Hi all,
I am having some trouble running ACCESS-CM2 for 1 day long integrations. The coupled job runs fine but the history_postprocess part of the job fails.
(note for others in the netcdf_conversion rose-app.conf i turned off the monthly processing so it will work see below)
I am using suite de209 if you want to try replicate this
- I am running some ensemble experiments in ACCESS-CM2 and I want new initial conditions for each ensemble member.
- Each member starts from a different point in the control when there are neutral ENSO conditions.
- I have restart files from a 200 year control run that are every 10 years. Only 5/20 of these restart years are in a state that I want to use.
To create more ensembles I want to run the model for 1 day so we can create new restart files.
The model will set up and run the coupled job fine, but then fails in the post-processing in history_postprocess. From what I have gathered, this job fails because we only have daily outputs and this script is trying to do things on the monthly files.
Error message in history_postprocess
ls: cannot access 'fields*.nc': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access 'fields*.nc': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access 'fields*.nc': No such file or directory
ncatted: ERROR file iceh_[dm]* not found. It does not exist on the local filesystem, nor does it match remote filename patterns (e.g., http://foo or foo.bar.edu:file).
ncatted: HINT file-not-found errors usually arise from filename typos, incorrect paths, missing files, or capricious gods. Please verify spelling and location of requested file. If the file resides on a High Performance Storage System (HPSS) accessible via the 'hsi' command, then add the --hpss option and re-try command.
2024-03-12T03:00:19Z CRITICAL - failed/EXIT
The part where it fails seems to be where the history_process.sh script is the nco (ncatted) command
for histfile in iceh_[dm]*; do
# Fix the calendar
ncatted -a calendar,time,m,c,proleptic_gregorian ${histfile}
mv -f ${histfile} ${ARCHIVEDIR}/history/ice
How can I make these only work where the outputs are daily?
I do have the restart files in my output directory, but I think it is best to check that the model is running as expected - there are no ice or ocn files in archive/history