Date: 9/5/2024
Participants: 20
Chair: @eunpalim
1. Admin
- @Dietmar_Dommenget has volunteered to talk next (May 23rd), and @ctychung the following meeting (June 6th). There are no speakers after that. Please do volunteer to present your science. Message @Aidan or any of the co-chairs.
- Remember to add any items you want this WG to discuss to ideas for topics
- The ACCESS Community Workshop is in Canberra again, 2-5th September. @dkhutch is on the organising committee and will give an update.
- Only met once so far.
- Plan is for a similar structure to the last workshop.
- Want to know what things went well, and any other ideas send to @dkhutch or working group chairs. Want to know how it went, and how it could be better.
- ESM Working Group got a lot of value out of a working group meeting at last workshop. Have indicated would like another WG meeting at this workshop. Ocean and Land unlikely to have a WG meeting at the workshop. Potentially an opportunity to entrain some of the community who might otherwise attend other WG meetings.
- Need a student representative for the organising committee. Please suggest someone else or yourself.
2. Shared experiments/ACCESS-NRI resources
- ESM project
has used 1.4MSU out of 1.9MSU allocation. We have asked, and received, two additional allocations of compute quota (total 1.1MSU extra).
Mostly used by @Dietmar_Dommenget and will use the remaining resources. There may be more resources available. @Dietmar_Dommenget could use another 1-2MSU if available.
- 26TB our of 100TB used of quota on
- Any proposals for shared experiments for next quarter? See guidelines for how to do this.
- Quick update from Dietmar (@Dietmar_Dommenget) about his Idealised World Experimentrunning under
@Dietmar_Dommenget will give a full report of the experiments in a presentation in the next meeting. Have done 3 experiments. Not yet analysed in depth, but seem to be working correctly.
3. Science talk
Spencer Wong: “Coupling a shallow water model to the UM atmosphere”
- Couple a shallow water model (thermocline depth) to UM. Want UM interacting with thermocline anomalies the atmosphere model sees.
- Aim is to couple a simple ocean model to a complex atmosphere, enabling idealised experiments
- Shallow water model exists as a stand-alone implementation using a 1x1 degree between 51S and 51N. Using forced wind stress anomalies can reproduce ENSO behaviour.
- Utilised an existing slab ocean implementation directly within UM, and replaced with shallow water model.
- Many technical challenges: adding prognostic variables, grid differences, parallelisation issues
- River routing model runs on a 1x1 degree grid, included prognostic variables, machinery for creating prognostic variables, serialising code and regridding routines. Copied and utilised this existing code.
- Is a gather → calculate → scatter operation.
- Performs much better than slab model
- Peaks in Niño 3.4 autocorrelations are slimmer than in observations: El Niño/La Niña don’t persist as long as observed. More work required.
- 2-3KSU for 50 year run. Throughput is 1-1.5 days per 50 years.
4. CMIP7 Update
@RachelLaw gave an update on plans for the ACCESS CMIP7 submission:
CMIP7-update-May2024.pdf (580.9 KB)
- DECK is consistent with previous CMIP cycles with addition of historical. Note piControl and emissions-driven esm-piControl (interactive carbon cycle).
- AR7 Fast Track is from a range of MIPs, but geared towards next IPCC report. Should be completed by end of 2026.
- 6 scenarios. Recommendation to be emissions driven.
- Thinking about feasible model development timeline. Still aiming for ESM3 for wider CMIP7. Hesitant about committing for fast-track.
- ESM1.6 would derive cleanly from ESM1.5. Would be close to current configuration of CABLE but with some updates to land-use.
- Thinking about a fast track submission with ESM1.6.
- ESM1.6 1 degree ocean, CABLE3
- ESM3 0.25 degree ocean, CABLE4
- Don’t have resources for large changes to physics for ESM1.6. Do want to identify any outstanding issues or fixes.
- The earlier the submission is in the more uptake from the community. Definitely want an ACCESS model in the fast-track. Don’t want to detract from ESM3.
- Have not currently got the resources we would need for a more ambitious ESM3 on Fast Track timeline.
- @JulieA Here’s a writeup from the recent CMIP meeting for those interested:
- @Aidan Some bugs with Ocean BGC that need fixing. ESM3 should be done well, and not necessarily beholding to CMIP cycles. ESM3 might not run fast enough for Paleo work.
- @RachelLaw scenario MIP is always higher priority and a lot of projection work flows from it. Community can run whatever MIP experiments were of interest.
- @RachelLaw None of currently planned models go beyond N96 resolution because it is too expensive for CMIP7 but ESM3 would provide a code base for higher resolution work (e.g. for Weather of the 21st Century COE).
This is a wiki post , if you want to update any of the details in these meeting notes, or to add your own recollection of what was discussed then edit me rather than replying.