Hello team,
Just wondering whether there’s a way to allow multiples runs in one go in SCM. I have 49 heatwave days (hourly data). I’d like to run each day individually and have the each day’s output. I do am able to run one day one time but it would be great if there’s an efficient way that allows running in one go.
I tried duplicating the ‘scm’ configuration in my suite so that I could edit the input name list and the output file name. This probably could achieve my goal if working. But it appears that ‘permission denied’.
Thanks Scott! I set PARALLEL_SCM to true and the PARALLEL_SCM_DIR was set to the directory with various SCM namelist files.
It came with the error as
mktemp: failed to create file via template ‘/short/w40/qh5472/tmp/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX’: No such file or directory
2023-07-23T13:16:51Z CRITICAL -
i.e. change /short to /scratch in the script. I’m not overly familiar with parallel, so I’m hoping this is enough to get it to work. If it doesn’t work, I’ll have to grab a copy of your suite and attempt to run it myself to adapt the script.