Pros and cons of different rheology models for sea ice: EAP vs EVP

@sofarrell @anton @aekiss you may already be aware of this paper but I just became aware of it…

“Sea Ice Rheology Experiment (SIREx): 1. Scaling and Statistical Properties of Sea-Ice Deformation Fields”

This is basically an ad-hoc “MIP” for sea ice rheology. Interestingly for COSIMA it includes models with both EVP and EAP (both options within CICE).

I haven’t yet digested it but this sentence stuck out: “The improved spatial localization for RASM-WRF (EAP) nonetheless suggests that a more detailed analysis of the potential advantages of using the EAP rheology compared to the classic (E)VP rheology would be a welcome contribution in the future.”

I know there was some consideration of an EAP run at some stage which is why I bring it up here :slight_smile:


Thanks @adfaser for the paper, I have seen it presented at conferences a few times whilst I have been listening online. I haven’t seen EAP used for Antarctic but it might be worth trying, we should discuss to try it when we make progress in ACCESS-OM3 (CICE6.4) though probably need to be at high resolution.

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A few notes if we come back to this:

  • CICE C-grid implementation doesn’t include EAP (see Lemiuex preprint). I am not sure if there are plans to include it.
  • There may be limited Antarctic records to compare to? i.e. ice buoys, although maybe the are SAR records that could be examined and would need to be fairly high resolution.
  • The SIREX paper suggests reducing the shear-to-compressive ice strength parameters, (i.e. e_yieldcurve/e_plasticpot and Pstar) would improve landfast ice and reduce the thickness bias (although Arctic focussed).

EDIT: Link to JF’s thoughts on e_yieldcurve/e_plasticpot too. question about e_yieldcurve and e_plasticpot | DiscussCESM Forums

I admit that the topic is a bit cryptic (for me at least). It’s just two acronyms that I have no idea. Could we add a bit more info in the title? Sorry for bringing this up…

EAP and EVP are models of rheology within sea-ice. I think ‘rheology’ is supposed to capture the way that sea-ice can have characteristics of both solid and a fluid. So it should capture the way that sea ice can have both/either elastic or plastic response to stress (and maybe can also have some fluid like properties?).

EVP: elastic-viscous-plastic
EAP: elastic-anisotropic-plastic

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Great – let’s make the title better? E.g.

Pros and cons of different rheology models for sea ice: EAP vs EVP