structure/advection that are missing from the suggested “standard” monthly outputs?

  2. Are the tx_trans... transport variables important to keep at the same frequency as the ty_trans... ones, or are they less useful for analysis?

  3. If common 3D variables are output at monthly frequencies in the “standard” profile, would it be helpful to additionally save them at yearly frequencies? This would add a bit more storage space but would it be convenient for anyone doing a mix of seasonal and yearly analysis?

Any other suggestions would be great too! Thanks everyone!

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FYI here’s the discussion on the standard MOM5 outputs from ACCESS-OM2 new standard diag_tables for each resolution · Issue #203 · COSIMA/access-om2 · GitHub

…and CICE5 outputs new standard CICE outputs at each resolution · Issue #207 · COSIMA/access-om2 · GitHub

We reduced the BGC file sizes by reducing their precision 01deg_jra55_iaf/ at 386771be0c9ef8683b91f2592f69fb3cc394b247 · COSIMA/01deg_jra55_iaf · GitHub