Advantages of code reviews

This is an interesting short podcast on code reviews.

It highlights the advantages of code reviews: how reviews increase collaboration and sharing knowledge when used correctly. It has a small technical part about GitHub but it is more generic than just GitHub. It has some good advice for reviewers and reviewees about how to approach code reviews.

And the last piece of advice is very good: a research group would gain a lot by introducing code reviews on all software produced. That is, reviewing codes written by individuals for their own research and not just software produced by a team.


I was about to post my case for setting up code review in this community as a result of reading this post: Solving the lonely data scientist problem | Monica Gerber, and came across your post.

For me the two most important reasons I am interested in code review are:

  1. It would be great to detect potential errors in the code before publishing,
  2. I want to improve the way I write code to ensure my work is reproducible and adaptable

Do you think it is likely that a code review team is implemented in ACCESS-NRI?

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