(Aidan Heerdegen, ACCESS-NRI Release Team Lead)
ACCESS-NRI is hosting a workshop for the community 2023-09-03T14:00:00Z→2023-09-07T14:00:00Z.
The Working Groups are an integral part of the planning for the workshop, with input to the program committee and a dedicated day (or two) for working group activities.
This topic will be used to discuss and organise the ESM Working Group participation in the Workshop.
(Aidan Heerdegen, ACCESS-NRI Release Team Lead)
Workshop Participation
We would like to get some indication of who from the ESM community are planning on attending the workshop (2023-09-04T14:00:00Z→2023-09-05T14:00:00Z), and in particular who, and how many, would attend a separate ESM Working Group day (2023-09-06T14:00:00Z).
Workshop Poll
I will be attending the workshop in person
I will be attending the workshop remotely
I will not be attending
Workshop Poll
I plan to attend the dedicated ESM Working Group Day
I want to present on the ESM Working Group Day
Are you attending another working group day? If so, please indicate which one
Oceans/Sea-Ice (COSIMA)
Land Surface
Forecasting and Prediction
Please participate in the poll, and encourage any ESM community members who will be attending to also answer the poll
(Aidan Heerdegen, ACCESS-NRI Release Team Lead)
The latest version of the Workshop Draft Program is available for final review and feedback. They have tried to incorporate all the points discussed in now think it is now ready for publication in the Workshop webpage, noting that it is still a work in progress.
@dkhutch would like to give Natalia feedback from the ESM Community by Tuesday, so for your feedback to be incorporated it will need to be given before 2023-07-17T06:00:00Z.
As for invited speakers, we could go with someone from NCAR potentially highlighting feedbacks between the development of coupled and individual models. Chatting with Julie Arblaster, along with John Fasullo, she suggested:
Isla Simpson - dynamicist, led the decision on the configuration of the next version of CAM in terms of vertical levels, contributes a lot to model evaluation. Also a co-lead on the Strategic Ensemble Design task team for CMIP7
Rich Neale - ENSO / MJO / convection, leads the Atmosphere Modelling and Predictability group at NCAR and led the atmospheric model working group of CESM for many years. Is a great presenter.
Brian Medeiros - clouds, doing interesting work with a regional refined version, though mainly AGCM
or more locally, we could go with someone like Yann Planton, a new postdoc here at Monash, who has done a lot of work on coupled model assessment. His past work has a focus on ENSO, but he is working on a paper looking at how model internal variability can influence model evaluation which might be of relevance.