ESM Working Group Announce

ESM Working Group Meeting

This is a reminder the next ESM Working Group meeting is 2024-08-15T03:00:00Z (15/08)

Zoom Meeting Link


1. Admin

  • Science presentations: We have a speaker for the next meeting (29th) but we have no-one after that. Please consider presenting, even work in progress for which you’d like some feedback. Message co-chairs or @Aidan.
  • Remember to add any items you want this WG to discuss to ideas for topics

2. Shared experiments/ACCESS-NRI resources

  • ESM project lg87 has used 320 KSU of its 875 KSU allocation for this quarter. /g/data storage steady at 35TB
  • Any more proposals for shared experiments for next quarter? See guidelines for how to do this.
  • What would be valuable examples to highlight in reporting to Federal Government. e.g., what research was made possible over the last 6-12 months by WG compute or storage resources?

3. ACCESS Community Workshop

  • Registration for workshop still open, poster abstract submissions are open until 2024-08-20T14:00:00Z. Check the ACCESS Community Workshop 2024 page for updates.
  • The ESM WG needs to finalise an agenda for the working group half-day of the workshop by Friday. This is shaped a great deal by how many people would like to present talks. If you want to present please add your talk to the forum post as soon as possible

4. Science Talk

Gabriel Pontes: Contribution of meltwater to the 20th century AMOC weakening

5. What’s going on?

  • Any other business? Any news to share? Ideas for experiments and collaborations?

Additional information