CMIP7 Announce

Update on CMIP7 plans

An update on CMIP7 plans was given at the Earth System Working Group meeting on 9th May 2024. The slides and notes are available here.

We are now aiming for two submissions to CMIP7:

  • ACCESS-ESM3 (with 0.25 degree ocean) and
  • ACCESS-ESM1.6 (with 1 degree ocean).

The addition of ACCESS-ESM1.6 is to ensure an ACCESS contribution to the CMIP7 Fast Track, given the tight timeline for this component of CMIP7. ACCESS-ESM1.6 is intended to be a relatively small upgrade to ACCESS-ESM1.5 to avoid (as much as possible) compromising the ACCESS-ESM3 CMIP7 effort, while acknowledging resource constraints.

If you are interested in the scope of ACCESS-ESM1.6 or in helping to run Fast Track experiments with ACCESS-ESM1.6, please provide input through the Hive Forum topic : ACCESS-ESM1.6 scope and use for CMIP7 Fast Track.

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