Date: 06/07/2023
Participants: 13
Chair: @LaurieM
Change next meeting to 3.30pm. Science talk volunteers.
Working Group Experiments
@LaurieM Some paleo experiment used across community? Mid-pliocene experiment? Good to have experiment that could benefit a number of communities.
@Aidan COSIMA example of control runs at various resolutions with repeat year and interannual forcing. Used as base for perturbation runs.
@lauriem High resolution coupled model for sensitivity experiments?
Goal is to do something that would not be done otherwise, but has some example projects.
@Dietmar_Dommenget would like to run a lower resolution coupled model. Don’t have current ability to do so. Change land/sea masks. Good for El Niño and paleo. Might be worthwhile group project to get going. Don’t have resources to do this alone. Requires human time rather than compute time.
@LaurieM More like Hackathon? Could be training day activity? Might be a decent start.
@dkhutch has similar problems. Currently stuck on land/sea mask modification. Would be interested in a hackathon or similar.
@dhb599 not trivial work. Looking forward to this assistance as well from ACCESS-NRI for high resolution ocean coupled model. This work will be more common in the future. Would be good for whole community.
@LaurieM working group meeting on 17th of August to focus on this? Invite Davide and Martin to get some movement on this issue. @dhb599 they know what needs to be done. Automatic package would be great. Don’t know progress. How far they have gone, what to expect?
@dhb599 There is a CM2 version with a wave model. Done some experiments. Could run some experiments of interest to community. Would need more resources, compute and data.
@ClaireT COWCLIP - coordinated ocean wave climate intercomparison project. Needs >= 3hr surface winds in particular. Prelim coupling of WW3 to either ocean or atmos model has been accomplished but I’m not sure anyone’s run it in a full ESM yet (maybe UKMO?).
@dkhutch gave overview of workshop draft. ESM community need to have some speakers if want to get ESM in workshop.
@RachelLaw Tilo was approached if interested in another ESM training session. Maybe if we want other ideas around modifying experiments, or other ideas. Should contact @tiloz with ideas.
Poll for training on Monday? Can decide what is appropriate. How to run.
Follow up with ideas for training on forum: Ideas for Workshop training?
Need everyone to answer the poll
Science talk
Eun-Pa Lim “The impact of ozone forcing on the 2020 Antarctic super vortex and associated surface climate conditions”
- 2020 super vortex in Oct-Dec was an unusual event.
- 2020 ozone anomalies significantly cooled the Antarctic polar cap in the lower stratosphere and strengthened polar vortex. Ozone forcing needs to be improved in our seasonal forecasting systems.
- ACCESS-S2 is predicting the 4th consecutive vortex strengthening event in the coming spring.
ACCESS-S2 still using climatological ozone forcing. @sofarrell up to date ozone data was difficult to put in code which uses zonally averaged regions. GC5 uses full 3D ozone fields.
@Dietmar_Dommenget Why is the current forecast more reliable than previous inaccurate forecast? What is the driver of this event? Previous bad forecast was ACCESS-S1. Now upgraded to ACCESS-S2. The 2020 forecast deficiency was unusual. Hindcasts were good. Spring Polar Vortex are usually predictable due to well understood process. Already an anomaly in the stratosphere. Current ozone anomaly lowest on record. Probably related to unprecedented stratospheric water vapour due to volcanic eruptions.
What’s going on?
@paulleopardi started at ACCESS-NRI this week. Finishing off auditing of ancillaries in /g/data/access project. Will be involved in ancillary work in the future.
@Aidan will put together some workshop related information together and send and update to the Working Group announce topic to make sure everyone has a chance to have their input.
This is a wiki post , if you want to update any of the details in these meeting notes, or to add your own recollection of what was discussed then edit me