What is ILAMB?
The International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) project is a model-data intercomparison and integration project designed to improve the performance of land models and, in parallel, improve the design of new measurement campaigns to reduce uncertainties associated with key land surface processes.
What are we releasing?
ACCESS-NRI is releasing an NCI configuration of ILAMB under the name ILAMB-workflow.
ILAMB-workflow is the ACCESS-NRI software and data infrastructure that enables the ILAMB evaluation framework on NCI Gadi. It includes the ILAMB Python packages, a series of ILAMB output for ACCESS model evaluation and the ILAMB-Data collection of observational datasets. ILAMB-workflow is configured to use the existing NCI supported CMIP data collections.
ILAMB-workflow v1.0 includes support for:
- ILAMB-Data collection of observational datasets via the ACCESS-NRI Replicated Datasets for Climate Model Evaluation.
- ILAMB-Tree: A utility to quickly setup ILAMB for ACCESS outputs analyses.
- Support for CMIP[5-6] data collections at NCI
ILAMB-workflow v1.0 currently DOES NOT support:
- ARE (Jupyter, VDI)
How to get started?
module use /g/data/xp65/public/modules
module load conda/access-med
The ILAMB-Workflow documentation is available online.
A quick guide is also available on the ACCESS-Hive.
We welcome contributions and feedback through the ACCESS-Hive forum. You can also request help through support.
Useful links
ILAMB-Worflow Documentation
ILAMB Main page
ILAMB Data collection repository
ILAMB Tutorial
ILAMB GitHub repository