ACCESS Help and Support

What is the difference between help and support?

Support is what is provided by an organisation for the products it releases. Someone will be assigned to resolve the support request.

Help is usually advice to assist you to resolve your own problem.

How ACCESS-NRI Supports Users

You can get support for

  • ACCESS-NRI developed and released products, such as models and model configurations, model evaluation tools and data products.
  • Software that is co-developed by ACCESS-NRI, or third-party software that is made available to the community by ACCESS-NRI will be supported, but the nature and scope of that support will vary and is defined in the documentation of each package.
  • Bureau of Meteorology software infrastructure that is used by the ACCESS Community.
  • CSIRO developed software infrastructure that is used by the ACCESS Community.

These are termed in-scope for support and tagged inscope. For clarity, queries that are not in-scope for ACCESS-NRI will be tagged outofscope.

How do you get help and support?

Create a topic on the ACCESS-Hive Forum and tag it with help.

:female_detective: Tip If you are not comfortable asking your question in a public forum, you can do so anonymously!! Remember that admins on the forum can find out who is behind an anonymous account, so please follow the code of conduct and terms of service in all cases. :female_detective:

See Resources for guidelines for writing good help requests so that your request is answered promptly. You should receive a reply from ACCESS-NRI within a business day. Please refer to the Support FAQ for more details about what to expect.

Why use the forum?

All support requests should be through the ACCESS-Hive Forum, and answers will be provided there. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • Your support request is visible to ACCESS-NRI and a wider audience of community experts. It allows others in the community with the skills and experience to assist whether or not your request is deemed inscope or outofscope. This may result in a faster answer for you.
  • Questions and answers will become an invaluable store of knowledge for everyone in the community.
  • It also allows the community to grow without being limited by the number of support staff, as new users benefit from the accumulated knowledge and wisdom discoverable on the forum.


Here are some resources on how to use the ACCESS-Hive Forum

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