Add ROMS-Iceshelf to intake catalog

@dgwyther kindly wants to share some ROMS output for a simulation of the Shackelton ice shelf. He’d also like to link it with some recipe notebooks for loading, analysing etc. What is the best way for him to share this (<1TB) of data? Its a little confusing with the transition to intake.

I think he should just start by putting his data on ik11, introducing his simulations at a COSIMA meeting, and helping start a recipe to load the data (remapping the vertical coordinate).


Hi @PSpence,

I’m unsure about the best location for storing the data. Once that’s been decided, We can look into adding it to the Intake catalog.

@marc.white , @CharlesTurner

Hi @PSpence , when the data is safely on /g/data, please create a data request by raising a “New Issue” on the access-nri-intake-catalog GitHub:

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Thanks @marc.white, see ya on github!

This has been escalated to a GitHub issue

Will close this issue, but feel free to make a new topic if you have other questions.

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