CABLE site runs with ACCESS forcing

There is potential value in being able to run CABLE standalone for one or more locations (sites) using forcing taken from ACCESS model simulations. This may be an easier option for investigating different behaviour between online and offline simulations as a step towards running global simulations.

This topic captures notes associated with this task.

Getting met forcing from ACCESS-ESM1.5

Timeseries output from grid-cells is needed. The list of grid-cells is supplied through the domain field defined in the STASHC file for an ACCESS-ESM1.5 run. Examples are DGTS_PT (21 locations, probably mostly flux towers), DCO2TS (locations of atmospheric CO2 monitoring sites), DCO2TSL (similar to DCO2TS but for variables defined on model levels rather than just at the surface).

The required time field in STASHC is TALLTS.

The variables to be output are listed in the STASHC file by section and number. This is what I have currently used to match up with what CABLE requires

Section Number StashMaster CABLE
3 236 TEMPERATURE AT 1.5M Tair

In an ESM1.5 set-up, the output is requested in the STASHC file using syntax like this:

&STREQ IMOD= 1, ISEC=0, ITEM=409, IDOM=33, ITIM=19, IUSE=12 /

In this case the DGTS_PT domain is the 33rd in the file, and the TALLTS time field is the 19th in the file. IUSE determines which output file the data is written to. In this case it goes to *.pg files.

If adding output requests to the STASHC file, remember to increase the number (NUM_REQ) at the top of the file


Note that the radiation output will be at the 3 hourly radiation timestep. Other output will be half-hourly.

Update June 2024
CABLE standalone needs to be run with the temperature and specific humidity from the lowest ACCESS model level not the 1.5 m values. These stash outputs were used.

Section Number StashMaster CABLE

Note that since these are multi-level fields, a new output domain is required to specify the level. This has been set up for the pft-focussed 13-site set of grid-cells described in a later post.

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Do we want to add the atmospheric CO2 concentration to that list? Is it possible to output it in that way?

Hi @clairecarouge , yes - at some point we will probably want to add CO2. At this stage I was just trying to document what I’d done so far.

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Re-formatting ACCESS output for CABLE standalone site input

This documents the steps I used to convert ACCESS output to a file that CABLE standalone could use. Not all steps may be required and there will, no doubt, be better and more efficient ways to do this. The ACCESS output was for the DGTS_PT domain which is 21 grid-cells. The 9th in the list matches the approximate location of the Tumbarumba flux tower site.

  • Converted *.pg (monthly) files to netcdf and combine across the 3 years that I’d run ACCESS. Did this separately for the radiation fields (3-hourly) and the other fields (half-hourly). Used a convsh script, conv2nc.tcl (e.g. /g/data/p66/rml599/scripts/conv2nc.tcl). fieldlist defines which variables in the *.pg files are converted (counting from 0 and consistent with the listing if viewing a file using xconv).
  • Interpolated radiation data to half-hourly using cdo intntime,6 ifile ofile. [Gave 5 less timesteps than half-hourly data as no extrapolation beyond last radiation output.]
  • Changed variable names using cdo chname,oldname,newname ifile ofile
  • Selected one site (Tumbarumba) from netcdf files using cdo selgridcell,9 ifile ofile. This command coped with the input netcdf file not being on a lon-lat grid. It also looked possible to select more than one site by providing a list of ‘grid-cell’ numbers.
  • Merged radiation timeseries with other timeseries using cdo merge ifile1 ifile2 ofile. [Last 5 timesteps discarded so that the length of the timeseries matched.]
  • Convert time units using cdo settunits,seconds ifile ofile
  • After this I started hacking the netcdf file directly by converting backwards and forwards from ascii to binary. Things I learnt along the way:
    a. the time units need to be in the form YYYY-MM-DD, ACCESS had given 101-1-1, crashing CABLE.
    b. CABLE standalone single site assumes timeseries is in local time, so need to add in time:coordinate = “GMT”
    c. convsh does not give sensible attributes for the wind speed variable. Need to at least add in the units.
    d. cdo selgridcell had reduced the dimensions of the variables to just time. CABLE looks for an x dimension (also others?)
    e. Added in latitude, longitude, elevation and height arrays to match what was in

After all this, CABLE ran and appeared to give plausible results. Now we just need a cleaner way of doing this.

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The time variable needs more work. I note that the documentation says it should be double precision. In my reformatting I don’t seem to have enough precision - the timestep calculation was OK in my first run but when trying to restart and run for an extra year, it wasn’t OK, 1808s instead of 1800s.

Also from the restarted run, the log file tells me that the run goes from 2004 to 2005 but the output netcdf file has time running from 2001.

Set of grid-cells to focus on each pft

Chose a set of grid-cells for testing to represent each pft. If possible, used a grid-cell with tile fraction = 1.0 and land fraction = 1.0. If not, found a grid-cell with as large a fraction as possible and retaining a land fraction = 1.0.

For ESM1.5, these grid-cells were chosen. Domains for stash output are DTS_PFT for single level variables and DTS_PFTL1 for variables on atmospheric levels.

PFT E-W index N-S index Longitude Latitude Fraction
Evergreen needleleaf 30 123 54.375 62.5 1
Evergreen broadleaf 155 68 -71.25 -6.25 1
Deciduous needleleaf 64 124 118.125 63.75 1
Deciduous broadleaf 160 57 -61.9 -20 0.9173
Shrub 80 50 148.1 -28.8 0.7123
C3 grass 140 111 -99.375 47.5 1
C4 grass 19 78 33.8 6.2 0.9818
Tundra 43 127 78.75 67.5 1
Crop 41 99 75 32.5 1
Wetlands 42 124 76.875 63.75 0.6975
Bareground 6 93 9.375 25 1
Lakes 27 108 48.75 43.75 1
Ice 73 9 135 -80 1

Made a CABLE met file with all 13 grid-cells i.e. no longer required the cdo,selgridcell step above.

Running CABLE standalone for multiple sites identified a bug. See Defined ncid_mask for met data files with multiple sites. Fixes #306.

Creating an ACCESS ‘gridinfo’ file

CABLE standalone runs use ‘’ for some initial data or parameters/ancillary data if it is not available in met or restart files. For site runs, data is taken from the nearest 1 degree by 1 degree grid-cell. To ensure ACCESS values were used in the CABLE standalone tests, a new gridinfo file has been created at ACCESS resolution.

Most of the fields required for the gridinfo file are available from an ACCESS restart. For these tests, the ‘restart’ created for the start of the simulations was used (PI-PFT-01c.astart-01010101). Used /g/data/p66/rml599/Site-tests/conv2nc.tcl to convert this list of fields from the restart to netcdf

set fieldlist "3 11 13 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 90 95 98 142 143 144 230 231 232 233 234 235"

Output is /g/data/p66/rml599/Site-tests/

This table matches the variable in the gridinfo file with the field number from the restart and the variable name in

Gridinfo Field no. access-file Notes
area Used cmorised areacella_fx
iveg 95 field1391 On tiles, pick dominant
isoil Set to 2 for all veg types except 17 when set to 9
SoilMoist 3 sm Convert from kg/m2 to m3/m3. Divide by soil layer thickness and rho_water (1000)
SoilTemp 11 soiltemp
SnowDepth Still to be added. Currently set to 0.
Albedo Dummy value, 0.2 - not used but checked so needs to be sensible
LAI 235 temp_5 On tiles so selected LAI for dominant veg type
SoilOrder 230 temp Convert to integer
Ndep 231 temp_1 Need to multiply by 365.
Nfix 232 temp_2
Pwea 234 temp_4
Pdust 233 temp_3
clay 142 field1630
silt 143 field1631
sand 144 field1632
swilt 27 field329
sfc 28 field330
ssat 29 field332
bch 90 field1381
hyds 30 field333 Need to divide by 1000.
sucs 33 field342
rhosoil Set according to isoil, 1600. for isoil=2, 910. for isoil=9
cnsd 32 field336
css Set according to isoil, 850. for isoil=2, 2100. for isoil=9
albedo2 98 field1395 has monthly values for SoilMoist, SoilTemp and SnowDepth. Currently January values have been copied into all months since the other months are not being used.

Very ugly code to write an ACCESS gridinfo file is /g/data/p66/rml599/Site-tests/writegridinfo.F90. Output is /g/data/p66/rml599/Site-tests/

Hi Rachel,

A basic question: where on Gadi do the created astart files live? I thought they might be in fs38, but they don’t seem to be.

Hi Lachlan,
The released ACCESS-ESM1.5 configurations should point to restart/astart files. Looking at the config.yaml, it has this location listed
Under the atmosphere sub-directory there is a file PI-02.astart-01010101

For my current test runs (using script-based not payu runs), all restarts end up in /scratch/p66/rml599/archive/RUN/restart/atm

Great, thanks. I’ll take a look there.

Based of the stash variable list that Tammas sent, the STASHmaster_A “recommended” by the fields file at /g/data/vk83/configurations/inputs/access-esm1p5/modern/pre-industrial/restart/PI-02.astart-01010101 represents a different STASHmaster_A than either under /g/data/vk83/configurations/inputs/access-esm1p5/share/atmosphere.

Still a bit confusing as it seems like there are more fields in the fields file than entries in the new STASH provided by Tammas. Doing some more digging to see if I can interpret exactly how these files work.

Managed to get xconv working on my local machine and deciphering it now. How did you know that those unnamed variables (Stash code = xxx) were what you say they are? They don’t match with Tammas’ document. Is there some document somewhere?

Hi @lachlanswhyborn, I don’t think any of us have a definitive document. It is something I have thought needs documenting - the cable variable name, the variable name used when passed through the UM, then the field code.
One thing to be aware of is that all the 8?? numbers are CABLE prognostics. Numbers in the .astart file that are 38?? should be the equivalent variable but they are diagnostics, so it seems that in PI-02.astart-01010101 there is one entry for field 801, and two for field 3801. I’m guessing 801 is the one the restart will use and will be the instantaneous value at the start time. The 3801 ones may be for calculating monthly or daily means?
As to ‘how did I know’ - I think some of it was just matching what was in the astart file with what was in the gridinfo file i.e. the numbers/distribution matched.

Perhaps between Tammas, you and I we should write a definitive list.

The other potential trap is that we co-opted some UM/JULES variables to use for CABLE and these have retained their UM names even if we have used them for something slightly different.

On the ‘how did you know’ part, do you mean plotting the UM fields and the CABLE default gridinfo fields side by side and making a bit of a “common sense” judgement that yes, these are the same fields?

Actually, further question- what is the provenance of the data in this UM restart file? Are the 8?? fields relating to CABLE generated from some down sampling of default CABLE gridinfo, or something else?

I’ll start doing up a document that can eventually go either with the CABLE documentation or perhaps the CABLE-as-ACCESS configuration, starting from the table you created above.

Yes to plotting fields side by side.

My understanding is that at least some of the gridinfo fields (e.g. soil ancillary information) are originally derived from the UM fields as used by MOSES (predecessor to JULES) in the ACCESS1.3 era.

Other fields, e.g. for CASA, may have started as datasets for the offline case and were later adapted for ACCESS. Other data (nitrogen deposition?) may be a CMIP6 input.

Fields that are prognostic variables (soil moisture, temp etc) will have come from spin-up runs which would be independently generated for ACCESS and offline.

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I have a couple of questions about some finer details:

  • I assume we have a lookup table for vegetation type LAI? I had a look at pftlookup.csv and I found LAImax and LAImin, but not a per-vegetation type LAI. The current CABLE gridinfo does not seem to have a per vegetation type LAI.
  • Are the soil layer thicknesses those set in cable_parameters.F90 under case(6)? (source code here)

Hi @lachlanswhyborn,
Yes - you have correctly identified the soil level thicknesses (zse).

LAI is a lat, long, pft, time array. It can either be prescribed through an ancillary file (along with vegetation height). In this case it will have monthly values to capture seasonal changes. It is also possible to run with prognostic LAI, which is what we would usually do when running ACCESS-ESM. This means that the LAI and the carbon leaf pool are linked.
Prognostic LAI is set in cable.nml
l_laiFeedbk = .TRUE. ! using prognostic LAI
l_vcmaxFeedbk = .TRUE. ! using prognostic Vcmax
We run with both prognostic feedbacks on. I forget whether they are completely independent.

If you look at a restart file using xconv, the prescribed LAI is called ‘LEAF AREA INDEX OF PLANT FUNC TYPES’. While it is defined for the 13 potential vegetated types, it is the same for all pfts in an ACCESS-ESM1.5 restart, as it is only in ACCESS-CM2 that we moved to having prescribed LAIs that were different for each pft.
Prognostic LAI is ‘Stash code = 893’ - you will see that this one does vary with pft (and is defined for all 17 veg types, even the non-vegetated ones).

Ah yep I think I understand now. The lon x lat x PFT array in the UM fields file defines an LAI on every grid cell for every PFT, so take the LAI corresponding to the dominant PFT selected from iveg. Looks like you copied that data to all the months based on your conversion script?

It appears that you do at least something with the SnowDepth in your conversion script, based on this file. Does that file just contain zeros?

I copied the LAI data to all months because I knew I wasn’t going to use anything other than the first month but the gridinfo file needed all months. This was because I was running with prognostic LAI so once it was initialised, it wouldn’t need any other information.

The snowdepth file contains three fields that came from the restart file and are for stash code 819, 820 and 821. This should be the snow in three layers on pfts. In my ‘writegridinfo’ code, I multiply by the pft fraction and sum over pfts and over the three layers to get the snow depth for the gridinfo file. I ignored land fraction so I’m not sure if coastal points would be correct but none of the sites I was running offline were coastal points.
This certainly gave me some snow where I needed it - but I wasn’t convinced that I’d got the correct amount.

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