Changing land-sea mask in ACCESS-ESM1.5

I am attempting to change the land-sea mask in ACCESS-ESM1.5. I have started from the standard pre-industrial configuration and am attempting to close Drake Passage.

What I have done so far:

  1. I edited the ocean depth input in, so that the Drake Passage is closed. I then ran the model from a cold start, i.e. zero velocity, without changing anything in the atmosphere, and it completed 1 year successfully.
  2. I interpolated my new land-sea mask onto the N96 atmosphere grid, and created new variables of the binary land sea mask (LSM) and fractional land-sea mask (landfrac).
  3. I edited the pre-industrial restart files to have ā€œreasonableā€ values in Drake Passage consistent with my new LSM variable. I did this systematically to all of the atmosphere restart variables. To do this, I made use of scripts in this folder: /g/data/access/projects/access/apps/pythonlib/umfile_utils/
    (These enable editing of UM binary filesā€¦)
  4. I edited all the input ancillary files I could find in the pre-industrial restart folder so that they are also consistent with my new LSM.
  5. I edited the ā€˜masks.ncā€™ and ā€˜kmt.ncā€™ variables in the coupler input directory, in line with the new LSM.
  6. I edited the namelist for the atmosphere to have an increased number of land grid cells, consistent with my LSM.
  7. I tried running a new simulation with this new configuration, and it appeared to crash after time step 3.

I am seeking assistance on how to debug the error outputs. Specifically:

  • Is it possible to run UM7.3 in ā€œdebug modeā€?
  • Is there a standard way to check consistency of restart variables with the land-sea mask?
  • Does anyone with experience of changing the land-sea mask know how to spot typical errors / ways of crashing the model?

I am tagging people who I think may be either interested or be able to help. @atteggiani @MartinDix @tiloz @gpontes @HIMADRI_SAINI @Dietmar_Dommenget @abhik @ars599 @holger @Scott

Many thanks!


Try outputting a field like surface temperature every timestep (you may need to set up the file streams so that it uses a new file each step) and look for outlier points along the coasts

Make sure any new land points have reasonable values for orography, vegetation etc.

Dear David,
I did a number of land-sea changes experiments in the ACCESS-N48 coupled model over the past view days. When I introduce land, the simulation usually crashes, either fast (~few time steps?) or sometimes after a few month. I notices that these crashes have very cold Tsurf (< -100^oC) at locations that are partial land points, but most likely have no ocean in the ocean mask.

So, I manually changed the UM land-sea masks/fraction to make these point 100% land. These run than all go for 5yrs and no crash. So, I think there is something wrong with the mask interpolations.

I also did runs in which I removed land. These usually do not crash.

Maybe we can discuss on Thursday in our weekly ACCESS-N48 coupled model development meeting.

best regards

@dkhutch @atteggiani @abhik @Scott


I can certainly try making all of the new land points have 100% land fraction to see if that also helps. I will also try Scottā€™s suggestion to output surface temperature every timestep.

Another question: in the coupler input directory, there are these remapping files, labelled:

Does anybody know how to generate these files? And, do they need to be adjusted for a new land-sea mask?
@Scott @atteggiani @MartinDix @Dietmar_Dommenget

Theyā€™ll be regenerated if they donā€™t exist when you start the run. You can also manually generate them with ESMF_regrid_weight_gen but variable names need to be changed to match what oasis expects

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Thanks Scottā€¦ also, where do you specify the diagnostic frequency? I.e. how to change it from monthly to every time step?

It will be the time domain in STASH

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Good question! I noticed these files and many other similar ones too and had the same questions.

I also would really like to know.


@Scott @atteggiani @MartinDix

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As Scott said, the rmp* files get automatically generated by the oasis coupler if they donā€™t exist.

Note that COSIMA manually generate the regridding files with ESMF_regrid_weight_gen because doing so on the fly with OASIS is not feasible for the very high resolution ocean model, it even struggles a bit at 0.25 degree from memory.

For low resolution (1 degree and above) regridding on the fly works well, and only has to be done once. @Scott do the generated files have to be moved to an input directory, or are they generated in the correct location?

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Should get put in the correct location automatically

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Thanks Aidan. Continuing my theme of really basic questions:
ACCESS-ESM1.5 has ice restart files called iced.01010101 and ice.restart_file. These appear to be in a binary format. Do you or COSIMA people know how to read/write these? @aekiss maybe?


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Some updates:
I checked what the model was generating for the remapping files. Some of the mask variables that were auto-generated by the coupler looked wrong. So I went through and recreated these rmp*nc files using ESMF_regrid_weight_gen as suggested.

I double checked that I could successfully run the pre-industrial control using new rmp* files that I created.

For the Drake Passage closed configuration, my new rmp* files made no difference. The model still crashes at the same place, for unknown reasons.

With help from @atteggiani I also adjusted the STASHC file to try to get outputs from every time step. There is a ā€œtime domainā€ specified in STASHC called ā€œTALLTSā€ which stands for output at every time step. I tried to get one of the diagnostic files (which contains surface temperature) to use that time domain instead of monthly output. While this succeeding in generating a large output file, I couldnā€™t get anything useful out of that file. xconv fails to show anything, and conv2nc.tcl gets a segmentation fault.

My only lead at this point is that when I inspect the processor log atm.fort6.pe0, it shows that atmosphere Tracer 01 and Tracer 02 are going to NaN values after the first couple of time steps. I also get the following warning:

(This q_POS thing doesnā€™t occur in the pre-industrial run). So Iā€™d like to try figure out what this means.

Otherwise, I would like to lower the timestep. Anybody know how to do that? I know itā€™s currently 1800 seconds from the log file, but I have no idea where this value is specified.

Many thanks,

@Scott @holger

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For those interested: I managed to halve the timestep to 900 seconds. This is implemented through the namelists file:




I changed the 48 to 96 in both cases.
This also occurred in the CONTCNTL file, so I changed them there too.
(This did not solve my problem, but I got the timestep down to 900 seconds.)

Update: I got past the crash! WOOHOO!

The problem was: I was interpolating across the Drake Passage by averaging across multiple grid boxes of the land-based atmosphere grid cells. I did it systematically to all restart variables, so did not have time to check every single one. I did a comparison of all max/min values and some funny values popped up.

So I re-did it by replicating a single grid box from South America across the Drake Passage, i.e. replication of an existing cell, no averaging. This worked. Iā€™m not even sure which variable was breaking it. But, now the model runs for a month, with no crash and no apparent crazy values.

I also realised that the sea ice restart variable (within the UM restart file) had to be treated differently, because sea ice exists for fractional land cells (0 < landfrac < 1), but not for complete land cells (landfrac==1). Therefore, it had to be treated differently.

@atteggiani @Dietmar_Dommenget @abhik @Scott @holger @Aidan @gpontes @HIMADRI_SAINI


Good to hear, the vegetation types are stored as fractions that need to sum to one so donā€™t interpolate well

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Thanks Scott - Itā€™s possible that that was the reason it broke. I will bear in mind for the future.

would that be possible the solution for @Dietmar_Dommenget?

The ACCESS-N48 case that Dietmar is working on crashes in a different way. We donā€™t know why yet.
Itā€™s also running using the rose-cylc workflow, whereas my case, ACCESS-ESM1.5, uses the payu workflow. We will look into it some more.