ESM working group: Meeting notes 2024

Date: 4/7/2024

Participants: 15

Chair: @dkhutch

1. Admin

  • Speakers: @HIMADRI_SAINI has deferred presenting until the next meeting (18th July). We have a speaker for the end of August, but we have no-one for the two meetings between. Please consider presenting, even work in progress that you’d like some feedback. Message co-chairs or @Aidan.
  • Remember to add any items you want this WG to discuss to ideas for topics

2. Shared experiments/ACCESS-NRI resources

3. ACCESS Community Workshop

  • Abstract submissions for the workshop are still open, and registrations will open on 2024-07-11T14:00:00Z. Check the ACCESS Community Workshop 2024 page for updates.
  • Registration is separate form. Oral abstract deadline is Jul28th. Poster might be more flexible.
  • The ESM WG has decided on a half day get together on the last day (Thursday) of the workshop. Don’t have a lead person for the day, volunteers welcome. Wilma doesn’t have the feedback from the last working group day. Need to contact ACCESS-NRI.

4. Improving Researcher/Developer Collaboration

@ctychung and @Harun_Rashid posted on the ideas for topics:

@Harun_Rashid led a discussion.

Often see model biases. Challenge for team developing coupled model to address biases. Need better connections between developers and scientists.

  • ACCESS-ESM1.5 ENSO simulation too regular, doesn’t match observations. PPE 17 atmospheric experiment improvement changed ENSO period.
  • 50 different parameters in PPE. Not all changed in PPE 17
  • Do cheap AMIP runs in first instance? @sofarrell not sure AMIP will work, think we need a coupled model to understand response.
  • @ShayneM would support using WG resources for this sort of work
  • @sofarrell UKMO has done PPEs with the ocean. NEMO very sensitive in North Atlantic, can switch states.
  • PPE 17 is particularly aimed at ENSO
  • Comparison of modellers view vs evaluators view
  • The aim is to establish a closer connection between model developers and evaluation scientists to facilitate model improvements
  • This connection can lead to a better understanding of needs of two groups
  • For example, what does it mean by “the simulated feedback (X) is weaker than that in observations”?
  • What is (are) the physics parameters) that can reduce the bias in feedback X?
  • ITCZ is longitudinally averaged over Pacific Sector
  • @Aidan need to identify who the evaluators and modellers are, identify problems to solve, work out experiment protocol to examine this and give developers a target/criteria for improvement.
  • Small team at CSIRO, a few at BoM. ACCESS-NRI refocussing on tuning part of model now ACCESS-NRI is taking care of infrastructure.
  • @ShayneM would be good to have standard metrics for models.
  • @Harun_Rashid Doing present-day control runs currently. Outputs CMORised.
  • @nicolamaher there was a list of metrics identified as part of the hackathon. Will be revised on the Monday before the workshop. Encourage all interested people to attend.
  • @ctychung need a coordinated evaluation effort. There is a NESP project, but would be great to have some community involvement.
  • @JulieA would be good to have a workflow to automatically generate metrics.
  • @ctychung MED trying to streamline ESMValtool to easily calculate metrics/statistics.
  • @JulieA CMIP fast-track simulations. Already running ESM1.6?
  • @tiloz CMIP7 fast-track deadline is end of 2026. All have to ready well before then to be processed and published. Decided to put together best change of contributing to fast-track. This is ACCESS-ESM1.6, based on ESM1.5 with improvements in BGC and land CABLE table, land use change scheme. Already testing new WOMBAT version on ESM1.5. Dave Bi is revising the iceberg scheme. Plan to have that version finalised by the end of the year. Spin-up at the beginning of 2025. Tuning and model dev work in the remainder of 2024. No major changes in physics, focussing on the carbon cycle.
  • @JulieA could ESM WG help with evaluating ESM1.6?

5. Priorities for future ACCESS-NRI supported ESM configurations

@dkhutch posted a topic to initiate discussion on what are the priorities for ACCESS-NRI supported ESM model configurations and capabilities once the initial release is complete (targeting end of July):

Ran out of time so delayed for another meeting, but if any others want to respond to the topic above or create their own to canvas opinions about other (non-paleoclimate) configurations that would be great.

6. What’s going on?

Any news to share? Experiments being run? Ideas for collaborations?

This is a wiki post , if you want to update any of the details in these meeting notes, or to add your own recollection of what was discussed then edit me rather than replying.