The ACCESS-NRI releases of ESM1.5 include netcdf conversion as a post-script to the payu run step:
If you have existing configurations you are still running, you can add this script to the configuration folder and add the postscript line (linked above) to the config.yaml line. (This might require the use of payu in the vk83 released folder).
If you have existing output which needs converting to netcdf, then you can trigger the conversion manually. Make a copy of, and add
Hi Hannah,
This is useful performance data for the um2nc redevelopment project. How many files were you processing & do you have any details of the total volume of data being converted?
Note: the script didn’t convert the* files, but these only seem to contain a couple of tracer flux fields that I’m not interested in, so I didn’t mind - others might?
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(Aidan Heerdegen, ACCESS-NRI Release Team Lead)
In case you’re not familiar, du -shc will print the sizes of a directory or file glob in human readable format and provide a total at the end, which is quite useful. Just FYI.