ACCESS-CM2: changes in access-cm2-drivers from fcm_make_drivers

Maybe a bit off topic, but are you using Rayleigh damping @ars599?

From the ACCESS-OM2 technical paper

At 1 Rayleigh damping is used to improve the Indonesian throughflow transport; a damping timescale of 1.5 h is applied at all but the bottom two (three) U cells in Lombok (Ombai) Strait and for 3 ∕ 4 of the width of the Torres Strait at all depths. At 0.1 a damping timescale of 1.5 h is used at all depths across the full width of Kara Strait to constrain the velocity, which otherwise leads to numerical instability unless an unfeasibly small time step is used. There is no Rayleigh drag in the 0.25 configuration.

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