ESM working group: Meeting notes 2023 (Archived)

Date: 12/10/2023

Participants: 16

Chair: @LaurieM


First meeting in November overlaps with ACEAS.

New sub-categories on the forum. To get notifications of topics in the sub-categories at this stage you must watch each sub-category separately.

Put ideas for working group meeting, including suggested speakers, should go in this topic:

Shared Experiments

@LaurieM: Want people to use it. Needs to be fair. There are instructions on how to put forward an experiment to use WG resources:

@LaurieM: Ideally if this is done early enough can discuss and decide between proposals. If done late, becomes first-come first-service. Currently lagging putting projects together.

Three experiments used WG resources, two of them were described here

@ars599: Would be good to have other people than just ACCESS-CM2 using this time.

Science talk

@lynnzhou (Bureau) “ACCESS-MICAS: a forecast-based tool for event attribution”

What’s going on?

@dkhutch have a Miocene test case running. Significant step forward.

See related topics:

This is a wiki post , if you want to update any of the details in these meeting notes, or to add your own recollection of what was discussed then edit me