I want to re-run access-om2 without any changes except switching on the relevant 3D momentum diagnostics to do some ocean momentum budget analysis in the Pacific ocean.
which diagnostics do we need to output to close the momentum budget in MOM5?
It maybe should edit make_diag_table. I still don’t know what are the relevant 3D diagnostics? Are these terms all in MOM_diags.txt?
Just to clarify: I think you are specifically asking for which diagnostics you would need to output to close the momentum budget in MOM5?
Has anyone worked with the momentum budget diagnostics in MOM5 before, and could help out? I haven’t used them.
Once you know which diagnostics you need, you can then figure out how to run a simulation and output them. There is information on the ACCESS-OM2 Wiki for that (and we’re happy to help if you run into problems).
Thank you so much.
Hemant Khatri and Stephen Griffies have closed the the momentum budget in the MOM6.
I was also wondering If what Hemant Khatri and Stephen Griffies do in MOM6 also suitable and the same for MOM5?
Since COSIMA offer some easy ways to rerun the Accesss-om2 model (based on MOM5), it may be more easy for me to re-run it.
If Accesss-om2 model is too different from MOM6, I may just use to MOM6 to re-run models to close the the momentum budget.
Despite what is suggested by the names, MOM5 and MOM6 are very different models, based on different dynamical cores. I imagine their momentum budgets and associated diagnostics are pretty different.