Hi everyone, we’re hoping to gather feedback on the ocean output from the standard ESM1.5 configurations.
The ESM1.5 release will include new default diagnostic requests for each model component, with one goal of removing frequently ignored variables. Ideally this will help save on disk space and manual output culling when running a standard configuration.
The ocean component currently produces about 5.8G of output per year in the pre-industrial configuration, and we’d be interested to know which variables in this output are important for your research and simulations, and whether there are other variables you tend to ignore and would be happy to see omitted.
Each of the dropdowns below lists out the variables currently saved in each output stream. The variables on the 3D model grids take up the most space, and so in particular it would be great to know whether any of them would be suitable to remove from the default output.
ocean_month.nc: ~4.7G/year
name | long_name | standard_name | cell_methods | units | coordinates |
tx_trans_rho | T-cell i-mass transport on pot_rho | time: mean | kg/s | (‘time’, ‘potrho’, ‘grid_yt_ocean’, ‘grid_xu_ocean’) | |
tx_trans_rho_gm | T-cell i-mass transport from GM on pot_rho | time: mean | kg/s | (‘time’, ‘potrho’, ‘grid_yt_ocean’, ‘grid_xu_ocean’) | |
ty_trans_rho | T-cell j-mass transport on pot_rho | time: mean | kg/s | (‘time’, ‘potrho’, ‘grid_yu_ocean’, ‘grid_xt_ocean’) | |
ty_trans_rho_gm | T-cell j-mass transport from GM on pot_rho | time: mean | kg/s | (‘time’, ‘potrho’, ‘grid_yu_ocean’, ‘grid_xt_ocean’) | |
rho | in situ density | time: mean | kg/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
rho_dzt | t-cell rho*thickness | sea_water_mass_per_unit_area | time: mean | (kg/m^3)*m | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
dht | t-cell thickness | cell_thickness | time: mean | m | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
pot_temp | Potential temperature | sea_water_potential_temperature | time: mean | degrees K | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
salt | Practical Salinity | sea_water_salinity | time: mean | psu | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
pot_rho_0 | potential density referenced to 0 dbar | sea_water_potential_density | time: mean | kg/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
age_global | Age (global) | sea_water_age_since_surface_contact | time: mean | yr | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
sw_heat | penetrative shortwave heating | downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_sea_water | time: mean | W/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
sw_frac | fraction of shortwave penetrating | time: mean | dimensionless | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
temp_runoffmix | cprunoffmixrho_dzt*temp | time: mean | Watt/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
temp_rivermix | cprivermixrho_dzt*temp | time: mean | Watt/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
temp_vdiffuse_impl | implicit vert diffusion of heat | time: mean | Watts/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
salt_vdiffuse_impl | implicit vert diffusion of Practical Salinity | time: mean | kg/(sec*m^2) | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
temp_tendency | time tendency for tracer Conservative temperature | time: mean | Watts/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
salt_tendency | time tendency for tracer Practical Salinity | time: mean | kg/(sec*m^2) | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
temp_tendency_expl | explicit in time tendency for tracer Conservative temperature | time: mean | Watts/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
salt_tendency_expl | explicit in time tendency for tracer Practical Salinity | time: mean | kg/(sec*m^2) | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
temp_submeso | rhodztcp*submesoscale tendency (heating) | time: mean | Watts/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
salt_submeso | rhodztsubmesoscale tendency for salt | time: mean | kg/(sec*m^2) | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
neutral_rho | potential density estimate of neutral density | time: mean | kg/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
pot_rho_2 | potential density referenced to 2000 dbar | time: mean | kg/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
press | absolute pressure | time: mean | dbar | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
drhodtheta | d(rho)/d(theta) | time: mean | kg/m^3/C | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
drhodsalinity | d(rho)/d(salinity) | time: mean | kg/m^3/psu | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
cabbeling | cabbeling parameter | time: mean | (1/degC)^2 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
thermobaricity | thermobaricity parameter | time: mean | 1/(dbar*degC) | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
mixdownslope_temp | cpmixdownsloperhodzttemp | time: mean | Watt/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
mixdownslope_salt | mixdownsloperhodzt*tracer for salt | time: mean | kg/(sec*m^2) | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
bv_freq | buoy freq at T-cell centre for use in neutral physics | time: mean | 1/s | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
diff_cbt_wave | diffusivity from breaking internal wave dissipation | time: mean | m^2/sec | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
diff_cbt_drag | diffusivity from drag of barotropic tides on bottom | time: mean | m^2/sec | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
mix_efficiency | efficiency of internal wave dissipation going to mix tracer | time: mean | dimensionless | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
power_diss_wave | power dissipation from internal wave induced mixing | time: mean | W/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
power_diss_drag | power dissipation from barotropic tide drag | time: mean | W/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
diff_cbt_kpp_t | vert diffusivity from kpp for temp | time: mean | m^2/sec | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
diff_cbt_kpp_s | vert diffusivity from kpp for salt | time: mean | m^2/sec | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
tx_trans | T-cell i-mass transport | ocean_x_mass_transport | time: mean | kg/s | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) |
tx_trans_gm | T-cell mass i-transport from GM | time: mean | kg/s | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
tx_trans_submeso | T-cell mass i-transport from submesoscale param | time: mean | kg/s | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
temp_xflux_adv | cprhodztdytu*temp | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
salt_xflux_adv | rhodztdytutracer | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
ty_trans | T-cell j-mass transport | ocean_y_mass_transport | time: mean | kg/s | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
ty_trans_gm | T-cell mass j-transport from GM | time: mean | kg/s | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
ty_trans_submeso | T-cell mass j-transport from submesoscale param | time: mean | kg/s | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
temp_yflux_adv | cprhodztdxtv*temp | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
salt_yflux_adv | rhodztdxtvtracer | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
u | i-current | sea_water_x_velocity | time: mean | m/sec | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) |
v | j-current | sea_water_y_velocity | time: mean | m/sec | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) |
lap_fric_u | Thick & rho wghtd horz lap frict on u-zonal | time: mean | (kg/m^3)*(m^2/s^2) | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
lap_fric_v | Thick & rho wghtd horz lap frict on v-merid | time: mean | (kg/m^3)*(m^2/s^2) | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
tz_trans | T-cell k-mass transport | upward_ocean_mass_transport | time: mean | kg/s | (‘time’, ‘sw_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
tz_trans_sq | Square of T-cell k-mass transport (positive upwards) | square_of_upward_ocean_mass_transport | time: mean | kg/s^2 | (‘time’, ‘sw_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
temp_zflux_adv | cprhodxtdytwt*temp | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘sw_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
salt_zflux_adv | rhodxtdytwttracer | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘sw_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
wt | dia-surface velocity T-points | time: mean | m/sec | (‘time’, ‘sw_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
wrhot | rho*dia-surface velocity T-points | time: mean | (kg/m^3)*m/sec | (‘time’, ‘sw_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
pbot_t | bottom pressure on T cells [Boussinesq (volume conserving) model] | sea_water_pressure_at_sea_floor | time: mean | dbar | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
patm_t | applied pressure on T cells | sea_water_pressure_at_sea_water_surface | time: mean | Pa | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
sea_level | effective sea level (eta_t + patm/(rho0*g)) on T cells | sea_surface_height_above_geoid | time: mean | meter | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
sea_level_sq | square of effective sea level (eta_t + patm/(rho0*g)) on T cells | square_of_sea_surface_height_above_geoid | time: mean | m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
sst | Conservative temperature | time: mean | deg_C | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
sst_sq | squared Conservative temperature | time: mean | squared deg_C | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
sss | Practical Salinity | sea_surface_salinity | time: mean | psu | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
mld | mixed layer depth determined by density criteria | ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_t | time: mean | m | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
mld_sq | squared mixed layer depth determined by density criteria | square_of_ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_t | time: mean | m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
hblt_max | T-cell boundary layer depth from KPP | ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_mixing_scheme | time: max | m | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
lprec | liquid precip (including ice melt/form) into ocean (>0 enters ocean) | rainfall_flux | time: mean | (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
fprec | snow falling onto ocean (>0 enters ocean) | snowfall_flux | time: mean | (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
evap | mass flux from evaporation/condensation (>0 enters ocean) | water_evaporation_flux | time: mean | (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
runoff | mass flux of liquid river runoff entering ocean | water_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers | time: mean | (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
melt | water flux transferred with sea ice form/melt (>0 enters ocean) | water_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_sea_ice_thermodynamics | time: mean | (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
pme_river | mass flux of precip-evap+river via sbc (liquid, frozen, evaporation) | water_flux_into_sea_water | time: mean | (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
sfc_salt_flux_ice | sfc_salt_flux_ice | downward_sea_ice_basal_salt_flux | time: mean | kg/(m^2*sec) | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
sfc_salt_flux_runoff | sfc_salt_flux_runoff | salt_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers | time: mean | kg/(m^2*sec) | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
sfc_hflux_from_water_prec | heat flux from precip transfer of water across ocean surface | temperature_flux_due_to_rainfall_expressed_as_heat_flux_into_sea_water | time: mean | Watts/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
sfc_hflux_from_water_evap | heat flux from evap transfer of water across ocean surface | temperature_flux_due_to_evaporation_expressed_as_heat_flux_into_sea_water | time: mean | Watts/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
sfc_hflux_from_runoff | heat flux (relative to 0C) from liquid river runoff | temperature_flux_due_to_runoff_expressed_as_heat_flux_into_sea_water | time: mean | Watts/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
fprec_melt_heat | heat flux to melt frozen precip (<0 cools ocean) | heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_snow_thermodynamics | time: mean | W/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
lw_heat | longwave flux into ocean (<0 cools ocean) | surface_net_downward_longwave_flux | time: mean | W/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
evap_heat | latent heat flux into ocean (<0 cools ocean) | surface_downward_latent_heat_flux | time: mean | W/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
sens_heat | sensible heat into ocean (<0 cools ocean) | surface_downward_sensible_heat_flux | time: mean | W/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
swflx | shortwave flux into ocean (>0 heats ocean) | surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux | time: mean | W/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
agm | GM diffusivity at surface | ocean_tracer_bolus_laplacian_diffusivity | time: mean | m^2/sec | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
frazil_2d | ocn frazil heat flux over time step | time: mean | W/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
pme | net (precip-evap)(kg/(m2*sec) into ocean, divided by 1035kg/m3 | time: mean | m/sec | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
pme_mass | precip-evap via sbc (liquid, frozen, evaporation) | time: mean | (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
river | mass flux of river (runoff + calving) entering ocean | time: mean | (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
swflx_vis | visible shortwave into ocean (>0 heats ocean) | time: mean | W/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
sfc_hflux_coupler | surface heat flux coming through coupler | time: mean | Watts/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
sfc_hflux_pme | heat flux (relative to 0C) from pme transfer of water across ocean surface | time: mean | Watts/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
temp_runoff | temperature of liquid river runoff entering the ocean | time: mean | degC | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
wfimelt | water into ocean due to ice melt (>0 enters ocean) | icemelt_flux | time: mean | (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
wfiform | water out of ocean due to ice form (>0 enters ocean) | iceform_flux | time: mean | (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
anompb | T-cell bottom pressure - rho0gravht | time: mean | dbar | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
eta_t | surface height on T cells [Boussinesq (volume conserving) model] | time: mean | meter | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
rhobarz | vertically averaged in-situ density | time: mean | kg/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
conv_rho_ud_t | convergence rho*ud on T cells | time: mean | (kg/m^3)*(m/s) | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
bottom_temp | Conservative temperature | time: mean | deg_C | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
bottom_salt | Practical Salinity | time: mean | psu | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
bottom_age_global | Age (global) | time: mean | yr | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
potrho_mix_base | Potential density at mixed layer base | time: mean | kg/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
potrho_mix_depth | Depth of potential density mixed layer | time: mean | m | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
temp_sigma | Conservative temperature in sigma layer | time: mean | deg_C | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
eddy_depth | mesoscale eddy penetration depth used in neutral physicsC | time: mean | m | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
agm_grid_scaling | Scaling of AGM according to Delta(s)^2/(Delta(s)^2 + Rossby^2) | time: mean | dimensionless | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
rossby | Rossby radius used in neutral physics | time: mean | m | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
rossby_radius | Rossby radius computed without min/max bounds | time: mean | m | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
buoy_freq_ave_submeso | Buoyancy frequency averaged over depth of mixed layer for submesoscale closure | time: mean | 1/sec | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
hblt_submeso | Boundary layer depth used for submesoscale closure | time: mean | metre | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
bvfreq_bottom | absolute Brunt-Vaisala freq at ocean bottom | time: mean | s^-1 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
power_waves | power from barotropic tides to internal tides | time: mean | Watt | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
energy_flux | energy flux out of barotropic tides for use w/ internal tide mixing | time: mean | W/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
langmuirfactor | T-cell KPP mixing Langmuir enhancement factor | ocean_vertical_mixing_langmuir_factor_for_KPP_scheme | time: mean | none | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
psiu | quasi-barotropic strmfcn psiu (compatible with tx_trans) | ocean_barotropic_mass_streamfunction | time: mean | kg/s | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) |
temp_xflux_ndiffuse_int_z | z-integral cpndiffuse_xfluxdytrho_dzttemp | time: mean | Watt | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
temp_xflux_sigma | vertical sum of cpsigma_diff_xfluxdytrho_dzttemp | time: mean | Watt | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
temp_xflux_submeso_int_z | z-integral cpsubmeso_xfluxdytrho_dzttemp | time: mean | Watt | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
salt_xflux_ndiffuse_int_z | z-integral ndiffuse_xfluxdytrho_dzt*tracer forsalt | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
temp_merid_flux_advect_global | Global integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
temp_merid_flux_over_global | overturn contribution to global integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
temp_merid_flux_gyre_global | gyre contribution to global integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
salt_merid_flux_advect_global | Global integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
salt_merid_flux_over_global | overturn contribution to global integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
salt_merid_flux_gyre_global | gyre contribution to global integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
temp_merid_flux_advect_southern | ACC integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
temp_merid_flux_over_southern | overturn contribution to ACC integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
temp_merid_flux_gyre_southern | gyre contribution to ACC integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
salt_merid_flux_advect_southern | ACC integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
salt_merid_flux_over_southern | overturn contribution to ACC integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
salt_merid_flux_gyre_southern | gyre contribution to ACC integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
temp_merid_flux_advect_atlantic | Atlantic integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
temp_merid_flux_over_atlantic | overturn contribution to Atlantic integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
temp_merid_flux_gyre_atlantic | gyre contribution to Atlantic integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
salt_merid_flux_advect_atlantic | Atlantic integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
salt_merid_flux_over_atlantic | overturn contribution to Atlantic integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
salt_merid_flux_gyre_atlantic | gyre contribution to Atlantic integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
temp_merid_flux_advect_pacific | Pacific integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
temp_merid_flux_over_pacific | overturn contribution to Pacific integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
temp_merid_flux_gyre_pacific | gyre contribution to Pacific integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
salt_merid_flux_advect_pacific | Pacific integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
salt_merid_flux_over_pacific | overturn contribution to Pacific integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
salt_merid_flux_gyre_pacific | gyre contribution to Pacific integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
temp_merid_flux_advect_arctic | Arctic integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
temp_merid_flux_over_arctic | overturn contribution to Arctic integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
temp_merid_flux_gyre_arctic | gyre contribution to Arctic integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
salt_merid_flux_advect_arctic | Arctic integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
salt_merid_flux_over_arctic | overturn contribution to Arctic integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
salt_merid_flux_gyre_arctic | gyre contribution to Arctic integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
temp_merid_flux_advect_indian | Indian integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
temp_merid_flux_over_indian | overturn contribution to Indian integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
temp_merid_flux_gyre_indian | gyre contribution to Indian integral(cprhodztdxtv*temp) | time: mean | Watts | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
salt_merid_flux_advect_indian | Indian integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
salt_merid_flux_over_indian | overturn contribution to Indian integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
salt_merid_flux_gyre_indian | gyre contribution to Indian integral(rhodztdxtvtemp) | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’) | |
temp_yflux_ndiffuse_int_z | z-integral cpndiffuse_yfluxdxtrho_dzttemp | time: mean | Watt | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
temp_yflux_sigma | vertical sum of cpsigma_diff_yfluxdxtrho_dzttemp | time: mean | Watt | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
temp_yflux_submeso_int_z | z-integral cpsubmeso_yfluxdxtrho_dzttemp | time: mean | Watt | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
tau_curl | wind stress curl averaged to U-point | time: mean | N/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
ekman_we | Ekman vertical velocity averaged to wt-point | time: mean | m/s | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
salt_yflux_ndiffuse_int_z | z-integral ndiffuse_yfluxdxtrho_dzt*tracer forsalt | time: mean | kg/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
psiv | quasi-barotropic strmfcn psiv (compatible with ty_trans) | time: mean | kg/s | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
tau_x | i-directed wind stress forcing u-velocity | surface_downward_x_stress | time: mean | N/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) |
tau_y | j-directed wind stress forcing v-velocity | surface_downward_y_stress | time: mean | N/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) |
eta_u | surface height on U cells | time: mean | meter | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
urhod | depth and density weighted u | time: mean | (kg/m^3)*m^2/s | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
vrhod | depth and density weighted v | time: mean | (kg/m^3)*m^2/s | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
u_surf | i-surface current | time: mean | m/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
v_surf | j-surface current | time: mean | m/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
u_bott | i-bottom current | time: mean | m/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
v_bott | j-bottom current | time: mean | m/sec | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
viscosity_scaling | Grid/Rossby radius scaling for the laplacian viscosity | time: mean | dimensionless | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
bmf_u | Bottom u-stress via bottom drag | time: mean | N/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
bmf_v | Bottom v-stress via bottom drag | time: mean | N/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
bottom_power_u | Power dissipation to bottom drag in i-direction | time: mean | Watt | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
bottom_power_v | Power dissipation to bottom drag in j-direction | time: mean | Watt | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
wind_power_u | Power from wind stress in i-direction | time: mean | Watt | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
wind_power_v | Power from wind stress in j-direction | time: mean | Watt | (‘time’, ‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
ht | ocean depth on t-cells | sea_floor_depth_below_geoid | time: point | m | (‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
area_t | tracer cell area | time: point | m^2 | (‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
kmt | number of depth levels on t-grid | time: point | dimensionless | (‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
pbot0 | reference bottom pressure t-cells | time: point | dbar | (‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
tide_speed_wave | tide speed from tide model for breaking internal wave mixing scheme | time: point | m/s | (‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
roughness_length | roughness length for breaking internal wave mixing scheme | time: point | metre | (‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
roughness_amp | roughness amplitude for breaking internal wave mixing scheme | time: point | metre | (‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
hu | ocean depth on u-cells | time: point | m | (‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
area_u | velocity cell area | time: point | m^2 | (‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
kmu | number of depth levels on u-grid | time: point | dimensionless | (‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
visc_crit_bih | critical viscosity | time: point | m^4/sec | (‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
tide_speed_drag | tide speed from tide model for barotropic drag mixing scheme | time: point | m/s | (‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) | |
tide_speed_mask | mask based on tide_speed_drag for barotropic drag mixing | time: point | dimensionless | (‘yu_ocean’, ‘xu_ocean’) |
ocean_bgc.nc: ~1G/year
name | long_name | standard_name | cell_methods | units | coordinates |
stf03 | Flux into ocean - oxygen | time: mean | mmol/m^2/s | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
stf07 | Flux into ocean - DIC, PI | time: mean | mmol/m^2/s | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
stf09 | Flux into ocean - DIC, inc. anth. | time: mean | mmol/m^2/s | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
stf10 | Flux into ocean - iron | time: mean | mmol/m^2/s | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
pco2 | pCO2 | time: mean | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | ||
paco2 | pCO2 inc. anthropogenic | time: mean | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | ||
pprod_gross_2d | Vertically integrated Gross PHY production | time: mean | mmolN/m^2/s | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
atm_co2 | Atmospheric CO2 content | atmospheric_co2 | time: mean | ppm | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
wnd | Wind speed | wind_speed | time: mean | m/s | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
det_sediment | Accumulated DET in sediment at base of water column | time: mean | mmolN/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
caco3_sediment | Accumulated CaCO3 in sediment at base of water column | time: mean | mmolN/m^2 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
no3 | no3 | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
phy | phy | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
o2 | o2 | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
det | det | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
zoo | zoo | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
caco3 | caco3 | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
dic | dic | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
alk | alk | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
adic | adic | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
fe | fe | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
pprod_gross | Gross PHY production | time: mean | mmolN/m^3/s | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
total_co2_flux | Total surface flux of inorganic C (natural) into ocean | time: mean | Pg/yr | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | |
total_aco2_flux | Total surface flux of inorganic C (natural + anthropogenic) into ocean | time: mean | Pg/yr | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) |
ocean_bgc_mth.nc ~29M/year
name | long_name | standard_name | cell_methods | units | coordinates |
no3os_raw | no3 | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
phynos_raw | phy | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
talkos_raw | alk | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
dissicnatos_raw | dic | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
dissicos_raw | adic | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
o2os_raw | o2 | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
intpp_raw | Vertically integrated Gross PHY production | time: mean | mmolN/m^2/s | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
spco2nat_raw | pCO2 | time: mean | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | ||
spco2_raw | pCO2 inc. anthropogenic | time: mean | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | ||
fgco2nat_raw | Flux into ocean - DIC, PI | time: mean | mmol/m^2/s | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
fgco2_raw | Flux into ocean - DIC, inc. anth. | time: mean | mmol/m^2/s | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
fgo2_raw | Flux into ocean - oxygen | time: mean | mmol/m^2/s | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
ocean_bgc_ann.nc ~65M/year
name | long_name | standard_name | cell_methods | units | coordinates |
fgco2nat_raw | Flux into ocean - DIC, PI | time: mean | mmol/m^2/s | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
fgco2_raw | Flux into ocean - DIC, inc. anth. | time: mean | mmol/m^2/s | (‘time’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
dissic_raw | adic | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
dissicnat_raw | dic | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
arag_raw | caco3 | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
talk_raw | alk | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
o2_raw | o2 | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
no3_raw | no3 | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
fe_raw | fe | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
pon_raw | det | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) | |
phyn_raw | phy | time: mean | mmol/m^3 | (‘time’, ‘st_ocean’, ‘yt_ocean’, ‘xt_ocean’) |
ocean_scalar.nc ~32K/year
name | long_name | standard_name | cell_methods | units | coordinates | Initial pre-industrial | Initial historical |
time_bounds | time axis boundaries | (‘time’, ‘nv’) | Y | Y | |||
total_mass_seawater | total mass of liquid seawater | sea_water_mass | time: mean | kg | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y |
total_volume_seawater | total volume of liquid seawater | sea_water_volume | time: mean | m^3 | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y |
eta_global | global ave eta_t plus patm_t/(g*rho0) | time: mean | meter | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
eta_adjust | global eta adjustment to include steric effect in Boussinesq fluid | time: mean | m | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
pbot_adjust | pbot adjustment to counteract spurious mass source in Boussinesq fluid | time: mean | dbar | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
temp_global_ave | Global mean temp in liquid seawater | sea_water_potential_temperature | time: mean | deg_C | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y |
salt_global_ave | Global mean salt in liquid seawater | sea_water_salinity | time: mean | psu | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y |
total_ocean_pme_river | total ocean precip-evap+river via sbc (liquid, frozen, evaporation) | time: mean | (kg/sec)/1e15 | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
total_ocean_river | total liquid river water and calving ice entering ocean | time: mean | kg/sec/1e15 | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
total_ocean_evap | total evaporative ocean mass flux (>0 enters ocean) | time: mean | (kg/sec)/1e15 | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
total_ocean_pme_sbc | total ocean precip-evap via sbc (liquid, frozen, evaporation) | time: mean | kg/sec/1e15 | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
total_ocean_fprec | total snow falling onto ocean (>0 enters ocean) | time: mean | (kg/sec)/1e15 | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
total_ocean_lprec | total liquid precip into ocean (>0 enters ocean) | time: mean | (kg/sec)/1e15 | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
total_ocean_runoff | total liquid river runoff (>0 water enters ocean) | time: mean | (kg/sec)/1e15 | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
total_ocean_salt | total mass of salt in liquid seawater | time: mean | kg/1e18 | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
total_ocean_heat | Total heat in the liquid ocean referenced to 0degC | time: mean | Joule/1e25 | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
total_ocean_hflux_pme | total ocean heat flux from pme transferring water across surface | time: mean | Watts/1e15 | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
total_ocean_swflx | total shortwave flux into ocean (>0 heats ocean) | time: mean | Watts/1e15 | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
total_ocean_swflx_vis | total visible shortwave into ocean (>0 heats ocean) | time: mean | Watts/1e15 | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
total_ocean_evap_heat | total latent heat flux into ocean (<0 cools ocean) | time: mean | Watts/1e15 | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
total_ocean_lw_heat | total longwave flux into ocean (<0 cools ocean) | time: mean | Watts/1e15 | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
total_ocean_sens_heat | total sensible heat into ocean (<0 cools ocean) | time: mean | Watts/1e15 | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
total_ocean_fprec_melt_heat | total heat flux to melt frozen precip (<0 cools ocean) | time: mean | Watts/1e15 | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
total_ocean_runoff_heat | total ocean heat flux from liquid river runoff | time: mean | Watts/1e15 | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
ke_tot | Globally integrated ocean kinetic energy | time: mean | 10^15 Joules | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
pe_tot | Globally integrated ocean potential energy | time: mean | 10^15 Joules | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
temp_surface_ave | Global mass weighted mean surface temp in liquid seawater | time: mean | deg_C | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y | |
salt_surface_ave | Global mass weighted mean surface salt in liquid seawater | time: mean | psu | (‘time’, ‘scalar_axis’) | Y | Y |
As a side note, we’re looking at changing the output streams so that one variable is output per file to aid with model evaluation. Any feedback on this change would be welcome too!