In preparation for the Spack meeting, please put all your ACCESS-NRI Spack questions here.
Find a Different Way to Get the Git URL of a Package Without Concretizing · Issue #147 · ACCESS-NRI/build-cd · GitHub Regarding getting the git url from a package programmatically.
What’s the best way to add the Spack hash to model component module names but not add the Spack hash to the model module name? e.g How do we avoid access-om2/pr76-29-fgwtotw
but have mom5/git.2024.08.23_2024.08.23-oi2lpoe
Ask about feature: sharing a spack instance by carsonwoods · Pull Request #11871 · spack/spack · GitHub
Describe what our users want to do by showing these two examples:
Ask for advice on better ways to do this.
Is a package’s Spack hash influenced by building inside Vs outside an environment?
What is the best way to reduce the inode usage of a multi-user Spack installation? In particular, what can be shared between users? If this question is too vague, you can describe the current ACCESS-NRI Spack installation, including the three repositories: spack
, spack-config
and spack-packages