PAYU issues on Leonardo

Hello to everyone,

From what I found here, probably this question should be addressed to @Aidan @john_reilly @angus-g @dale.roberts @harshula

I have some progress with payu and porting ACCESS OM2 to Leonardo supercomputer.

Right now at the stage of payu run.

Long story short:

  1. *.exe files are compiled with ACCESS NRI local modules (compiled with spack)
  2. RYF JRA-55 files calculated locally on Leonardo
  3. Initial conditions (transferred to Leonardo) and forcing fields specified in config.yaml and atmosphere/forcing.json

payu setup produced manifests, can be found in my local repo: GitHub - VanuatuN/1deg_jra55_ryf: 1 degree ACCESS-OM2 experiment with JRA55 RYF atmospheric forcing.

The questions are:

  • how to force payu to use my local modules that were compiled at the first stage?
    I know it is going to be slower than with system modules, but I want to make it just
    working first
  • where exactly in payu/*.py files I should modify the rest of the slurm specific flags for Leonardo?

Example of batch script:
#SBATCH --job-name=benchmark_test
#SBATCH --output=benchmark_test.out
#SBATCH --error=benchmark_test.err
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=32
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00
#SBATCH --partition=boost_usr_prod

Thank you!

The current output from payu run:

02:48 $ payu run 
payu: warning: Job request includes 47 unused CPUs.
payu: warning: CPU request increased from 241 to 288
sbatch -A ICT24_MHPC --time=10800 --ntasks=288 --wrap="/leonardo/prod/spack/5.2/install/0.21/linux-rhel8-icelake/
python /leonardo/home/userexternal/ntilinin/.local/bin/payu-run" --export="PAYU_PATH=/leonardo/home/userexternal/ntilinin/.local/bin,MODULESHOME
sbatch: error: no partition specified, using default partition lrd_all_serial
sbatch: error: no gres:tmpfs specified, using default: gres:tmpfs:10g
sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: More processors requested than permitted
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/leonardo/home/userexternal/ntilinin/.local/bin/payu", line 10, in <module>
  File "/leonardo/home/userexternal/ntilinin/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/payu/", line 42, in parse
  File "/leonardo/home/userexternal/ntilinin/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/payu/subcommands/", line 108, in runcmd
    cli.submit_job('payu-run', pbs_config, pbs_vars)
  File "/leonardo/home/userexternal/ntilinin/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/payu/", line 156, in submit_job
  File "/leonardo/prod/spack/5.2/install/0.21/linux-rhel8-icelake/gcc-8.5.0/anaconda3-2023.09-0-zcre7pfofz45c3btxpdk5zvcicdq5evx/lib/python3.11/", line 413, in check_call
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['sbatch', '-A', 'ICT24_MHPC', '--time=10800', '--ntasks=288',
/leonardo/home/userexternal/ntilinin/.local/bin/payu-run', '--export=PAYU_PATH=/leonardo/home/userexternal/ntilinin/.local/
/leonardo/prod/opt/modulefiles/base/libraries:/leonardo/prod/opt/modulefiles/base/tools:/leonardo/prod/opt/modulefiles/base/compilers:/leonardo/prod/opt/modulefiles/base/applications']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

Hi Natalia,

Iā€™m no expert on this stuff and just picked up where @angus-g and @ChrisC28 got to with our slurm-based hpc. But hopefully this helps;

Not sure about the first question sorry, but for the slurm specific flags, we put them at the start of the config.yaml file in the run directory. If you can find the file in payu/schedulers/ that should make more sense about how payu reads these flags in.

Hereā€™s an example of one of our config.yaml files:

scheduler: slurm
project: pawsey0410
walltime: 02:20:00
jobname: eac_sthpac-forced_v3
ncpus: 1804
nnodes: 15
runspersub: 1

shortpath: /scratch/pawsey0410
model: mom6
    - /scratch/pawsey0410/jreilly/mom6-inputs/eac_sthpac-forced_v2/
    - /scratch/pawsey0410/jreilly/jra_padded/2016/
    - /scratch/pawsey0410/jreilly/mom6/archive/eac_sthpac-forced_v3/restart305
#    - /g/data/ua8/JRA55-do/RYF/v1-3/
#    - /g/data/ik11/inputs/JRA-55/RYF/v1-3/
# release exe
exe: /software/projects/pawsey0410/cc7576/mom6-cmake/coupler/MOM6-SIS2
  #exe: /software/projects/pawsey0410/jreilly/mom6-cmake/coupler/MOM6-SIS2
  #  /software/projects/pawsey0410/cc7576/mom6-cmake/coupler/MOM6-SIS2

stacksize: unlimited

collate: false
runlog: false

  runcmd: srun
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Hi Natalia

This looks like where it failed:

It looks like the number of nodes is hardcoded to 1, and then payu is requesting 288 cores. I donā€™t know how many cores per node Leonardo hardware has, for us its 48, so setting the number of nodes to 6 would be correct for us. I would try setting ncpus and nnodes in the config.yaml per Johns code snippetā€¦

Thereā€™s these two lines in the payu output:

payu: warning: Job request includes 47 unused CPUs.
payu: warning: CPU request increased from 241 to 288

I think there might be 32 cores per node for you, so I would try:

ncpus: 256
nnodes: 8
npernode: 32

For our normal gadi scheduler, we donā€™t specify the number of nodes, so its possible Payu hasnā€™t been tested very well in these cases.

Re: modules

You can set it similar to this config:

When you have module: use: and load: lines in the config.yaml, you should be able to access the binaries without a path

for example, the exe: entry just could become yatm.exe

I would test these in a command prompt first by doing a module use and module load, and seeing if the executables are available as commands.


Hi @john_reilly, very much appreciated!
Didnā€™t know that slurm flags can be specified exactly in config.yaml

Will try to implement it.

Hi @anton!

Thank you, all clear for the moment!
My time zone forces for a delay in reply.

Very useful information, will do that and let you know soon.

Fingers crossed.

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Happy to help. If the instructions donā€™t make sense , I can make a Pull Request into your fork of the om2 configurations

It worked for the job submission! But failed to pick the modules.
Leonardo has 32 cores per node, right.
I modified and config.yaml files

payu run gives:

payu run 
sbatch -A ICT24_MHPC --time=00:30:00 --ntasks=256 --partition=boost_usr_prod 
python /leonardo/home/userexternal/ntilinin/.local/bin/payu-run" --export="PAYU_PATH=/leonardo/home/userexternal/ntilinin/.local/bin,

But still an output from payu run is:

laboratory path:  ./ntilinin/access-om2
binary path:  ./ntilinin/access-om2/bin
input path:  ./ntilinin/access-om2/input
work path:  ./ntilinin/access-om2/work
archive path:  ./ntilinin/access-om2/archive
nruns: 1 nruns_per_submit: 1 subrun: 1
Loading input manifest: manifests/input.yaml
Loading restart manifest: manifests/restart.yaml
Loading exe manifest: manifests/exe.yaml
Setting up atmosphere
Setting up ocean
Setting up ice
Setting up access-om2
Checking exe and input manifests
Updating full hashes for 3 files in manifests/exe.yaml
Creating restart manifest
Writing manifests/restart.yaml
Writing manifests/exe.yaml
payu: Found modules in /leonardo/prod/spack/03/install/0.19/linux-rhel8-icelake/gcc-8.5.0/environment-modules-5.2.0-rz47odw4phlhzhhbz7b65nv5s5othgmi
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/leonardo/home/userexternal/ntilinin/.local/bin/payu-run", line 10, in <module>
  File "/leonardo/home/userexternal/ntilinin/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/payu/subcommands/", line 132, in runscript
  File "/leonardo/home/userexternal/ntilinin/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/payu/", line 517, in run
    mpi_module = envmod.lib_update(
  File "/leonardo/home/userexternal/ntilinin/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/payu/", line 114, in lib_update
    mod_name, mod_version = fsops.splitpath(lib_path)[2:4]
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 0)

modified file:

modified (with nodes, etc. specified)config.yaml file:

Will try to work around with modules in the coming days. But
would very grateful for any hints where to move.

Thank you!!!

It looks like payu is trying to check that the mpi version which is linked to by the model executable its the version loaded. But for whatever reason the formatting or check is failing.

I would try adding these lines to your config.yaml and set them to the modules which are used by your exectuables. (You might be able to confirm the path to the mpi version using ldd )


See this section in the docs:

Pinging @Aidan as he has more experience than I with this!

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Yes this was always quite NCI specific, and with the spack built executables is no longer strictly necessary.

Can you try updating your version of payu, as there is now logic that isolates this check to NCI systems by matching the library path:

If you have made local changes you can fetch the latest payu and git rebase your changes on top of them.


Before I was using ā€˜pawseyā€™ branch from the payu repo (found somewhere is the issues or here on forum). Now switched to ā€˜masterā€™ branch and made few corrections.

The job goes to submission, which is goods news.

My opempi module does not recognise --chdir, so I commented out this string and kept -wdir:

What Iā€™m not sure about is that payu uses the correct version of as the cmd still looks as:

 ~/access-om2/control/1deg_jra55_ryf [master ā†‘Ā·13|ā€¦28] 
15:57 $ payu run 
/leonardo/home/userexternal/ntilinin/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/payu/ UserWarning: Duplicate key found in config.yaml: key 'jobname' with value 'access_om2_ryf'. This overwrites the original value: '1deg_jra55_ryf'
/leonardo/home/userexternal/ntilinin/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/payu/ UserWarning: Duplicate key found in config.yaml: key 'queue' with value 'boost_usr_prod'. This overwrites the original value: 'boost_usr_prod'
sbatch -A ICT24_MHPC --time=00:30:00 --ntasks=256 --partition=boost_usr_prod 
bin/python /leonardo/home/userexternal/ntilinin/.local/bin/payu-run" 
Submitted batch job 9594255

It still sees MODULES_CMD and use systemwide modulecmd.tcl as well as systemwide MODULESHOME, not sure it affects something, but still.

However MODULEPATH is updated to the proper location.

Slurm out looks reasonable, hope it picks not default systemwide openmpi, but first in the list:

Another issue: Iā€™m doing something wrong with resources allocation,
donā€™t know how payu distributes submodels across nodes, here is an error that Iā€™m getting now:

And the config.yaml:

Iā€™ll try to work around, but would be grateful for any advice as usual :slight_smile:

Many thanks!!!

Hi Natalia

I would try commenting out these lines:

For reasons that are not clear to me, for some reason payu is requesting 16 tasks per available ā€œsocketā€, when its probably only possible to have one. Maybe this is a gadi specific detail for some specific case. You might be able to remove the -map-by argument entirely. I think it will take some experimentation.

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Hi Anton,

Will try, thank you.
It could be that each gadiā€™s node has 3 sockets each with 16 cores, this makes sense - 16*3=48 cores.