Hi everyone, apologies for the delay in updates.
I’ve attached a proposal for a spin-up preset based on a mix of @dkhutch’s example and the existing presets, with additional variables cut out (thanks @dkhutch for answering several questions about his outputs too). The spreadsheet shows the proposed “spin up” preset compared to the existing Standard preset.
spinup_preset.xls (97 KB)
Saving the variables in the spreadsheet produces ~2.4G of output per year (~900M is uncompressed CICE logs, which can hopefully be reduced through a future payu update).
It would be great to hear whether the proposal would be suitable for your spin up simulations, and in particular: are there any variables being removed that should instead be kept, and are there any variables being kept that you would never look at during spin up?
A few more specific questions:
Based on discussion, I’ve removed most of the sea ice outputs other than area, thickness and velocities. Are there any other sea ice variables that would be important to keep?
~640M of the output is the unprocessed timeseries output from the UM (the
files), which
um2nc` isn’t able to handle. My understanding is that the timeseries are CO2 fluxes at a preselected set of land and ocean points. Is there any need to keep these during spin up? (@RachelLaw and @tiloz – @MartinDix mentioned that you might have used these variables in the past and so any feedback would be welcome!)
Thanks again for your feedback and ideas!