Tuesday 29/10/2024 standup
Chair: @cbull
Attended: @sofarrell @cbull @anton @tiloz
Apologies: @pearseb
Minutes: @cbull
Pre-meeting agenda items:
@sofarrell has been cloning some GitHub Cable code and experimenting with making her own local branches. She recently completed a helpful Git tutorial. We had a discussion around: differences between Git / GitHub / svn, querying how to tell if your local Git repository has connected remotes (git remote -v
), workflows related to GH issues / branches, git clone syntax (https vs ssh etc), git submodules in relation to --recursive command.
@sofarrell and @anton picked up an ongoing discussion around CICE output being odd in CM2 output as compared to normal CICE6 output re freeboard. Still need to do the comparison when we get the ESM1.6 output (@sofarrell to look when runs available).
@tiloz did not have any questions but is looking to come along in the future.
Next week we’re back on and the release team are available again. Though its a Public holiday in Melbourne.