Draft Release Template

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:rocket: Release: N.N.N

Short blurb or what the product is and the major changes in this release.

How to use:


:white_check_mark: Feature 1
:white_check_mark: Feature 2
:white_check_mark: Feature 3

Known Issues / Limitations:
:warning: Add any warnings as appropriate here, or delete.
:stop_sign: Limitation 1
:stop_sign: Limitation 1
:stop_sign: Limitation 1


  • Link to docs
  • Link to GitHub etc.

I’d plump for a “Credits” section

In the spirit of pedantry, I think I’d prefer “How to use” to “Getting started”. If someone is already using a released product and wants to update to the more recent version “Getting started” doesn’t seem as appropriate.

This is a musing more than anything. I’ve not even managed to convince myself, but thought it worth mentioning.

In a similar vein, “Resources” instead of “Further Reading”?

Do we need a section for Breaking Changes?

Do we need a section for Test Results ? (optimistic, I know!)

Github links are good, but should we also have a gadi address (i.e. which module to use)

I think the sections should be more explicit:


  • Limitations should have links to github issues and any known issues should be put into issues before the release is made
  • Link to github should be a link to the Github release

Do we have a process for incorporating (or rejecting) suggested changes?

I’ve added “Known Issues” heading above the warnings in my first use of the template, as I think it is important to at least imply this might be something we will fix at a later date.

Definitely also need a boiler-plate “How to get support” section.

I’ve added some of the suggestions to the template - I think this will be somewhat organic and change slightly for the specific release. We can re-evaluate as time goes on.