Call for speakers for ESM Working Group Day

Call for speakers

The Earth System working group would like your participation in the ESM Working Group half-day, which is part of the final day of ACCESS Workshop 2024.

As this is the only opportunity for the working group to meet face to face we want to hear about you and your research. So please consider volunteering to give a talk to the Working Group.

How do I volunteer to speak?

Reply to this topic with a title and abstract for your talk.

Depending on demand talks will be between 10 and 15 minutes, and hopefully with plenty of discussion time.

Abstracts don’t have to be long. At minimum just a sentence or two describing what you’d like to talk about.

What if I have already submitted an abstract for the workshop?

If you have already registered for the workshop and submitted an abstract then that topic could be considered for the ESM Working Group day if there isn’t space in the program of the first two days.

In other words you don’t have to do anything!

Definitely don’t also submit the same talk here. It is unnecessary.

Do feel free to suggest a different talk if there is something else you’re keen to share in case your other talk is scheduled for the program in the first two days.


If you want to speak you must register to attend, and even if you’re not speaking please register and attend.

Details are available on the ACCESS-NRI website:


The Working Group co-chairs will craft a program depending on the number of speakers.

Hi Aidan and all,

I’m happy to present on the Southern Ocean Freshwater Input from Antarctica (SOFIA) Initiative.

Melting of the Antarctic ice sheets and shelves is accelerating, adding extra meltwater to the Southern Ocean. Antarctic meltwater stratifies the upper ocean, cooling the surface, but warming the subsurface, which could further accelerate ice shelf melting. Coupled climate models do not represent dynamic ice sheets or shelves, neglecting important climate impacts. We propose a standardised Southern Ocean freshwater forcing protocol to quantify the impact of missing Antarctic meltwater on climate simulations across multiple models. I will discuss the organisation of SOFIA, our freshwater forcing protocol and present some initial science results from an ensemble of freshwater simulations.

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