Restarting CSIRO CMIP6 historical runs

Hello Holger,

I tried from several ensemble members. So anyone you pick should reproduce the same error.


Hi @gpontes,

Sorry for not having been able to give you more support with this request.

I just opened an issue on the newly created ACCESS-ESM1.5 configs repo.

The repo is still a work-in-progress, but in the following weeks there will be an official ACCESS-ESM1.5 release from ACCESS-NRI, so you can check the progression of the issue.

Feel free to comment with more information if you want.

Hope this will soon get resolved.


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The re-release of ACCESS-ESM1.5 configurations with payu (repo in the message above) should hopefully fix this. As a consequence, I will mark this as wontfix.



The ACCESS-NRI release of ACCESS-ESM1.5 is available!

You can find all the information in the ACCESS-NRI1.5 release information post.

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