Preset outputs for paleoclimate simulations

Hi everyone, for the next version of the ESM1.5 configurations, we’re hoping to add preset output profiles for each model component tailored towards longer paleoclimate simulations. The rough plan is to start with the current Standard profiles, and remove variables that aren’t frequently analysed in paleo simulations, especially those saved at higher frequencies and with more dimensions.

Based on previous discussions, some proposals for the Reduced profiles include:

  • Remove all daily atmospheric output.
  • Remove monthly 3D ocean output, saving instead at yearly frequency.

It would be great to get feedback on whether these changes would be suitable for different projects, and to also hear if there are other variables that could be removed.

A table of the output variables from the Standard preset is available here, if there is anything you would be happy to see removed in the Reduced preset, let me know!


One specific question is whether it’s important to keep all of the land variables on the Cable tiles. As these have 17 levels, they tend to take up quite a bit of space in the output.

@LaurieM, @dkhutch, @HIMADRI_SAINI, @gpontes, @jbrown, I’m just tagging you as it would be great to get your suggestions. Do tag anyone else too that might have ideas. Thank you!

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Hi Spencer,
In general yes I would support removing daily atmospheric output and reducing ocean output primarily to 3D yearly and a small amount of 2D monthly data.
Unfortunately Gadi is down today and tomorrow but can dig up some examples of what I tend to save on Monday.

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I am not super interested in saving the land variables in most cases, so yes culling that would be helpful to me.
I could imagine scenarios where we only switch that on for the last ~50 years of a simluation so that we’re not accumulating many hundreds of years of spinup with detailed CABLE data that we never look at.

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Thanks @dkhutch! That would be great to see examples of the variables you save once gadi is back online!

HI Spencer,
I agree with David that it would be best not to have daily atm. outputs in the standard version. We just need to have the possibility to turn it back on to save a few decades of outputs.
The standard ocean outputs in your link seem to be all we need.
One output that would be useful to have are yearly total carbon inventories in the ocean and land. That could allow for a reduced CABLE output list. the CABLE outputs are the ones we have least used so far and the ones we are struggling the most with.
Note that for paleo work we have two different type of simulations: 1) spin up, 2) generation of data. In phase 1, which can last 1000yrs!, we have only used CABLE outputs to make sure that our vegetation/ice forcing was correct. In phase 2, we have probably used LAI, and evapotranspiration…
If you had a list of outputs, I could probably tell you what we might use.
Thanks a lot for looking into this Spencer!

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Hello Spencer,

Thanks for your effort on this.

I agree with @LaurieM and @dkhutch that ideally we would want two presets: one for spin up and one for data generation (equilibrium climate).

I believe for the spin up most variables can be saved at yearly resolution, except for 3D temperature (both atmos and ocean), salinity, sea-ice extent and mixed layer depth (further suggestions are welcome). We might need these in a monthly resolution for seasonality checks during the spin up. Here, we could keep cable variables at the minimum necessary for vegetation and carbon checks.

For data generation, I would like to have back all oceanic and atmospheric variables that the current set up has been saving at a monthly resolution. Noting that, after running the ACCESS-Archiver script, we still keep many variables in the atmosphere (or cable?) as an “unknown field”, which is not really useful because we don’t what that is.

Lastly, I rarely use CABLE variables in my data analyses. @LaurieM should have a better idea on what to keep. We should keep in mind that some of our paleo simulations will be part of PMIP (Paleoclimate Model intercomparison Project) and others might be interested in these simulations.


I would think there should be specific profiles tailored for CMIP/PMIP submission.

Part of the problem with saving excessive model diagnostic fields has been a result of the output being tailored for CMIP submission.

Thank you everyone for your suggestions!

It sounds like a great idea to have a very paired down Spinup profile. One thing I’d like to understand better is whether the current Standard presets would be suitable for the shorter data generation stage after the spin up, or is it worth having an additional paleo specific profile here?

I think it would be useful to have an option to select either full PMIP/CMIP output or a smaller set of outputs where the run is not planned to be part of CMIP and the full set of outputs is not required. We are struggling to find space for output from longer non-PMIP palaeo simulations and would be nice to have a “lean output” option to save space/time. But if we are running a standard PMIP/CMIP experiment then we would want to “switch on” the full set of outputs after the spin-up stage.

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