ESM Working Group Announce

ESM Working Group Meeting

This is a reminder the next ESM Working Group meeting is on tomorrow, Thursday 23rd May at 1:00pm (2024-05-23T03:00:00Z) on Zoom:.

** For a calendar invite, simply click on the relevant calendar link below **


1. Admin

  • Speakers: Christine Chung from the Bureau has volunteered for the next meeting (June 6th). There are no speakers after that. Please do volunteer to present your science. Message co-chairs or @Aidan to discuss.
  • Remember to add any items you want to discuss in these meetings to ideas for topics
  • Save the date: ACCESS Community Workshop 2-5 September. The planning committee is seeking ideas for (a) invited speakers and (b) breakout topics. Need ESM ideas for both of those things.
  • We need to form an organising committee for the ESM Working Group’s own workshop. Last year we had a half-day, with Wilma as lead organiser, but she is on parental leave this year.

2. Shared experiments/ACCESS-NRI resources

  • ESM project lg87 has used 1.74MSU out of 1.9MSU allocation. We have asked, and received, two additional allocations of compute quota (total 1.1MSU extra). Unlikely to be more available this quarter
  • 26TB our of 100TB used of quota on /g/data/
  • Any proposals for shared experiments for next quarter? See guidelines for how to do this.

3. Science talk

Dietmar Dommenget: “ENSO and tropical basin interactions in idealized worlds”

4. What’s going on?

Any news to share? Experiments being run? Ideas for collaborations?

Additional information

The guidelines for accessing working group compute resources outline a process for deciding who gets what.

Sharing your experiment with the community encourages collaborations, increasing the impact of your science. You can share an experiment by starting a new topic in this sub-category.

Notes from the previous ESM Working Group meeting.

Join the ESM Group! This will now also automatically subscribe you to this announce topic, and let you know when there are new topics in the Working Group categpory

Subscribe to the ESM Working Group calendar in your favourite calendaring app:

  1. ESM Working Group Meeting Calendar feed (right click on the link and copy the URL)
  2. Subscribe to the calendar in your calendar application