(Paul Spence)
25 November 2024 04:18
@dgwyther kindly wants to share some ROMS output for a simulation of the Shackelton ice shelf. He’d also like to link it with some recipe notebooks for loading, analysing etc. What is the best way for him to share this (<1TB) of data? Its a little confusing with the transition to intake.
I think he should just start by putting his data on ik11, introducing his simulations at a COSIMA meeting, and helping start a recipe to load the data (remapping the vertical coordinate).
(Romain Beucher)
26 November 2024 12:01
Hi @PSpence ,
I’m unsure about the best location for storing the data. Once that’s been decided, We can look into adding it to the Intake catalog.
@marc.white , @CharlesTurner
Hi @PSpence , when the data is safely on /g/data
, please create a data request by raising a “New Issue” on the access-nri-intake-catalog
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(David Gwyther, University of Queensland)
6 February 2025 22:19
Thanks @marc.white , see ya on github!
(Aidan Heerdegen, ACCESS-NRI Release Team Lead)
24 February 2025 03:50
This has been escalated to a GitHub issue
opened 11:35PM - 04 Feb 25 UTC
data request
# Description of the data product
The Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS) is… a terrain-following coordinate primitive equation model, employing the Arakawa-C grid horizontal discretisation. This dataset is output from a ROMS application to the Shackleton Ice Shelf / Denman Glacier region of East Antarctica, developed by David Gwyther (UQ). It uses ROMSIceShelf (lead developer: Ben Galton-Fenzi), which is available in a (public repository)[].
This model application has been developed to provide reasonable estimates of ice-ocean interaction beneath the Denman/Shackleton Ice Shelf, using a kernel and tuning parameters that have been widely tested for other ice-ocean applications (e.g. Amery, Totten, Mertz & Ninnis, Sorsdal, Vanderford and several circum-Antarctic applications).
Output: Output is in the format of netcdf files.
Documentation: Several cookbook recipes will be written that illustrate how to load and use the dataset.
Stability: This model will be updated and run again in the future.
Contact: Interested users are requested to contact David Gwyther to discuss usage.
# Location of the data product on Gadi
/g/data/jk72/deg581/shacom/mdl/shackleton_v4/ to (last 5 years of run).
# Checklist
Add a "x" between the brackets to all that apply
- [x] This data product is stable (unlikely to change substantially or move)
- [x] This data product is of use to the broader community
- [ ] This data product is documented: <replace with link to documentation>
- [x] This data product is licensed under <replace with license>
- [x] Those who want to access this data can be added to the project that houses it
Will close this issue, but feel free to make a new topic if you have other questions.
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