ACCESS-NRI release announcements: models, software tools, workflows, data and visualisations.
All ACCESS-NRI releases are announced in topics in this category. Releases can be models, other software tools, workflows, data and visualisations.
Guidelines for using this category:
- Make 1 topic per product
- Follow the steps for making a mailing list topic, but do not tag with mailinglist. Instead use tags that will make the topic discoverable
- When product updates are released reply to the existing topic (or make one if it doesn’t exist).
- Updates should provide information about how to access the new version, what is contained in it and highlight reasons why users may wish to use the newer version, and under which circumstances it might be inadvisable.
- Give clear direction that this is a closed category with no discussion in topics, and how enquiries should be directed to the User Support model.
Note: creating and editing topics in this category is limited to ACCESS-NRI Staff.