How to create conda enviroment on Gadi?

Hello guys,

I would like to install ENSO Metrix on Gadi:
Following by this link: Install using conda forge (recommended) · CLIVAR-PRP/ENSO_metrics Wiki · GitHub
My question is how can I create the conda environment??

  • conda create -n [YOUR_CONDA_ENVIRONMENT] -c conda-forge enso_metrics

Should I do something like conda --user??



Arnold, this CMS wiki page should have the information you need: Conda - climate-cms

Let us know if something does not work. You need to load the conda module under /g/data/hh5/public/modules/ first.

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Hi @ars599. Our usual advice for creating your own conda environment is “don’t”. This seems like a good candidate for installation into the analysis3-unstable conda environment in hh5, there is a python3.10 version available and the dependencies look to be mostly satisfied already. Please let us know if you’d like us to proceed with adding this to analysis3-unstable.


@clairecarouge @dale.roberts
Many thanks for the help. The package is running without issue.
Sooner we can announce that the CLIVAR ENSO Metrix package could run on Gadi. After the testing, I will pass this to MED and ESM to have further discussion as @dale.roberts mentioned.

Hi @ars599 , @clairecarouge , @dale.roberts . I am also looking to use this package - did this eventually make it into the analysis3 environment?


[cc] @Dietmar_Dommenget