Breakout Session 1: Goings on at the Antarctic margins: ocean circulation, ice shelves, and sea ice. Chair: Ed Doddridge (UTAS)

Goings on at the Antarctic margins: ocean circulation, ice shelves, and sea ice. Chair: Ed Doddridge (UTAS)

Link: S1 B2 - Google Docs

Description: The Antarctic margins are where ocean, sea ice, and ice sheets come together. It is a region of rapidly unfolding changes (e.g. sea ice loss and ocean warming) and key challenges for future research (e.g. ice shelf cavity circulations, coupled ocean - ice sheet processes).

The next generation of coupled models aim to include interactive coupling between these different physical components. This breakout session is intended as a forum to discuss both the scientific questions such models will allow us to ask, and the technical challenges of this coupling.

Conclusions/Actions from Breakout Session

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