ACCESS-NRI is targeting mid to late May end of July for a supported ACCESS-ESM1.5 flagship release.
A flagship release needs to meet some minimum criteria:
- Source code under version control on GitHub
- Reproducible build infrastructure (all models built with spack)
- Automated build infrastructure (CI) in place to ensure code correctness
- Experiment configurations under version control on GitHub (e.g. ACCESS-OM2)
- Automated reproducibility checking in place. Both for CI testing of experiment configuration updates, but also scheduled reproducibility checking of specific experiment configuration versions marked for long-term support
- User documentation
Additionally there should be
- Full experiment provenance
- Model documentation
This is a more difficult task, and so will be an on-going process of improvement
Source code
ACCESS-ESM1.5 contains four major components:
- UMv7: atmosphere model
- CABLE2: Land surface model
- MOM5: ocean model
- CICE4: sea-ice model
- OASIS3: coupler
Some other important dependencies include gcom, fcm and netCDF.
Currently available on the ESM_1.5
branch in the cice4
repo on the ACCESS-NRI GitHub organisation:
MOM5 version is currently in a separate COSIMA repository
Access to the the Unified Model (UM) is restricted by a UK Met Office license, which limits where it can be stored, and who can access it.
Version 2.4 is included as part of the UM source code
This is available on the ACCESS-NRI GitHub organisation
Build infrastructure
All components of ACCESS-ESM1.5 have been ported to use the spack build infrastructure by adding or modifying their spack package definitions. Thanks to @paulleopardi for this work, and @harshula who assisted with reviews and additional complementary updates.
There is an active pre-release deployment of ACCESS-ESM1.5 that is being tested and is close to being released
Build CI
Build CI has been added to model components that are open source and unencumbered by licensing issues. The UM and gcom components do not currently have build CI enabled as the current approach could expose compiled components to access by unlicensed persons.
Experiment Configurations
Initially ACCESS-NRI plans to release and support three ACCESS-ESM1.5 experiment configurations: pre-industrial and concentration driven historical and an emissions driven historical.
Emissions driven configurations will be part of subsequent follow-up releases of ACCESS-ESM.
The intention is to adopt, and where required modify, the CLEX CMS developed payu
Emissions driven configurations will be from configurations developed by CSIRO (predominantly @tiloz).
Configuration work is predominantly being done by @spencerwong and @MartinDix.
The pre-industrial configuration is being developed in this branch
Historical Concentration Driven
The concentration driven historical configuration is being developed in this branch
Reproducibility testing
Modular reproducibility testing developed for ACCESS-OM2 will be applied to ACCESS-ESM1.5.